ATML Test Description

St Louis, MO, April 22, 2006

















Review changes

Discuss feedback from Candidate evaluation

Schedule for ballot




Ion presents current status.

  • Finalized & posted Candidate 6 of schema
  • Addresses issues discussed at last meeting, other problems discovered during Candidate evaluation
  • Completed Examples 2 and 3
  • Updated standard document
  • Regenerated from latest schema
  • Submitted to MEC
  • Completed Annex with Examples (almost…)
  • Technical and editorial review in progress
  • Started formation of ballot pool

The group reviews the changes made since the last meeting and resolution of action items.

Comparison with the UUT Description schema

Ion performed a comparison with the UUT Description schema that resulted from ballot. Results are summarized in a file that was posted in Groove. The group decided to add missing attributes where appropriate and to unify names.

AI - Ion to modify schema, as apprpriate

Missing types for TSF Library attributes

Attributes 'data_value' and 'int_rate' from STDTSFLib.xsd don’t have type. This happens because the signal attributes defined in STDTSFLib.xml don’t have a type. This should be corrected in the revision of 1641.

AI- Ion to bring up issue in 1641 WG meeting

Constraints for the order of Operations

Ion describes the issue. For example: signals are now defined by Setup operations, which must occur before Connect (in order for Connect to be able to reference the signal). The group decides that the standard should not impose such constraints. The design of the schema should be changed, using Local Signals (similar to Global Signals, but local to a Test.

AI - Ion to remove annotations that impose constraints for the order of operations (where appropriate).

AI - Ion to modify schema,implementing Local Signals. Adjust Examples.

Referencing of documents from free-form text fields

An annotation was added to the schema. Anand suggests using XPath, similar to other ATML schemas.

AI - Ion to modify schema annotation and provide example.

Problem: xsi:type for 'data_value' and 'int_rate' missing in STDTSFLib.xsd

Chris indicates that xs:string should be assumed for attributes for which a type is not specified.

AI - Bring up the issue in the 1641 WG meeting

Test Outcome not referenced in Example 1

Anand noticed that in Example 1 Outcome t8o1 of test8 is not referenced. This is correct according to the test strategy (in principle, that outcome should never occur at that point in the strategy). At the same time, it is inconsistent with the rule that requires one Result under Step for each possible Outcome of the Test that is referenced by the Step.

This should be an Error outcome, but this would be inconsistent with the TestResults schema. The idea was rejected at the time the TestResults schema was developed.

The group decides that Aborted with an “Error” qualifier may be used.

AI - Ion to add to Example, describe in Annex B.

Outcome value + qualifier should be unique

Anand noticed that Test Groups have Outcomes with identical values (“Failed” and no qualifier. This creates a problem when test groups are called from Tests, as the mapping to Test Outcomes is based on value + qualifier.

AI - Ion to add rule to standard draft, update Examples, describe in Annex B.

Use of StdSignalStimulusDescription

Anand points out that the type (as defined) does not carry relevant information. Ion suggests adding child element NominalValue, to make it more relevant. This would also be consistent with doubleDescription ands imilar types. The group agrees.

AI - Ion to change schema.

Cardinality of “choice” in StdSignalStimulus and StdSignalMeasurement

Anand suggests that multiple elements are not necessary. None of the participants can identify a use case where multiple elements are needed. The group decided to change maxOcc to 1.

AI - Ion to change schema.

Examples in Annex B

Ion presents the design features that are not yet covered in Annex B Examples. Several group members point out that Examples do not need to cover all design features. Making available instance documents (without describing them in the standard) is acceptable.