Solutions – Upper-Intermediate

Unit 3

Unit 3: Fromcradleto grave


Exercise 1

  1. f infancy
  2. a childhood
  3. c adolescence
  4. d adulthood
  5. e middleage
  6. b oldage

Exercise 2

Infancy = baby

Childhood = toddler, child, kid

Adolescence = adolescent, teenager, youth

Adulthood = young man/woman

Old age = OAP, the elderly

Exercise 3

  1. was born
  2. toddler
  3. was brought up
  4. moved
  5. grew up
  6. left
  7. gaining
  8. gotmarried
  9. settled down
  10. started
  11. thirties
  12. changed
  13. retired
  14. passedaway
  15. was buried

Exercise 4

  1. b
  2. c
  3. a
  4. d
  5. a


Exercise 1

  1. I’ll – b
  2. I’mgoingto – e
  3. Does ben’s flight – g
  4. I’mgoingto – d
  5. Are youdoing – f
  6. I won’ttell – c
  7. I’ll pass – a

Exercise 2

  1. is goingto go to a (Coldplay) concert, starts at 8
  2. is goingtostudymedicine at Manchester, course lasts
  3. is seeing/goingtosee a friend / goingaway, ‘ll go to the cinema with
  4. are goingto have a baby, ‘re goingto call him, ‘llprobably call her

Exercise 3

  1. apologises
  2. finishes/has finished
  3. blows/has blown
  4. finish/’vefinished
  5. see
  6. ‘vepacked
  7. rains
  8. read/’veread

Exercise 4

  1. We won’tplay tennis unlessit’ssunnytomorrow.
  2. I won’t let youstay out untilyou are sixteen.
  3. I’llgiveyouyour camera back as soon as I’ve taken the photo.
  4. I’llcookdinnerafter John’s got/John gets home.
  5. I won’t hang the washing out in case itrains.
  6. You must eateverythingbeforeyouleave the table.
  7. I won’tbuyyou a cake unlessyoubehaveyourself.
  8. Don’tdecidewhatto do untilyou’vethought hard about it.


Exercise 2

  1. 40
  2. 101
  3. More thantwomillion
  4. He wantedtogiveoldpeople a voice
  5. It has broughthim back to life

Exercise 3

  1. bashing
  2. jetting off
  3. past it
  4. like a madthing
  5. stuck in a rut
  6. dumped
  7. guy

Exercise 4

  1. Tina
  2. Molly
  3. Roger

Exercise 5

  1. save
  2. increase
  3. grown, moved
  4. pay
  5. visit
  6. take
  7. do


Exercise 2


Exercise 3

  1. b
  2. d
  3. a
  4. d
  5. c

Exercise 4

  1. turn into
  2. grow up
  3. get on with
  4. come down to
  5. end up
  6. bring out
  7. storm out
  8. answer back

Exercise 5

  1. teenagers are verydifficult te deal with
  2. I persuadesomebodyto do what I want
  3. made me veryangry/frustrated
  4. a big problem
  5. feeling thatyoucantrydoingthings in a different way
  6. stop beingsoprotective

Exercise 6

  1. moody
  2. argumentative
  3. responsible
  4. unpredictable
  5. confusing
  6. reasonable
  7. combative
  8. various


Exercise 1

  1. bearriving
  2. have been travelling
  3. bewanting
  4. have eaten
  5. besitting

Exercise 2

  1. b, d and e
  2. c
  3. a

Exercise 4

  1. will, bedoing
  2. ‘ll, beplaying
  3. will, have finished
  4. will have been studying
  5. will, beleaving
  6. I won’t have got back
  7. will, bewearing

Exercise 5

  1. What time willyoubegoingto bed this evening?
  2. How willyoubegetting home this evening?
  3. Whatwillyoubedoingthis evening?
  4. Whowillyoubeseeing at the weekend?
  5. Will youbegoing out in Saturdaynight?
  6. Whatwillyoubewearingto school tomorrow?


Exercise 4

  1. M
  2. H
  3. M
  4. H
  5. H
  6. M
  7. H
  8. M

Exercise 6

Beginning the debate: First of all, I’dliketo say…

Givingopinions: The way I look at it, …

Givingexamples: For instance …

Givingadditional information: It’s also the case that …

Disagreeing: Thatisn’thow I seeit at all.

3G: Writing Analysis

Exercise 1

  1. B
  2. A
  3. C
  4. D
  5. A

Exercise 2

  1. amvery fond of
  2. get on really well
  3. skinny
  4. in a goodmood
  5. is good company
  6. has the knack of
  7. put people at theirease
  8. have a gentle side
  9. see more of her

Exercise 3

General appearance: scruffy, good-looking

Heightandbuild: slim

Face andcomplexion: moustache, wrinkles, dark-skinned, rosy-cheeked, round-faced

Hair: bald, wavy, fair

Exercise 5

Goodqualities: artistic, conscientious, decisive, diligent, frank, imaginative, shrewd, tolerant, witty

Bad qualities: argumentative, bossy, quick-tempered, stubborn

Sometimesgood, sometimes bad: emotional, perfectionist, shrewd, sensitive, stubborn

Grammar Builder 3.1

  1. ’m going, does (the film) start
  2. will win
  3. ‘m going, ‘ll post
  4. I’lltry
  5. is taking, is (he) goingto do
  6. ‘m goingtobe sick
  7. won’tforget

Grammar Builder 3.3


  1. She’llbehaving a shower
  2. She’llbehaving/eatingbreakfast
  3. She’llbegoingtowork
  4. She’llbe meeting her manager
  5. She’llbehaving/eating lunch


  1. will have started
  2. will have been living
  3. will have scored
  4. will have been working
  5. will have been playing
  6. will (she) have taken
  7. will have tidied
  8. will have known

Vocabulary Builder 3.1


  1. 1
  2. 3
  3. 4
  4. 5
  5. 2
  6. 6
  7. 10
  8. 8
  9. 7
  10. 9


  1. put up with
  2. gets (me) down
  3. put (his success) down to
  4. held up
  5. putting (me) down
  6. set up
  7. cut down
  8. own up
  9. look down on
  10. doing up

Vocabulary Builder 3.2










  1. eventful
  2. replaceable
  3. hairy
  4. endless
  5. magical
  6. creative
  7. religious


  1. reliable
  2. healthy
  3. harmful
  4. homeless
  5. musical
  6. repetitive
  7. famous