Level 1 Award in Anti-Social Behaviour Awareness Content Information

Qualification summary

Key information

Pearson SRF BTEC Level 1 Award in Anti-Social Behaviour Awareness
Total Notional Learning Hours (NLH) / 10
Overall qualification grading information / Pass

Aim of the qualification

This Pearson SRF BTEC Level 1 Award in Anti-Social Behaviour Awareness is for learners who work in community safety or deal with community safety/anti-social behavioural issues.

It gives learners the opportunity to:

●develop knowledge about what constitutes Anti- Social Behaviour

●develop knowledge to identify of vulnerable victims

●develop skills in recording and referring anti-social behaviour incidents

The ability to successfully address antisocial-behaviour requires: an awareness of what anti-social behaviour is and how differing forms are defined; the impact that the various forms have on the lives of people affected by it; and how to record it once it has come to their attention. This unit will provide learners with knowledge of: the various defined forms of anti-social behaviour; how to identify vulnerable victims; and how to record anti-social behaviour so that an appropriate response can be generated to deal with it. It is an essential requirement that learners will be tasked to complete 3 hours of pre-reading and attend 7 hours of taught learning. In this unit the learners will explore a common definition of antisocial behaviour and guidance as to how it is to be interpreted and also the opportunity to investigate three sub categories of anti-social behaviour, being nuisance, environmental and targeted anti-social behaviour will be identified and explained. Knowledge of how to identify vulnerable victims will be taught together with the 3 broad factors that make victims at higher risk; being history, vulnerability & support. The course will provide knowledge of the importance of accurate record keeping and appropriate referrals..

Outcomes of learning and assessment criteria

To pass this unit, the learner needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the outcomes of learning which are assessed by learners completing a worksheet at the end of the day. This is marked in plenary and debriefed. Learners who do not demonstrate understanding of an objective are further instructed by the tutor and if this understanding is achieved the learner will receive a pass.

This Unit has 3 high level Learning Objectives/Outcomes

Outcome of learning 1

The learner will be able to recognise anti-social behaviour

Assessment criteria

1.1 Learners will be able to describe using the given options the correct definition of Anti-social behaviour

1.2 Learners will be able to describe three categories into which anti-social behaviour is divided

Outcome of learning 2

The learner will be able to undertake a victim risk assessment

Assessment criteria

2.1 Learners will be able complete a victim risk assessment matrix correctly identifying a low risk victim

2.2 Learners will be able to complete a victim risk assessment matrix correctly identifying a high risk victim

Outcome of learning 3

The learner will be able to understand how to refer cases of anti-social behaviour

Assessment criteria

3.1 Learners will be able to describe the steps to take in the working environment when being made aware of cases of anti-social behaviour

3.2 Learners will be able to describe when anti-social behaviour can be referred

The course is delivered at an easy pace over 1 day. Learners are asked to review prior to attendance any conditions of tenancy, ASB and animal policies relevant to their organisation and bring this documentation with them to discuss over the course of the day. They are also asked to read the Home Office guidance in relation to the new Powers as implemented by the ASB Crime & Policing Act 2014.

Minimum unit content for Outcome 1

ASB definition:

●the generalised definition of anti-social behaviour

●home office guidance in relation to anti-social behaviour

●environmental anti-social behaviour

●nuisance behaviour

●targeted anti-social behaviour

Minimum unit content for Outcome 2


●identifying when to complete a harm & risk matrix

●properly completing a harm & risk assessment matrix

identifying high risk victims of anti-social behaviour

Minimum unit content for Outcome 3


●records and procedures

●information exchange protocols

●internal referrals

●external referrals

Case studies can come from the trainer and/or the learners who are encouraged to discuss and share any experience that they have.