Work Cited Cards

Work Cited Cards

Outline and Notecards

“Bag the Beam”

  1. Sky Glow
  1. Problems
  1. Commercial Lighting
  2. Costs
  3. Pollution from power plants
  4. Ecological/wildlife threat
  1. Solutions
  1. Alternate types
  2. State Laws
  3. Education

D.Dark Sky Preserve

Lyons 14 /

Header, ½” right aligned. Next

Numbered page after the body.
Works Cited
“Abolitionist Movement.” Compton’s Interactive Encyclopedia. CD-ROM. The Learning Company, 1999. /

Encyclopedia on a CD

Bachrach, Deborah. Charge of the Light Brigade. San Diego: Lucent Books, 1997. /

Book, one author

Botkin, Albert. ed. Treasury of American Folklore. New York: Crown, 1994. /

Book, with an editor, use this only if you are citing from the editor

Conseco, Jose and Dave McKay. Strength Training for Baseball. New York: Perigee, 1990. /

Book, two authors

Crowder, Richard. Carl Sandburg. Twayne’s U.S. Author’s Ser. 47. Boston: Twayne, 1964. / Book in a series
(Most are not numbered)
“Demonstration effect.” Harper’s June 2003: 9-11. /

Magazine, no author

Derfner, L. “Road Map to Nowhere?” U.S. News & World Report 12 May 2003: 14-18. / Magazine, author given
Feller, Greg. Personal Interview. 5 Jan. 2004. / Interview
Hatch, David. “Drug Company Ethics.” The CQ Researcher. 6 June 2003: 521-544. Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly Inc., 2003. / CQ (author given)
Use for Issues and Controversies substituting the correct information.
“John, King of England.” The Middle Ages. Ed. William Chester Jordan. Vol. 3. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1996. / Specialized encyclopedia or 1 vol. reference book (omitting vol. no.), no author
Larson, Eugene. “Eamon DeValera is Elected President of the Irish Dail.” Chronology of European History, 15,000 B.C. to 1997. Ed. John Powell. Vol. 3. Englewood Cliffs: Salem Press, 1997. / Specialized encyclopedia or 1 vol. reference book (omitting vol. no.), author given.
“Mark Twain Papers & Project.” 1 April 2004 < / Internet site – include author first if given
Mayer, George H. “Republican Party.” Encyclopedia Americana. 2004 ed. /

General encyclopedia, author given

Lyons 15
“Medicine.” World Book Encyclopedia. 2004 ed. /

General encyclopedia, no author

Morrison, Blake. “Sierra Fire Continues Rampage.” USA Today 31 July 2000: 10A. / Newspaper with lettered sections.
Olson, Charles. “Call Me Ishmael.” Herman Melville. Ed. Harold Bloom. Modern Critical Views. New York: Chelsea House, 1986. / Separately authored chapters, including editor and series
Ranson, Nicholas. “The Homecoming.” Masterplots II: Drama Series. Ed. Christian H. Moe. Vol. 2. Hackensack: Salem Press, 2004. /

Critical Surveys & Masterplots

Rust, Richard D. “Washington Irving.” American Short Story Writers Before 1880. Ed. Bobby Ellen Kimbel. Dictionary of Literary Biography.Vol. 74. Detroit: Gale, 1988. /

Dictionary of Literary Biography

Thompson, Richard. “Lost at Sea: Where is All the Plastic?” Science 7 May 2004: 838. Masterfile Select. EBSCOhost. Warsaw Middle/High Lib. 2 June 2004. / Periodical article from a subscription service.

Parenthetical Documentation

Every one will document a statistic! You may document more than one.

You may document an opinion. The Exxon spill is the worst environmental disaster in history (Nalder).

  • Use the author's last name and the page number in the parentheses. Do not put a comma in between them. For example: Only 8,500 objects of the 25,000 recorded are still in space (Chiles 47).
  • When there is no author, use the first word (or first few words) of the title of the book or article (article title words in quotations). About 2/3 of all SO2 and 1/4 of all NOx comes from electric power generation that relies on burning fossil fuels like coal (What is acid).