1/8/07 par

CQI Steering Committee Meeting

January 8, 2007, 3:30 - 5:00 pm

LA 8th Floor Conference Room


Present: Sharon Hobbs, Eakle Barfield, Vern Gagnon, Rachel Schaffer, Dave Sullivan, Brent Roberts, Matt Redinger, Valerie Martinez, Mary Susan Fishbaugh, Mike Campbell, Karen Heikel, Patty Rukstad, Tasneem Khaleel, Stacy Klippenstein

FYI - Treats provided by Patty Rukstad. Thank youJ

1.  Update on schedule for Spring 2007.

Mary Susan said the template has been revised and submitted to the deans. Stacy Klippenstein has made some suggested changes and Mary Susan will incorporate them on the template.

Mary Susan said the CQI steering committee continues to meet but she believes the group is familiarized with the standards now. It is time to start writing the drafts. In order to be prepared for the Mock Visit in October 2007, we need to create a ridged timeline for the Spring Semester. Therefore, the meeting schedule for Spring was revised to allow sub-committee members to work on the standards. The changes are as follows:

Date / Time / Bldg / Room / Treats by
Monday, Jan 22, 2007 / 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm / LA / 8th Floor Conf Room / Matt Redinger / Cancelled
Monday, Feb 5, 2007 / 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm / COE / 122 / Dave Sullivan
Monday, Feb 19, 2007-no classes/offices open / 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm / LA / 8th Floor Conf Room / Mary Susan & Tasneem / Cancelled
Monday, Mar 5, 2007 - week of Spring Break / 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm / COE / 122 / Brent Roberts / Cancelled
Monday, Mar 19, 2007 / 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm / LA / 8th Floor Conf Room / Matt Redinger
Monday, Apr 2, 2007 / 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm / COE / 122 / James Ellis / Cancelled
Monday, Apr 16, 2007 / 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm / LA / 8th Floor Conf Room / Valerie Martinez
Monday, Apr 30, 2007 / 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm / COE / 122 / Brent Roberts

With the revised meeting schedule we will include the following timelines:

Drafts of the Standards completed by March 19th (email to Patty with copies to Mary Susan and Tasneem). Also include an exhibit list to review at this meeting.

Mary Susan and Tasneem will review the standards by the April 16th meeting and bring feedback to the committee members with possibly more refinements of the drafts for the April 30th meeting.

CQI Steering Committee Meeting

January 8, 2007, 3:30 - 5:00 pm

LA 8th Floor Conference Room


The standard documents should be in narrative format. The editorial committee will prepare the self-study report. Be sure to base the narrative on the required and suggested materials. If there is information that is needed to complete the standard document please send a request for information to Patty with copies to Tasneem and Mary Susan.

For information – the Institutional Report (IR) should be about 250 pages with 50% of it being data, 20% narrative and 30% describing what we do with the data and information.

Agenda for February 5th meeting

1.  Report/Feedback from Self-Study Training (Rachel Schaffer, Vern Gagnon, Eakle Barfield, Karen Heikel)

2.  Progress on Surveys

3.  Progress on Standard Drafts

4.  Report from COB faculty regarding AACSB Accreditation. Invite Mary McNally and Barbara Wheeling to the meeting on February 5th to give an update on the AACSB Accreditation. (COT to give update on accreditations at the March 19th meeting and NCATE-COE at the April 16th meeting.)

2.  Other items.

The committee reviewed the list of goals for Fall 2006 and created a list of goals for Spring 2007 as follows:



GOALS Timeline

1.  First draft of each standard entered in the template. Timeline – by mid October. Will have first drafts completed by March 19th.

2.  First Tuesday of each month Mary Susan and Tasneem will meet with the Cabinet to update on the steering committee progress and also to discuss Standards 1, 6 & 9. Timeline – each month. They have met twice with the Cabinet and will meet with them again on 1/9/07 regarding the Mission/Vision/Core Values/Strategic Initiatives Statement.

3.  Implement Alumni Survey, NSSE, Employer Survey. Timeline – The Alumni Survey – is ready to go per Mike Campbell. The Engagement Letter just needs to be signed off and processed for initial payment. Employer Survey - Dave and Sheila have met with Joe Floyd and staff from Job Service and are in the process of narrowing down the list to 100 top employers of MSU Billings graduates. NSSE, FSSE and CSSE Surveys - Patty will check with Michael Barber on the timelines and distribute the timelines to the committee members.

CQI Steering Committee Meeting

January 8, 2007, 3:30 - 5:00 pm

LA 8th Floor Conference Room


4.  Climate Survey (Employee Survey). Timeline – The survey will go out January 17th and will close on January 31, 2007.

5.  Board of Regents Reviews. Timeline – The timeline has been submitted.

6.  Formation of Partners for Change Committees. Timeline – Task forces are up and running. Tasneem and Mary Susan will be meeting with the Task Force Co-Chairs towards the end of February and the end of the semester for updates.

7.  Evaluator Training for Mary Susan and Tasneem. Timeline – beginning of November. Completed.

8.  Feedback on Evaluation Committee Assignments. Timeline – by September 24th. Not sure about this one? Note-after the meeting Tasneem remembered that it was the assignments (by department/area) for each of the NWCCU Evaluators. This has been completed and sent to Dr. Baker by Dr. White.

9.  Review program review documents from departments. Timeline – by mid October. Completed.


1. Complete drafts of Standards.

2. Finalize arrangements for Mock Reviews (October 15-18, 2007).

3. Matrix and timeline of Annual Reports.

4. List of Exhibits in electronic format by March 19th.

5. Self-Study Training for Eakle Barfield, Vern Gagnon, Karen Heikel, Cheri Johannes

and Rachel Schaffer.

6. Surveys administered.

7. Annual Review Templates – due to Mary Susan and Tasneem by end of April.

8. Partners for Change

**Summer CQI Meetings will be spent getting the draft ready to submit to NWCCU for Mock Visit.

CQI Steering Committee Meeting

January 8, 2007, 3:30 - 5:00 pm

LA 8th Floor Conference Room


Surveys – Patty will work on getting a schedule of specific timelines for each of the surveys and distribute among the CQI members. There was discussion about having IRB approval for each of the surveys. Patty will check on that also. There was also discussion about too many surveys happening at the same time. Rachel offered to put together a CQI article about the importance of the surveys. We need to inform employees that we are going to use the information from the surveys to improve conditions and the education environment of MSU Billings. In the February bulletin we will include a list of what surveys will be coming out and the approximate dates.

Annual Reports serve two purposes:

1.  Building programs for the 7-year cyclic review

2.  How programs are incorporating the annual report for improvement.

Completing the report each year is building programs for the 7-year cyclic review. When the program’s review comes up we will have the CQI reports to use for the review. Last year started the cycle and each year it is evolving for future reviews.

There was discussion on the instruments for evaluating/assessment tools. CLA - “How can this be compiled with 100 sampling? We need to make decision on if it is worth it. CLA impact on colleges - CLA should give narrow sample of graduate outcomes. Purpose of CLA – is it worth it?

Mike Campbell said that the new Dean of COB, Dr. Gary Young, is questioning how AACSB fits in with CQI. There was discussion about needing engagement with the COB AACSB accreditation. We will invite COB faculty involved with AACSB to the CQI meeting. Patty will invite Mary McNally and Barbara Wheeling to the February 5th CQI meeting so they can give an overview of their accreditation process.

There was discussion about getting information IT in a timely fashion and the concern for Linda Wham being able to get the required information to committee members. The revised template needs to be given to Linda as soon as possible in order for her to be prepared for requests for information.

George White reminded the individuals that will be attending the NWCCU Self-Study training in Seattle Washington on February 1-2, 2007, to be sure to ask questions about completing the institutional report, specifically if the ratio of 50%, 20%, 30% is still valid.

3.  Next Meeting - February 5, 2007

3:30 pm – 5:00 pm

COE Room 122

Treats – Dave Sullivan

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