Relationship with Our World

Connecting with Missionaries

  • I will support a missionary or two:

Who? ______

How? ______

Financial support

  • I will look for ways to support meaningful ministries – locally or globally

Organization/cause? ______

How much? ______

Organization/cause? ______

How much? ______

Organization/cause? ______

How much? ______



Reading/Listening Plan for this area:

  • ______
  • ______

Spiritual growth plan Questions

1. What do you most regret about last year and what will you do to change things this year?

2. What is the biggest time-waster in your life and what will you do about it this year?

3. If those who know you best gave you one piece of advice, what would they say and what will you do about it?

4. What promises (see Isaiah 40-66) do you need to claim/blessings do you need to seek from God in prayer this year? (What is the most humanly impossible thing you will ask God to do this year?)

5. Who most needs your encouragement/ mentoring this year and how will you go about doing this for them?

6. What are some changes you will make to improve the quality of your family life this year?

7. How will you join God in His mission to bless the broken and heal the hurting so that others will come to know Jesus as Savior and Lord?

8. How will you grow in your generosity to your church and other ministries this year? (Think priority giving –Matthew 6:33; percentage giving – Malachi 3:8-10; and progressive giving – II Peter 3:18).

9. Who will hold you accountable to implement your spiritual growth plan and who will you hold accountable?

Spiritual Growth Plan 2013

Overall Goal:To grow in my

love for God, for others, for the world.

Relationship with God

Bible Reading Plan

  • I will choose the following Bible Reading Plan:


  • Below is my Scripture Memory plan:




  • I will develop the following Personal Prayer Plan:

Time: ______

Plan: ______

  • I will grow in my Prayer life by:


  • I will connect with the following Corporate Prayer Opportunities: ______


Spiritual Gifts

  • I will discover/determine my Spiritual Gifts

My Spiritual Gifts include: ______


I will use my Spiritual gifts by: ______


Believer’s Baptism

  • I will take the Baptism class ______
  • I will be baptized – when:______



Reading/Listening Plan for this area:

  • ______
  • ______

Relationship with Family

With Spouse

  • I will nurture my relationship with my spouse by: ______



  • I will enhance our spiritual relationship together by: ______



With children

  • I will nurture my relationship with my children by: ______



  • I will enhance our spiritual relationship together by: ______



  • I will lead my children spiritually by: ______




Reading/Listening Plan for this area:

  • ______
  • ______

Relationship with Church

Connecting with Church

  • I will worship together with the church family by: ______
  • I will connect and grow with the church family by: ______


  • I will take the Membership class ______
  • I will become a Member– when:______


  • I will use my spiritual gifts and natural talents to serve by: ______
  • I will use my spiritual gifts and natural talents to lead by: ______


  • I will trust God to provide for all my needs as I faithfully and regularly give to the church:

How much? What percentage? ______

  • I will prayerfully consider how much to give in the Praise Offering at the end of October: ____


  • I will find someone to meet with regularly to mentor/disciple me.

Who? ______How often to meet? _____

What will be our goals? ______

  • I will find someone to meet with regularly to mentor/disciple them.

Who? ______How often to meet? ______What will be our goals? ______



Reading/Listening Plan for this area:

  • ______
  • ______

Relationship with Our Community

Community Involvement/Serving

  • I will serve in the community by: ______
  • I will support the community by: ______


  • I will be a good neighbor/friend by:



  • I will introduce my neighbors/friends to Jesus Christ by:


  • I will build my Top Ten Friends Prayer List:
  • ______
  • ______
  • ______
  • ______
  • ______
  • ______
  • ______
  • ______
  • ______
  • ______



Reading/Listening Plan for this area:

  • ______
  • ______