Committee Meeting

June 20, 2012

The Committee Meeting of the Lafourche Basin Levee District met at the official domicile of the Board in Vacherie, Louisiana and was called to order by its Chairman Robert LeBlanc at 6:00 pm.

The following Commissioners were in attendance: Stanley Folse, Robert LeBlanc, Warner Sylvain, John Boughton, Wayne Waguespack. Vice-President, Leonce Carmouche, Russell Loupe, President Joseph Dantin, Dale Dennis, Sr., William Sirmon, Jr. were absent. Randy Trosclair, Executive Director was present. Larry Buquoi and External Accountant Clinton Rouyea were absent.

There were no audience comments on agenda items.

The Equipment Committee Report: Chairman Robert LeBlanc asked Commissioner John Boughton to present the report due to the absence of Commissioner Carmouche. Mr. Boughton stated that all of the district’s equipment is presently operational. He further reported that we are still awaiting delivery of one new forklift and one new 6430 John Deere 4-wheel drive tractor with a hydraulic boom mower attached. He said we should receive them sometime in July.

Personnel Committee Report: Chairman Robert LeBlanc asked Commissioner Stanley Folse to present the report due to the absence of Commissioner Russell Loupe. Mr. Folse said that Randy advised Mr. Loupe that he has accepted the resignation of our Administrative Assistant 2 (Kathy Ponville) effective June 21, 2012. Randy will have the Human Resource Department advertise the position through the Louisiana Department of Civil Service in Baton Rouge and the announcement will be closed on June 29, 2012. After that the interview process will begin.

Safety Committee Report: Chairman LeBlanc called on Commissioner Waguespack to present the report due to the absence of Commissioner Dale Dennis, Sr. Mr. Waguespack said we have no lost time accidents to report to the Board. The last safety meeting for the maintenance department was held on June 14, 2012, at 6:00 a.m. Three films from the National Safety Council were shown and discussed: Heat Stress, Hand Power Tool Safety, and Controlling Tardiness. The next safety meeting is scheduled for July 19, 2012 at 6:00 a.m.

Since there was no other Committee matters to discuss, Stanley Folse, moved to adjourn and was seconded by Commissioner Wayne Waguespack.

Meeting adjourned

Executive Director
