Position: Gym Coordinator


  1. Secure Gyms for the Chapter
  2. Provide interface with gym providers. You need to get contact information and meet each of them. Attached (see Gym Contact list) is the current list of the primary contacts. There are additional conditions and political considerations for each gym.
  3. Apply for gym time
  4. Be very early! Many groups want the time
  5. Kiss butt. We get gym at the providers leisure
  6. Key gyms are Blach, Egan, Peterson, and Fremont
  7. Maximize affordability of gyms (price)
  8. Be aware of gym size and capacity
  9. Better to overbook
  10. Multiple gyms at a facility often are the best bargain
  11. Factor in custodial, application, and fixed fees
  12. Always go back to operators and see if you can extend hours, even additional 30 minutes
  13. Need one Sunday game slot for every two teams (CRITICAL)
  1. Scout for new Gyms

Cold call. Search all leads. Ask for contacts, but in truth you can get just as far by showing up and talking to the secretary at the facility. Just go there.

  1. Make the Practice schedule
  2. High School sized main gyms should always be split by two teams
  3. Small gyms should not be split before January (only D2 and D3 may split)
  4. Reduction in space or times starts with D3 and moves up through all ranks
  5. Ideal is two 1.5 hour practice slots for Division and 2 hours for All Net.
  6. Front load time before January when recreation leagues start
  7. Make a practice grid spread sheet (see templates, borrow last years)
  8. Be fair and balanced.
  9. All D1 teams need to be treated the same
  10. All D2 teams need to be treated the same
  11. All D3 teams need to be treated the same
  12. All Nets need to be all treated alike
  13. Exceptions:
  14. Non parent coaches get priority on preference
  15. Coaches with two teams must be accommodated
  16. Other exception will be defined by President or Director
  17. Be as early as possible with the schedule.
  18. Where possible meet coach preferences. (Only consider conflicts, do not consider “best” requests).
  19. Have no friends. Everyone you are fair to will respect you.
  20. Correct mistakes in scheduling ASAP. (With 49 teams they are inevitable)
  21. You give all coaches over 30 hours of gym time (at least $900 worth) and they will gripe. Smile.

Foothill NJB Gym Contacts

PetersonMiddle School (Sunnyvale)

1380 Rosalia Way, SunnyvaleCA94087

Big Gym and Small Gym

Santa Clara Unified School District

Sheila Morales

Principal: Dr. Steven

Coach: Rich Ceppetos

CupertinoMiddle School (Sunnyvale)

1650 South Bernardo Avenue, Sunnyvale, California94087

CupertinoUnionSchool District

Dorothy Julian (Julie)408-245-0303 x103

FremontHigh School (Sunnyvale)

1279 Sunnyvale-Saratoga Rd., Sunnyvale, California94087

Cheryl Stockhaus408-522-2400

SunnyvaleMiddle School (Sunnyvale)

1080 Mango Ave.,Avenue, Sunnyvale, California94087

ColumbiaMiddle School (Sunnyvale)

739 Morse Avenue, Sunnyvale, California94086

Kathy Roush408-522-8200 x243

SunnyvaleUnionSchool District

AMD/Columbia Community Center (Sunnyvale)

785 Morse Avenue, Sunnyvale, California94085-3010

Sunnyvale Recreation Department

Geraldo Cadenas408-523-8150

King’s Academy (Sunnyvale)

Private School

Vicki Lynn408-481-0158,

Administrative Assistant to the HS Athletic Director

Mountain ViewHigh School (Mountain View)

3535 Truman Ave, Mountain View, CA94040-4559

Big Gym and Small Gym

MountainView-LosAltoHighSchool District


BlachMiddle School (Los Altos)

EganMiddle School (Los Altos)

Small Gyms: Los AltosSchool District

Sandra Bush(650)

Administrative Secretary - Business Services(650) 947-0118 fax

Facilities (to open gym when code fails):Doris(650) 740-9145

BlachMiddle School (Los Altos)

EganMiddle School (Los Altos)

Big Gyms: Los Altos Recreation Department

Peggy Ford(650)

97 Hillview Ave.

Los Altos, CA 94022

Flex-It Gym

425 West Evelyn Ave, Mountain View

Steve Schulz(650)

Club of Mountain View

550 Showers Drive. Mountain View

Karen J. Dossee(650)

General Manager

Los AltosHigh School (Mountain View)

MountainView-LosAltoHighSchool District

Lee Ann Norkoski(650)

Mountain View Pavilion (Mountain View)

1185 Castro Street

WhismanCenter (Mountain View)

1500 Middlefield Road

Mountain View Recreation Department(650) 903-6407

PO Box 7540, Mountain View, CA94039-7540

Gym Rates (approximate):

Cupertino Middle$3.19 per hour

Flex-it$20 per hour

Club of Mountain View$50 per hour

Peterson Small$30 per hour(plus a flat janitorial fee of $25 per 3 hours for all rentals)

Peterson Main$50 per hour

Fremont Small$14.50 per hour(plus $40 per hour custodial for all rentals)

Fremont Main$14.50 per hour

Mountain View Small$12 per hour(plus $33 per hour for custodial for all rentals))

Mountain View Main$12 per hour

King’s Academy$35 per hour

Egan and Blach Large$40 per hour($20 for half gym; rate based on 51% Los Altos residency)

Egan and Blach Small$8.67 per hour(plus $40.30 to open gym, additional $5 each time slot over 2 hours)

MV Pavilion and Whisman$60.50 per hour(we have never been able to rent this facility)

ColumbiaCenter, Sunnyvale Middle($75 per hour for 51% Sunnyvale residency youth, $110 otherwise; additional $40 per hour for custodial at Columbia)

Going rates for a Large gym is about $50-55 per hour, For a Small gym $25-30 per hour. Always rent both gyms at a facility like MVHS, Peterson Middle