James H. Baker Sixth Grade Campus

La Porte, TX.

Orchestra Handbook

Mrs. Cristina Reyes-Hoffman, Orchestra Director

Mr. Kyle Floeck, Assistant Orchestra Director


Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  1. Class Description/ Course Requirements
  • Sourcing of Instruments
  • Method Books/ Course Equipment
  • Concert Attire
  1. Grading Procedures
  • Grading Scale
  • Homework
  • Concert Attendance Policy
  1. Classroom Rules and Procedures
  • Tardiness
  • Rehearsal & Concert Attendance Policies/Concert Etiquette
  1. Individual Progress
  • Chair Assignment
  • Private lessons
  • Tutorials
  1. Introduction

I would like to welcome you to the James H. Baker Orchestra Program for 2017-2018. As the beginner level orchestra director, I am looking forward to getting to know each and every one of my students and their parents and forming a solid orchestral program at the school.

Over the years, the Baker Orchestra has helped create a solid foundation for every student that participates within the La Porte I.S.D. Orchestra Program. Our goal is to ensure that each child reaches their individual musical potential in a positive learning environment.

This handbook is designed with both the student and parent in mind. Please read it carefully.

After you have read the handbook, you and your child should sign the information form and return it no later than: Friday, September 8th.

James H. Baker Orchestra

Schedule of Activities

Sept. 7th / 5:30-6:30 p.m. / Violin
Instrument Drive / Baker Cafeteria
Sept 7th / 6:45-7:45 p.m. / Viola/Cello/Bass
Instrument Drive / Baker Cafeteria

Dec.18th 6:30-7:00 p.m. Winter Concert Baker Cafeteria

May 21st 6:30-7:00 p.m. Spring Concert Baker Cafeteria

TBA Performances: 5th Grade Performance, Memorial Day Performance, and Orchestra Festival.

II. Class Description/ Course Requirements

Method Books/ Course Equipment:

  1. Sound Innovation Orchestra Bk. 1*
  2. Rosin*
  3. Black Binder
  4. Pencils
  5. Rosin Cloth*
  6. Instrument (Rental Program)
  7. Shoulder Rest (Violins/Violas)*
  8. Slip Stop (Cello/Basses)*
  9. Music Wire Stand*
  10. Baker Orchestra T-shirt

*Supplies will be available for purchase at our Instrument Drive Night. Instruments will be distributed by size and rented on a monthly basis.

Sourcing of Instruments:

On September 7th, the orchestra instrument drive will be held in the Baker cafeteria. Parents and students will be able to fill out instrument rental forms and purchase all of their orchestra supplies.

Parents, supplies can be purchased via credit cards or checks.

Concert Attire:

Attire for all of our concerts will be the 2017-2018 Baker Orchestra shirt, long blue jeans, and tennis shoes.

III. Grading Procedures

Grading Scale:

DAILY GRADES - 50% (Class Participation)

  1. Prepared assignments
  2. Materials: Has present all sheet music, method book(s) and equipment (incl. pencil)
  3. Posture and correct technique
  4. On task for the entire rehearsal.
  5. Homework: practice logs or handouts.

Tests and Quizzes- 40% (Playing or Written Based)

  1. Performing every playing test with the required materials: Personal or school issued instrument, orchestra book and/or pencil.
  2. Pass each test or quiz with the required minimum grade of 80. Students that do not pass their playing test on the first try can retake the assessment either before or after school. Long nails are highly discouraged when playing a string instrument. Our goal is to ensure that each student plays with a clean and productive tone and develop their musical ability.
  3. Students must pass off the required material to participate at any or all orchestra concerts. Students are allowed to make up a playing test as many times as needed up to a week before the performance or event.

Writing Assignment- 10% (Handouts)

Writing assignment will vary between quick writes, self-evaluations, and/or theory assignments.

IV. Classroom Rules and Procedures

Classroom Rules and Instrument Care:

  1. Wait in a line outside of the classroom, quietly.
  2. No running or walking within the orchestra set; especially the cello/bass section.
  3. Stay seated at all times; I will dismiss you, not the bell.
  4. Do not touch any instrument that is not issued to you. You will be held accountable for any and all damages.
  5. Always secure your instrument in the allotted location. Never leave an instrument on the floor unattended.
  6. Be Respectful, Responsible and Kind.

Remember that this class is an elective and not a requirement. Students are encouraged to be on their best behavior and make wise choices at all times.

Rehearsal & Concert Attendance Policies/Concert Etiquette:

Concert Attendance Policy:

Each concert performance is a mandatory event that students will need to attend. Students that are not able to attend due to illness or family emergency will be given an alternative written assignment.

Concert Etiquette:

Students are required to be on their best behavior during concert rehearsal and performances. Any student not following these requirements will be sent to the office and/or not be able to participate at the performance.

V. Individual Progress

  • Chair Assignment:

Once students begin to learn how to properly hold their instruments and read music, they will be taking playing tests. After each playing test, students will move chair orders within class. Closer to concert performances, students will take a number of selected playing tests to determine chairs for the upcoming concert. These test scores will be averaged and one week before the concert, all chairs will be finalized. Any student that fails a test can make up the assessment, but this will not move them up to a high chair order.

  • Private lessons:

We highly encourage students to set up for private lessons after the first semester in orchestra. Lessons are a great way to increase musical learning and developing musical skills.

  • Tutorials:

Weekly tutorials will begin closer to our first concert date. All students are welcomed to attend and must make transportation arrangements with their parent or guardian.

James H. Baker Sixth Grade Orchestra Sign-Off Sheet

Please return to Mrs. Hoffman no later than Friday September 8, 2017

Student’s Name: ______

Grade: ______

Homeroom Teacher: ______

Instrument: ______

Parent’s Name: ______

Parent’s E mail address (Please write clearly): ______

Home Phone: ______

  • We have read and understand all the orchestra information printed in this packet, and agree to follow the guidelines presented.
  • We also understand that all orchestra students are required to attend both the full orchestra rehearsals and after school concerts (December 18th and May 21st).

Parent’s Signature______

Student’s Signature______