General Assembly
17.30 – 19.00
Thursday, 6 November 2008
Oslo, Norway
Present: Vicki Flenady, Neal Long, Ruth Fretts, Marian Sokol, Frederik Froen, Liz Davis, Stephanie Fukui, Bob Pattinson, Jason Gardosi, Chris Wildsmith, Adrian Charles, Ingela Radestad, Marianne Hutti, Russell Kirby, Alex Heazell, Oluwafemi Kuti, Hakeem Jokhio, Linda Vanotoo, David Ellwood, Sue Hale, Claudia Ravaldi, Jan Jaap Erwich, Karin Pettersson, Carolyn Salafia, Wilhelmina C Felix, Claire Storey, Charlotte Bevan, Janet Scott, Marie Ganters, Ros Richardson, Babill Stray Pedersen, Hadiza Galadanci, Kassam Mohomed, Trond Mathiesen, Nicole Alston.
Apologies received: Leanne Raven, Deb Boyd, Sherokee Ilse.
1. Welcome and Introduction of 2007-08 Board (Vicki Flenady)
Vicki Flenady(Chair), Neal Long(Vice-chair), Deb Boyd(Treasurer), Leanne Raven(Secretary), Liz Davis , Ruth Fretts, Sherokee Ilse, Stephanie Fukui, Bob Pattinson (replacement of resigned Jack Moodley), Frederik Froen, Marian Sokol.
2. Full members
Sands NZ
Swedish National Infant Fund (Spadbarnsfonden)
National Stillbirth Society (US)
First Candle/SIDS Alliance (US)
AustralianCollege of Midwives
National SIDS Council of Australia
Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand
SANDS Australia National Council Inc
Stillbirth Foundation (Australia)
Royal Australian and New ZealandCollege of Obstetrics and Gynecologists
National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit (UK)
RoyalCollege of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (UK)
Hygiea Foundation (US)
CiaoLapo Onlus (Italy)
SIDS Family Association Japan
Norwegian SIDS and Stillbirth Society (Previously Unexpected Child Death Society of Norway)
Norwegian Society of Perinatal Medicine
Perinatal ResearchCenter (Norway)
GroningenCenter for Perinatal Mortality - Dept Obstetrics and GynaecologyUniversityMedicalCenterGroningen (Netherlands)
Bonnie Babes Foundation (Australia)
Fetal Medicine Foundation (Norway)
Angel Names Association (USA)
Associate Members
A Small Victory (US)
Evie’s Network (US)
Seattle Children’s Office for Prevention of Prematurity and Stillbirth (US)
The Institute for Reproductive and Family Health (RaFH) (Vietnam)
Hong Kong Polytechnic University of Nursing (China)
Neo-Fight, Inc. (USA)
Still Angels (USA)
4. Approval of Minutes of 2007 General Assembly 1st October 8.00 am
The minutes from the 2007 meeting were presented and accepted as an accurate record of the previous meeting.
Moved by Ruth Fretts.Seconded by Marian Sokol. Passed.
5. 2007/08 ISA Report (Vicki Flenady)
Vicki Flenady gave a general report about the International Stillbirth Society (ISA) activities and events over the past year.
7. Financial Report (prepared by Deb Boyd and presented by Marion Sokol)
The profit and loss statements were supplied, Marian acknowledged that this method of accounting did not take into consideration the “in kind” work by many active members of the ISA. The Balance sheet was positive, the main expenses related to teleconferences and to support board members to attend the annual meetings.
8. Nominations Committee (Sue Hale, Emma Kirkwood and Grace Guyon)
The general assembly accepted the report and the recommendations of the nominations committee. Including:
- Dr James Drife would be invited onto the Scientific Advisory Committee.
- Election of 2008 Board (Sue Hale)
- Caron Millard and Belinda Jennings were invited onto the Board and the Public Awareness Committee.
- Liz Davis stepped down from the board but stay as co-chair of the Parental Advisory Committee.
- Ruth Fretts and Vicki Flenady were re-elected for 3 years.
- Sherokee Ilse was re-elected for 1 year.
- Vicki will remainchair with Neal Long as vice chair.
Moved by Jan Jaap Erwich. Seconded by Marianne Hutti. Passed.
10. Appointment of the 2008 Nominations Committee.
Sue Hale, Liz Davis Marianne Hutti accepted to be on the nominations committee for 2008.
- Amendments to Bylaws (Frederik Froen)
- Section .511, .552, .661 passed unanimously (these were related to the relationship of partner memberships and membership fees).
- The proposed change in the by laws .666 did not pass. This bylaw attempted to limit the number of board members that were from one country, but the assembly felt that the by-law might be too restrictive.
12. Scientific Advisory Committee (Ruth Fretts)
Ruth reported thatthe scientific committee was not very active this year. Historically, the scientific committee played a larger role in the Annual meeting, but because the focus was developing countries, the SAC had a more limited role.
SAC has a potential to significantly generate resources for parents and providers in developing and developed countries but more administrate support is required. Jan Jaap Erwich has graciously accepted to donate some of his administrative support to help support the SAC. Ruth and Jan will work together on the action lists generated by this meeting.
13. Parent Advisory Committee (Liz Davis)
Liz Davis reported that the PAC has been very active generating the parental questions and working with the SAC over the past year.
14. Communications Committee (Stephaine Fukui)
It was reported that the communications committee has been producing the newsletter biannually and welcomes contributions. The Communications Committee has also been recruiting new members.
15. Fundraising Committee (Neal Long)
Neal Long reported that the UK Sands have pledged to donate 50,000 UK pounds. These funds will be used to support the secretariat, to assist Board members to attend the meeting in South Africa, to improve the website and also make the website more fund raising oriented.
16. ISA Conference Committees
2008 ISA Conference, Oslo ( Frederik Frøen)
Co-sponsored by the Norwegian SIDS and Stillbirth Society
2009 ISA Conference, South Africa (Bob Pattinson)
This will run in conjunction with “Priorities in Perinatal Care” and is a regional meeting with participants expected to be clinicians, epidemiologist and parents.
2010 ISA & ISPID Conference, Sydney Australia
ISA’s conference in 2010 will run in conjunction with the International Society of the Study and Prevention of Perinatal and Infant Death (ISPID). The ISA component of the conference will be hosted by ANZSA and its member organizations.
- Other Business
The general assembly moved to support the board so that this board can decide where the 2011 meeting will be held.
18. Close and Next Meeting in South Africa 2009.