Policy Governing the Regular Use of Anglican Buildingsby Other Churches and Groups

Agreed by the Bishop’s Senior Staff on 1 June 2009

  1. The Diocese in Europe is governed by the same norms as the rest of the Church of England including the Ecumenical Relations Measure, 1988. Under this measure, the Archbishops of Canterbury and York designate a list of Churches to which this measure applies. Such Churches can be permitted to worship in a Church of England building in the Diocese in Europe.
  2. Under article 27 of the Diocese in Europe’s constitution, the Archbishop of Canterbury may, at the request of the Bishop, designate other churches for the purpose of the ecumenical relations of the Diocese in Europe even if they are not designated under the Ecumenical Relations Measure in relation to the Church of England as a whole.Any Church so designated can be permitted to worship in a Church of England building in the Diocese in Europe.
  3. A Church in communion with the Church of England can be permitted to worship in a Church of England building in the Diocese in Europe without further steps or authorisation.
  4. A community which is part of a Church based mainly outside the country, which is recognised by a memberChurch of the Anglican Communion, may be permitted to worship in a Church of England building in the Diocese in Europe.
  5. In the case of churches, groups or communities covered by paragraphs 1 – 4, the signing of a use agreement may be helpful for both parties to avoid any misunderstanding. A sample use agreement is contained in Appendix 1.
  6. Any other denomination/group which is not covered in paragraphs 1 – 4can be permitted to worship in a Church of England building in the Diocese in Europe only if a faculty is obtained, following the procedure for Bishop’s faculties which is outlined in the Diocesan Handbook.
  7. In the case of 6the process to request the faculty will include the following steps:
  8. Determination of Beliefs and Assessment of the Integrity of the Leadership

The host church must seek assurance that the guest church or group stands within the mainstream of Trinitarian Christian orthodoxy. This may involve the examination of a statement of faith.A reference point for testing this statement should be the basis for membership of the national council of churches or equivalent ecumenical instrument in the country of the host church. Where this is not possible, reference can be made to the Churches Together in England (CTE) standard:

CTE unites in pilgrimage those churches…which, acknowledging God’s revelation in Christ, confess the Lord Jesus Christ as God and Saviour according to the scriptures and, in accordance with God’s will and in the power of the Holy Spirit, commit themselves:

  • to seek a deepening of their communion with Christ and with one another in the Church, which is his body, and
  • to fulfil their mission to proclaim the gospel by common witness and service in the world

to the glory of the one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

The host church must also be assured that its buildings will at no time be used for teaching that constitutes an explicit attack on the Christian faith of the Church of England, or a Church in Communion with it.

An assessment of the integrity of the leadership of the guest church or group is also advisable. Other local churches may be able to assist with this assessment.

  1. Determination of legal status

The host church must seek assurance as to the legal status of the guest church or body. Only officially registered churches or groups, or those with some authorised permission to function as a religious body can be permitted to use the buildings.

  1. Church Council

The Church Council of the host church should pass a resolution agreeing to the request for faculty for the use of the building by the guest church or group.

  1. The request for a faculty

The chaplain or priest in charge will write to the suffraganbishop

  • to confirm that a satisfactory review of the beliefs and of the integrity of the leadership of the guest church or group has been completed,
  • to confirm that the guest church or group has legal authorisation,
  • toforward a copy of the resolution of the Church Council in favour or the request of a faculty.
  • Episcopal checks

The lead bishop will write to the appropriate ecclesiastical authority of the guest church or body to confirm that the minister of the group is in good standing.

Reviewing and Ending a Use Agreement

It is good practice for there to be a joint host church/guest church group, meeting at least twice a year, to review the arrangements to deal with problems and possibilities.

There may be some circumstances in which the beliefs and practices of the host church and the guest church are or become incompatible; in these cases, there may be no alternative but to cancel the arrangements.

Any changes in leadership in the guest church should be result in a new agreement being drawn up and signed.

Appendix 1 (NB: This is a sample or template to be adapted according to local requirements)

An Agreement for the Use of Church of England Buildings in the Diocese in Europe by Other Churches or Groups.

Recognising that the council of ..…………………………………(hereafter known as `the host church’) and ……………………………………… (hereafter known as `the guest church’) acknowledge God’s revelation in Christ, confess the Lord Jesus Christ as God and Saviour according to the scriptures and, in accordance with God’s will and in the power of the Holy Spirit, commit themselves to seek a deepening of their communion with Christ and with one another in the Church, which is his body, and to fulfil their mission to proclaim the gospel by common witness and service in the world, to the glory of the one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the following terms for the use of ……………………………..church/hall by the guest church are agreed.

  1. Host church chaplain/priest in charge contact details:



Postal address…………………………………………………………….



Telephone number………………………………………………………

Mobile number……………………………………………………………

Email address ……………………………………………………………

  1. Guest church contact details:



Postal address…………………………………………………………….



Telephone number………………………………………………………

Mobile number……………………………………………………………

Email address ……………………………………………………………

  1. Parts of the church/hall to be used by the guest church:



  1. Purposes for which the church/hall will be used by the guest church:



  1. Days/times of the use of the church/hall by the guest church:

Day…………………………………… Start time……… … End time……..

Day…………………………………… Start time……… … End time……..

Day…………………………………… Start time……… … End time……..

Day…………………………………… Start time……… … End time……..

  1. Approximate number of people attending during the times of use by the guest church (which should not exceed **)

Adults ……………………………………………………………………………………………..

Children under 18…………………………………………………………………………………

Specific regular activities for children under 18: ......

  1. Conditions of use
  1. The church/hall is available to the guest church between the times stated and may only be used outside these times with the prior written agreement of the chaplain/priest in charge.
  2. The guest church may only have access to other parts of the premises not covered in this agreement with the prior written agreement of the chaplain/priest in charge.
  3. The guest church shall not use the church/hall for any purposes other than described above; use for any other purpose must be with the prior written agreement of the chaplain/priest in charge.
  4. The guest church reserves the right for the chaplain/priest in charge or his/her representative to enter the church/hall at any time.
  5. The host church reserves the right to cancel or change the day and time of booking in the event of it requiring the use of the church/hall for a special event; it will give at least two months notice and will refund any money paid for a booking that is cancelled or changed in these circumstances.
  6. The host church reserves the right to cancel or change the day and time of booking without notice if exceptional or unforeseen circumstances arise; it will refund any money paid for a booking that is cancelled or changed in these circumstances.
  7. The guest church shall not allow the numbers present to exceed the maximum number of people in the church/hall, both seated and standing [give precise figures].
  8. The guest church shall, during the period of occupancy, be responsible for the supervision and security of the church/hall, protection of the fabric and contents from damage, and the behaviour of all persons using the premises.
  9. The guest church shall report to the host church any damage caused during its use of the church/hall and shall indemnify the host church for the cost of repair of any damage caused by the hiring church while using the premises.
  10. The host church shall give a copy of the fire regulations and evacuation procedures to the guest church and the guest church shall agree to observe them at all times.
  11. The guest church shall, during the period of occupancy, be responsible for the proper supervision of car parking arrangements so as to maintain access to the car park and avoid obstruction of the highway.
  12. The guest church shall use the heating and lighting facilities of the church/hall with regard for reasonable economy.
  13. The guest church may use [precise areas] in the church/hall for goods to be stored and shall ensure that it is safely stored away when not in use.
  14. The guest church shall be responsible for ensuring that the church/hall is left clean and tidy after each booking and that rubbish is recycled or disposed of.
  15. The host church shall make the kitchen available for use during the times of booking and the hiring church shall ensure that it is kept clean and tidy.
  16. The host church shall make the toilets available for use during the times of booking and the hiring church shall ensure that they are kept clean and tidy.
  17. The guest church may, with the express permission of the chaplain/priest in charge, have designated key-holders who shall be responsible for locking and securing the church/hall after use.
  18. The guest church shall only use notice boards, both within and outside the church, with the written agreement of the chaplain/priest in charge. The content of any such noticesmust be approved by the chaplain/priest-in-charge, and must make it clear that this is a guest congregation. The same principles should apply to newspaper advertisements of events.
  19. The guest church shall only permit filming for TV inside and outside the church with the written agreement of the chaplain/priest-in-charge. (Such an agreement may include any associated fees). The same may apply for still photography where such photographs are to be published.
  20. The guest church shall ensure that noise both within and outside the building is kept at a level which will not disturb people at other functions in the church/hall or in neighbouring houses and will take responsibility for addressing any complaints arising from its activities.
  21. The guest church shall be responsible for the observance of all regulations affecting the premises imposed by licensing justices, the fire authority, the local authority and other relevant bodies, and must do nothing to contravene the laws of betting, gaming and lotteries.
  22. The guest church shall not sub-let the premises.
  23. The guest church shall not use the premises for any unlawful purpose, or in any unlawful way do anything or bring anything on to the premises anything that may endanger the premises, their users or insurance policies relating thereto.
  24. The guest church shall, if selling goods on the premises, comply with all fair trading laws and any local code of practice issued in connection with such sales and shall ensure that its public liability cover includes products liability.
  25. Smoking is not permitted anywhere inside the host church premises.
  26. The use of drugs is not permitted anywhere inside the host church premises.
  27. Alcohol consumption may only be permitted with the prior written agreement of the chaplain/priest in charge.
  28. No articles shall be ordered by the guest church for delivery to the host church outside the times of use unless prior arrangements have been made with the host church.
  29. The guest church shall abide by the health and safety regulations in operation in the host church.
  30. The guest church will provide evidence that it has a current applicable insurance cover (public liability)
  31. The guest church shall ensure that children and vulnerable adults are protected at all times, by taking all reasonable steps to prevent injury, illness, loss or damage occurring, and carries full liability insurance for this. The guest church shall sign and abide by the attached agreement (appendix 2), provide the host church with a copy of its child protection and vulnerable adults policy, and shall regularly provide adequate evidence to demonstrate that this is effectively implemented and monitored.
  32. Any changes made by the host church in the conditions shall be communicated in writing to the guest church and the revised conditions shall be shall be jointly accepted and signed.
  33. The guest church acknowledges that no tenancy is intended to be created between the host church and the guest church and that no relationship of landlord and tenant exists between them.
  34. Two months notice shall be given by the host church or the guest church for the termination of the agreement.
  35. The host church reserves the right to terminate the agreement with immediate effect In the event of conditions being violated.
  36. A group representing the host church and the guest church shall be established for the purposes of monitoring the arrangements and proposing developments in the relationship.
  1. Finance

1. The charge for the use of the church/hall shall be ………. per session/month

2. Payments shall be made by the guest church at the end of each month

3. Cheques shall be made payable to ………………………..or by bank transfer to ……….

4. A deposit equivalent to two months use of the church/hall shall be paid at the beginning of its use to cover breakages and other damage.

5. The charge for the use of the church/hall shall be reviewed each year and two months notice shall be given by the host church of any change in the amount.

  1. Guidance notes

This section is a space to indicate the location of the following:Lights, heating controls, first aid box, accident book, fire extinguishers, cleaning equipment, rubbish bins

Also to give the contact details of the caretaker or equivalent

Signed on behalf of (the host church) ……………………….…………………………………

Signed on behalf of (the guest church) …………………………………………………………


One signed copy of this form shall be kept by the host church and one by the guest church.

Appendix 2

Child Protection and Vulnerable Adults Policy Agreement

The host church follows the Diocese in Europe policy on protection of children and vulnerable adults, a copy of which is attached. Your use agreement as a guest church is conditional upon you working within its terms and conditions.

In particular this means that:

  • You must provide the host church with a copy of your church’s child protection and vulnerable adults policy, and review and update it annually
  • You must recruit safely all current paid and voluntary workers who have regular and direct contact with children and vulnerable adults, by obtaining and storing confidentially and indefinitely, a signed declaration of past offences, obtaining satisfactory enhanced disclosures (equivalent to the UK Criminal Records Bureau checks), and taking up independent references. It is your responsibility to do so.
  • You must keep a list of the names of all paid and voluntary workers with regular and direct contact with children, and update it annually.
  • You will always have at least two leaders in any group of children and young people, no matter how small the group. Small groups with single leaders may meet in a large room or in adjoining rooms with an open door between. If a child or young person is being interviewed alone, there should be another adult nearby.
  • While maintaining the recommended number of leaders per group, the gender should also reflect the group, ie there should be at least one male leader if possible where there are boys present, and always at least one female leader where there are girls present.
  • No person under the age of 16 years should be left in charge of any children of any age.
  • No child or group of children or young people (under 16) should be left unattended at any time.
  • A register of children or young people attending the club/activity should be kept. This should include details of their name, address, date of birth and next of kin
  • You will immediately (within 24 hours) inform the host church’s child protection representative of a) any allegations of abuse or causes of concern relating to members or leaders of your church, and b) any known offenders seeking to join your membership, and manage such allegations or agreements with offenders in co-operation with statutory agencies, and with the host church.

The Child Protection representative for the host church is: