November 27, 2012

Space Camp is an awesome place to go if you want to learn about space and rockets. The reason I am saying this is because I went myself and I enjoyed it and had fun.

I went on September 22-28. The camp is in Huntsville Alabama. The first day you get to know other people from different parts of the world and they get to know you too. Space Camp is really fun to go to if you are prepared to take challenges like I did and if you are able to make lots of friends like I also did.

During space camp you learn about the space programs and astronauts and the planets. Space camp is really awesome because you get to do simulators like the space shot which makes you feel like you are being blasted off into space. It is also fun because you get to make model rockets and launch them or if you want to keep your model rocket like I did then you just ask your team leader that is with you and say that you don't want to launch your rocket because you don't want it getting stuck in the trees, going across the street, and you want it in one piece so you can launch it at home yourself. Space camp is awesome because you get wrist bands that say which team you are on and which room you’re in.

If you are first timers then it is really fun because you get to do the easy stuff. For the kids that are above you they have the hard stuff to do. First timers at space camp are going to be a little shy at first like I was but, you will get over it like I did so you will love it and not know that you're away from your parents or siblings and you will have a great time. This is for the kids who have never been to Space camp before. So take it from me a person who has been to Space camp before and likes it. You should go if you don't believe me that it is fun. For those of you who do believe me then you should ask your parents if you can go and if they say yes then you should say thanks and be happy.

This article is for kids who are in 8th grade or older. I wouldn't be writing this article if I didn't want to try and get other kids to go to Space Camp and see what they say about it. This is to all of the kids who want to go to Space Camp, so read this if you want to go.

This article is the property of James B. Cheek distributions: other than an authorized format is prohibited. (Ha ha)

James B. Cheek