Islam Project

TASK: / Your job is to create a Power Point/brochure/movie/commercial/Weebly website etc. about the religion and spread of Islam. The point of your project is to help to better inform yourself and others about Islam. To complete this project you will need to answer the questions from below in your project. You should use the questions in order to help you organize your project. Pictures are a must to help explain Islam to the reader. Remember this is an informative project not a novel.
Check off / Items to cover:
1.  Religious Symbol: What is the Religious symbol for Islam?
2.  Timeline of Muhammad’s life (10- dates, pictures, events). Use handout and textbook: 3.2 (pp.59-64)
a.  Muhammad Reading.pdf, PBS Life of Muhammad, Muhammad Video on Safari Montage
3.  The Five Pillars of Faith (use the Arabic word and the English translation. Include description and picture) Use textbook book 3.2 (pp.59-64);;
4.  Teachings of Islam: What are the teachings of Islam (description, significance and picture)- Use textbook: 3.3 (pp.66-69);
a.  Sunnah/Hadith
b.  Shariah
c.  Quran
d.  Jihad
5.  Comparing Monotheistic Religions. How are Islam, Christianity, and Judaism all people of God? What are the similarities and differences to Islam, Christianity, and Judaism? Use internet and textbook: pg. 61 and Religion Comparison Chart
6.  How did Islam Spread: Include the following words: Abu Bakr, caliph, treaties, Pact of Umar, Umayyad, battles with Berbers, city of Tours (711), Abbasids (use the textbook 80-82)
7.  Trade Helps Islam Spread. How did Merchants help in the spread of Islam? How did trade bring new products and inventions to Muslim lands? What is religious tolerance and how did the Muslims practice it? How did Muslim culture change as Islam spread? How was the spread of the Arabic language important to the spread of Islam? (use the textbook 82-83)
8.  Cultural Achievements by Muslim scholars during the Middle Ages. and text (pp. 94-98). Additionally, show pictures for each one of the contributions.
9.  3 Islamic Empires: Ottoman, Safavid, Mughals: describe the GRAPES for each empire. Use your textbook Chapter 4 Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal Empires.ppt
10.  Islam Percentage: What is the current Islam Percentage? (Include graph or visual for how many Muslims are in the world.) Use the internet
11.  Women and Islam: What is the role of women in the religion? Use the internet:
12.  Islam and the World- Current Event Article (title, summary, and picture) Use the internet or use one of the following links:
-Example of how to write a summary-
Below is an optional outline to use when writing a summary
The headline of this article tells the reader that………………… The main topic is about…………………….The writer says that……………….The writer further states that …………………The writer also points out that …………………Details……Details….. I think (or don’t think) it is good to………………… I feel that way because………………… This topic will affect me in the future because…………..
Pictures should accompany as many of the above as possible.

Grading Scale

2 pt (1)
Religious symbol
0 = not covered at all
2 pt = covered well
/ 5 pts (2)
Muhammad’s Timeline
0 = not covered at all
3 pt = covered some events
5 pts= covered all with pic.
/ 10 pts (3)
Five Pillars of Islam
Arabic name of pillar
1 pt for describing the pillar.
1 pt for picture for each pillar. / 8 pt (4)
Teachings of Islam
Sunnah, Shariah, Quran,Jihad
Description and picture for each
0 = not covered at all
4 pts = explained with details
8 pts= explained with detail and with pictures
/ Score
5 pt (5)
Comparing Monotheistic Religions: Islam/Christianity/Judaism
(At least three)
0 = not covered at all
3 pt = covered two
5 pt = covered three / 5 pt (6)
Islam Spreads
0 = not covered at all
4 pts = included most words with pictures
5pts=included all words with pictures / 10 pt (7)
Trade Helps Islam Spread
0 = not covered at all
4 pts = answered some questions
7pts= answered most questions w/some picturesw
10pts= all aspects of Trade covered with pictures / 5 pt (8)
Muslim scholars’ contributions with a picture
0 = not covered at all
4 pts = covered four contributions
5pts= covered all with a picture
***20 pt (9)***
Islamic empires GRAPES and picture
(Ottoman, Safavid, Mughals)
0 = not covered at all
4 pts = partially covered the Islamic Empires
5pts= covered all aspects of GRAPES for each Empire with pictures / **EC**3 pts (10)
Current Islam World Percentage
0 = not covered at all
1 pt = included but no visual
3 pts = included with visual / **EC**2 pt s (11)
The role of women in the religion
0 = not covered at all
1 pt = covered somewhat
2 pt = covered well / **EC**5 pts (12)
Islam and the World
0 = not covered at all
2 pt = included an adequate summary
3 pt = included a well written summary
5=included a picture and wrote a well written summary

Extra Credit:Up to five additional points can be earned for the following:

·  Explain the two sects, Sunni vs. Shia. Use the resources of;; textbook page 65;

·  Virtual Trip (Google Earth) To Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem: Use Google Earth to take a snapshot of the cities, their importance and a picture