FDR’s New Deal

The First New Deal: The first 100 days (special congressional session)

March 6, 1933 FDR closes banks

March 9, 1933 Emergency Banking Relief Act: banks could no longer deal in stocks.

March 22, 1933 Beer and Wine Revenue Act: authorized the sale of beer and wine. The
18th amendment was repealed by the 21st amendment in December.

March 31, 1933 Unemployment Relief Act created the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) which hired 3 million poor men ages 18-25 to build roads, plant trees,
and work flood control. They lived in camps under military supervision,
were given food, shelter, and $1 per day in wages.

April 5, 1933 FDR orders gold surrender. All banks must turn in gold to fed government

April 19, 1933 FDR abandons gold standard. Printed and coined currency will not be
backed up by gold.

May 12, 1933 Federal Emergency Relief Act, creates Federal Emergency Relief
Administration (FERA): provided assistance to the poor.

May 12, 1933 Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA): farmers were paid to limit their

May 18, 1933 Tennessee Valley Authority Act (TVA); harnessed the flood waters of the
Tennessee River and its tributaries for production of electric power.
The TVA in 4 years provided $4 billion in power to 3 million people.

May 27, 1933 Federal Securities Act

June 5, 1933 Gold payment clause repealed

June 13, 1933 Home Owners' Refinancing Act creates Home Owners Loan Corporation

June 16, 1933 National Industrial Recovery Act creates National Recovery Admin
(NRA) and Public Works Administration (PWA): Was supposed to be
one of the biggest New Deal programs. It was designed to help business
get back on its feet, but ended up creating monopolies, which caused
small business owners to go broke and prices to go up. In 1935 the
Supreme Court declared the NRA to be unconstitutional.

June 16, 1933 Glass-Steagall Banking Reform Act creates Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation. Everyone's money is insured up to $5,000

The "Second New Deal"

November 9, 1933 Civil Works Administration established (CWA)

January 30, 1934 Gold Reserve Act authorizes FDR's devaluation

June 6, 1934 Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) authorized

June 12, 1934 Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act

June 28, 1934 National Housing Act authorizes Federal Housing Administration (FHA)

April 10, 1935 Frazier-Lemke Farm Bankruptcy Act

April 30, 1935 Resettlement Administration created

May 6, 1935 Works Progress Administration (WPA)

July 5, 1935 National Labor Relations Act

August 14, 1935 Social Security Act: Created the modern social security system.

August 26, 1935 Public Utility Holding Company Act

February 16, 1936 Second Agricultural Adjustment

September 1, 1937 U.S. Housing Authority established

February 29, 1938 Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act

June 25, 1938 Fair Labor Standards Act

Source: “Background On The New Deal” The Authentic History Center 30 June 2006 http://www.authentichistory.com/ed/1930s/new_deal_background.html