The courses listed in this section constitute the curriculum offerings at Vista Community College. Not all courses are offered every semester. Check the class schedule for the current semester’s offering. Information for each course includes:

Unit credit: Semester credit for the course. One unit of credit is defined as one hour of lecture, which requires two hours of outside preparation for each hour of lecture or three hours of laboratory work each week.

Lecture/Lab Hours: Designates the number of contact hours of lecture or laboratory a course meets during a term.

Prerequisites: Designed to ensure your academic background is sufficient for success in the course (see page 81).

Transferability: “UC” means transferability to the University of California system; “CSU” means transferability to the California State University System.

Course Description: A brief statement about the subject matter covered in the course.

Course Numbering: Transfer and Associate Degree courses are numbered 1-199; Associate Degree applicable but not transferable courses are numbered 200-249; non-Associate Degree courses are numbered 250-299, 348; Credit Apprenticeship and Cooperative Education Work Experience Education courses are numbered 500-699.

(*Note: Apprenticeship courses are nondegree applicable and nontransferable, while Cooperative Education courses are degree applicable and transferable.)

California Articulation Number (CAN): Statewide designation of course equivalency across campuses (see page 54-55).

Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC): Identifies community college courses that can be used to fulfill general education requirements at any UC or CSU campus.

Area(s): Identifies the general education requirement area(s) that the course meets.

Other important information about courses in this section includes:

Cooperative Work Experience: Program in which students are awarded credit for knowledge gained through on-the-job experience.

Independent Study: Designed to permit study not covered by regular catalog offerings; allows you to pursue projects under faculty advisement and supervision (see page 81).

Selected Topics: New courses being offered on an experimental basis prior to being institutionalized. Selected topics courses are publicized in the college’s class schedule and are numbered 48, 248 or 348 in the individual

subject areas.

Grading Policy: GR indicates that a course can be taken for a letter grade only; CR/NC indicates that a course can be taken for credit or no credit only; and GR or CR/NC indicates that a course can be taken for either a letter grade or for credit/no credit.




Introduction to African-American Studies

3 units, 3 hours lecture (GR)

Acceptable for credit: CSU, UC

Survey and analysis of the contemporary African-American experience in America: Emphasis on analysis of problems of poverty, racism, and violence. 2203.01

AA/AS area 2, 5; CSU area D; IGETC area 4


The Roots of African-American Culture

3 units, 3 hours lecture (GR)

Acceptable for credit: CSU, UC

Historical dimensions of the African-American experience: Emphasis on formation of a distinctive African-American culture. 2203.01

AA/AS area 2, 5; CSU area D; IGETC area 4


African-American Culture Today: African-American Music/Art/Thought

3 units, 3 hours lecture (GR)

Acceptable for credit: CSU, UC

Survey of current major African-American works and themes: Analysis of new styles and themes in poetry, music, and art forms of Africa and the United States. 2203.01

AA/AS area 3, 5; CSU area C1; IGETC area 3


Selected Topics in African-American Studies

.5-5 units, 0-5 hours lecture, 0-15 hours laboratory (GR or CR/NC)

Acceptable for credit: CSU

See section on Selected Topics. 2203.01




Selected Topics in American Sign Language

.5-9 units, 0-9 hours lecture, 0-27 hours laboratory (GR or CR/NC)

Acceptable for credit: CSU

See section on Selected Topics. 0850.00

ASL 49

Independent Study in American Sign Language

.5-5 units (GR or CR/NC)

Acceptable for credit: CSU

See section on Independent Study. 0850.00

Please note the following for the language skills courses—

ASL 50, ASL 51, ASL 52, and ASL 53: Two units of credit for Module A will be granted based on students’ demonstrated ability to use formal aspects of the language specifically taught throughout the course. Two units of credit for Module B will be granted based on students’ demonstrated ability to interact effectively, manage conversations, and function appropriately in the culture of the Deaf.

ASL 50

American Sign Language I

4 units, 3 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory (GR or CR/NC)

Prerequisite: ASL 50A is prerequisite to 50B

Course may be offered in two, 2-unit modules (ASL 50A-50B). Students must complete both modules with a grade of C or better to advance to the next level.

Course is equivalent to two years of high school study.

Acceptable for credit: CSU, UC

Introduction to American Sign Language: Fundamentals of ASL conversation and storytelling; basic information about the Deaf community and Deaf culture. 0850.00

AA/AS area 3; CSU area C2; IGETC area Language

ASL 51

American Sign Language II

4 units, 3 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory (GR or CR/NC)

Prerequisite for ASL 51 or 51A: ASL 50 or 50B

ASL 51A is prerequisite to 51B.

Course may be offered in two, 2-unit modules (ASL 51A-51B). Students must complete both modules with a grade of C or better to advance to the next level.

Acceptable for credit: CSU, UC

Continuation of American Sign Language: Fundamentals of ASL conversation and storytelling; basic information about the Deaf community and Deaf Culture. 0850.00

AA/AS area 3; CSU area C2

ASL 52

American Sign Language III

4 units, 3 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory (GR or CR/NC)

Prerequisite for ASL 52 or 52A: ASL 51 or 51B

ASL 52A is prerequisite to ASL 52B.

Course may be offered in two, 2-unit modules (ASL 52A-52B). Students must complete both modules with a grade of C or better to advance to the next level.

Acceptable for credit: CSU, UC

Continuation of American Sign Language: Expanded study of sign language with emphasis on conversation skills and storytelling; continued expansion of knowledge of Deaf culture and Deaf community. 0850.00

AA/AS area 3; CSU area C2

ASL 53

American Sign Language IV

4 units, 3 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory (GR or CR/NC)

Prerequisite for ASL 53 or 53A: ASL 52 or 52B

ASL 53A is prerequisite to ASL 53B.

Course may be offered in two, 2-unit modules (ASL 53A-50B). Students must complete both modules with a grade of C or better to advance to the next level.

Acceptable for credit: CSU, UC

Continuation of American Sign Language: Expanded study of sign language with emphasis on conversation skills and storytelling; continued expansion of knowledge of Deaf culture and Deaf community. 0850.00

AA/AS area 3; CSU area C2


History and Culture of Deaf People in America I

3 units, 3 hours lecture (GR or CR/NC)

Acceptable for credit: CSU, UC

Historical and cultural overview of the American Deaf community and its language (ASL): Anthropological and sociological theories including discussion of the relationship of language and culturally-determined behaviors; examination of the relationship of American Sign Language to the history of the American Deaf community. 0850.00

AA/AS area 2; CSU area D; IGETC area 4


History and Culture of Deaf People in America II

3 units, 3 hours lecture (GR or CR/NC)

Recommended preparation: ASL 51 or 51B, and 55A

Acceptable for credit: CSU, UC

Course is taught in American Sign Language.

Continuation of ASL 55A: History, values, and identity as a cultural group as opposed to disabled; analysis of effects of pathological views and actions on Deaf people; educational issues; ASL literature and written literature by Deaf people. 0850.00

ASL 57

Structure of American Sign Language

3 units, 3 hours lecture (GR or CR/NC)

Recommended preparation: ASL 51 or 51B

Acceptable for credit: CSU, UC

Course is taught in American Sign Language.

Historical view of changing social attitudes towards American Sign Language: Phonological, morphological, syntactical parts of ASL; and discussion of other social issues around use of ASL. 0850.00

ASL 200A

Classifiers I

2 units, 2 hours lecture (GR or CR/NC)

Prerequisite: ASL 50 or 50A

Corequisite: ASL 50B

Introduction to the visual-gestural aspects of American Sign Language classifiers. 0850.00

ASL 200B

Classifiers II

2 units, 2 hours lecture (GR or CR/NC)

Prerequisites: ASL 51 or 51B

Study of classifier types and functions in American Sign Language: Identification of various classifiers and their use to enhance and expand storytelling abilities. 0850.00

ASL 201

American Sign Language Field Experience

3 units, 1.5 hours lecture, 6 hours laboratory (GR or CR/NC)

Prerequisite: ASL 52 or 52B

Students’ signing skill levels plus previous exposure will be used to determine appropriate placement in a field setting.

Supervised field experience within the Deaf community to facilitate development of ASL skills and to provide exposure to Deaf culture: Field placement requiring 8-12 hours a week plus attendance at regularly scheduled field experience seminars. 0850.00

ASL 202A

Fingerspelling and Numbers I

1 unit, .5 hours lecture, 1.5 hours laboratory (GR or CR/NC)

Prerequisite: ASL 50 or 50A

Corequisite: ASL 50B

Introduction to numerical and fingerspelling systems in American Sign Language. 0850.00

ASL 202B

Fingerspelling and Numbers II

1 unit, .5 hours lecture, 1.5 hours laboratory (GR or CR/NC)

Prerequisite: ASL 51 or 51B

Advanced systematic practice in numerical and fingerspelling skills in ASL. 0850.00

ASL 203

Deaf Cultural Expression: Art/Performance

.5 units, .5 hours lecture (GR or CR/NC)

Day-long forum on deaf cultural expression: Presentations on Deaf art, history, literature, theater, television, and/or poetry; poetry performances and/or theatrical presentations also included. 0850.00

ASL 209A

American Sign Language Seminar I

3 units, 3 hours lecture (GR or CR/NC)

Recommended preparation: ASL 53 or 53B; and ASL 57; and ASL 200

In-depth discussion of events and issues of interest to students and the Deaf community: Reinforces knowledge of grammar, expands vocabulary, and increases fluency. 0850.00

ASL 209B

American Sign Language Seminar II

3 units, 3 hours lecture (GR or CR/NC)

Recommended preparation: ASL 209A

Continuation of ASL 209A: Discussion of films, videotapes, plays, deaf plays, and deaf short stories. 0850.00

ASL 210

Introduction to Interpreting I

3 units, 3 hours lecture (GR or CR/NC)

Recommended preparation: ASL 53 or 53B; and 57 and 200

Beginning-level interpreter training: Goals and objectives of being an interpreter, interpreting as a profession, dynamics of the interpreter’s role, and survey of the labor market. 0850.10

ASL 211

Introduction to Interpreting II

3 units, 3 hours lecture (GR or CR/NC)

Recommended preparation: ASL 210

Continuation of ASL 210: Comparison of organizational and structural properties of ASL and English; emphasis on translations. 0850.10

ASL 212

Introduction to Interpreting III

3 units, 3 hours lecture (GR or CR/NC)

Recommended preparation: ASL 211

Continuation of ASL 211: Effective communication with persons functioning at various levels of competence with sign language. 0850.10


Selected Topics in American Sign Language

.5-9 units, 0-9 hours lecture, 0-27 hours laboratory (GR or CR/NC)

See section on Selected Topics. 0850.00




Introduction to Physical Anthropology

3 units, 3 hours lecture (GR or CR/NC)

Acceptable for credit: CSU, UC

(CAN Anth 2)

Study of human beings and their ancestors: Emphasis on relationships to other mammals, physical record of evolution, and processes responsible for evolution. 2202.00

AA/AS area 1; CSU area B2; IGETC area 5


Physical Anthropology Lab

1 unit, 4 hours laboratory (GR or CR/NC)

Prerequisite or corequisite: Anthr 1

Acceptable for credit: CSU, UC

Adjunct laboratory to ANTHR 1: Emphasis on working with replicas of bones and visits to museums and zoos to study primate behavior and hominid evolution. 2202.00

CSU area B3; IGETC area 5


Introduction to Archaeology and Prehistory

3 units, 3 hours lecture (GR)

Acceptable for credit: CSU, UC

World prehistory as reconstructed from the archaeological and physical evidence of cultural beginnings through the early agricultural civilizations of Africa, America, and Euro-Asia: Archaeological methods, techniques, and problems. 2202.20

AA/AS area 2; CSU area D; IGETC area 4


Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology

3 units, 3 hours lecture (GR or CR/NC)

Acceptable for credit: CSU, UC

(CAN Anth 4)

Cross-cultural analysis of social and cultural factors of human behavior in the recent past and present. 2202.00

AA/AS area 2; CSU area D; IGETC area 4


American Indian History and Culture

3 units, 3 hours lecture (GR or CR/NC)

Acceptable for credit: CSU, UC

Also offered as Hist 1. Not open for credit to students who have completed or are currently enrolled in Hist 1.

Survey of North American Indians: Traditional ways of life and history both before and after contact with Europeans; current trends in American Indian socio-economic and cultural development. 2202.00

AA/AS area 2, 5; CSU area D; IGETC area 4


Urban Anthropology

3 units, 3 hours lecture (GR or CR/NC)

Acceptable for credit: CSU, UC

Study of communities in urban settings and a cross-cultural approach to urban life styles: Rise and fall of great urban centers in Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas. 2202.00

AA/AS area 2; CSU area D; IGETC area 4


Male and Female: Anthropological Perspectives

3 units, 3 hours lecture (GR or CR/NC)

Acceptable for credit: CSU, UC

Comparative approach to the study of sex roles; biological bases, cultural contexts, and social dynamics of human sex-role differences: Anthropological perspective for analyzing gender roles cross-culturally and in American society. 2202.00

AA/AS area 2; CSU area D; IGETC area 4


Introduction to Anthropological Linguistics

3 units, 3 hours lecture (GR or CR/NC)

Acceptable for credit: CSU, UC

Introduction to the study of language: How linguists describe human languages and exploration of how they developed, change, and function in human societies. 2202.00

AA/AS area 2; CSU Area D; IGETC area 4


Selected Topics in Anthropology

.5-5 units, 0-5 hours lecture, 0-15 hours laboratory (GR or CR/NC)

Acceptable for credit: CSU

See section on Selected Topics. 2202.00


Selected Topics in Anthropology

.5-5 units, 0-5 hours lecture, 0-15 hours laboratory (GR or CR/NC)