Junior High Math/7B Religion Classroom Policy
The following policy needs to be read by parents AND students. It needs to be printed out and ONLY the slip needs to be returned with signatures. You need to keep the copy of the policy at home!
Report card grades are broken into the following categories:
Tests and Quizzes (50%)
Throughout each quarter there are many tests and quizzes given, especially in Math classes. These make up half of the final report card grade. It is the parents’ responsibility to check the SIS and keep up with their child’s average. If a parent has any concerns, they can contact me at any time.
Classwork/Participation (20%)
Students are expected to maintain neat and complete notebooks. I check notebooks periodically throughout the quarter; however, there will not be a formal notebook check as in the past. Students have been told how to break up their notebooks, and it is expected that they maintain this throughout the year.
Students are also expected to participate during class. Formal grades are given for participation. This year I will give one participation midway through the quarter, and one at the end of the quarter. If the mid-quarter grade is lower than expected, then that would be a warning that more participation is needed. For Religion, participation also includes daily prayer at the beginning and end of each day, as well as behavior and participation during school functions, both religious and non-religious. Students that are not Catholic will be assessed by sitting quietly and respectfully during these times.
Projects/Portfolios (15%)
Students will have at least one project each quarter, possibly two. Some will be individual, some will be group. To make it easier on students (and parents), group projects will be completed in school. Individual projects will be done at home. Ample time will be given for the completion of projects. Projects must be handed in on the due date. If a child is absent, it is expected that it be handed in either beforehand, or by the end of the day. If there are extenuating circumstances, I must be contacted. Any project handed in after the due date will have point reductions.
Homework (15%)
Homework is given every night except Fridays. Students are expected to complete assignments by the next class. If a student fails to have homework completed, it is counted as a 0.
***If a child is absent it is his/her responsibility to get the homework and complete it!!!! Homework is posted on my Schoolnotes page each day. The student must go to my page and get the homework. They must also get the missing notes from another student when they return to school.
If a child is absent one day, they have one day to hand in the assignment. If a child is absent two days, they will have two days and so on. I will not chase a student to hand in homework.
Parents…please subscribe to my Schoolnotes page. I update it every day with homework and important information. Click the Notify link on the page. Please also remember to check the online grade book regularly…I cannot stress this enough!
Thank you for your cooperation. Parent and student need to sign below and only return the slip!!!! Keep the policy for your reference.
Student signature: ______
Parent signature: ______
Date: ______