Everglades High School
School Advisory Council (SAC)
September 22, 2015 Minutes
I.Welcome: Mr. Henry, SAC Co-Chair, began the meeting at 3:09 p.m. A quorum was met with29 voting members present and 10 volunteers.
- Reading and approval of minutes:
- Mr. Henry reminded the committee that minutes for the May 12, 2015 meeting were sent via email, and asked for any changes.
- Helene Malanga proposed a correction to the text in article IX, section b to change the “will no longer be SAF Chair” to reflect that she volunteered to be SAF Chair.
- DayletCasuso made a motion to accept the corrections to the minutes. Helene Malanga seconded the motion. All were in favor; none were opposed.
- SIP Monitoring
- Mr. Henry briefly reviewed the 2015 Available Assessment results which showed significant gains made in select AP scores and a 33% growth in test scores. Mr. Henry also noted that there was a 30% participation in AP courses. The results were compared with other area schools with similar SES data.
- Mr. Gonzalez pointed out the significance of the EOC training sessions and the impact they have on the assessment results.
- 2015-16 Accreditation Monitoring:
- Mr. Henry mentioned that the SAC committee will be looking for volunteers to assist with the SIP Accreditation process.
- Installation of Officers:
- Mr. Henry introduced new officers: Lisa Alonso- co-chair and Maureen Eves-secretary.
- Introduction of Officers:
- All new and veteran members introduced themselves.
VII. Introduction of SAC Members
a. All SAC members present introduced themselves.
VIII. Proposed 2015-2016 SAC Calendar:
- Ms. Blake made a motion to approve calendar. Ms. Betancourt 2nd the motion. All members in favor. None opposed.
- Mr. Most discussed need for all members to attend every meeting in order for the committee to meet quorum. After 2 unexcused absences, members will be removed.
IX. Bylaws Approval
- Mr. Klasner made a motion to approve current bylaws. Ms. Blake 2nd the motion. All in favor. None opposed.
X. School Boundary Process
- SAC members were alerted to the boundary committee process.
- A video was shown to explain the process.
- Mrs. Darbar elaborated on the projections and permanent capacity and how it affects reassignment seats and funding.
XI. Subcommittee Updates
- Parent Involvement (Mrs. Malanga): She would like to get more fathers involved in school to serve as role models and assist in the office and at the library.
- Discipline (Mr. Most): School-wide Positive Behavior Plan (SPBP) is in effect. Mr. Menendez is doing a great job at keeping tardies and skipping down. He is handling discipline issues promptly. Administrators and staff will continue to address dress code violations. Will be rolling out Project Brain, a program that focuses on drug and alcohol abuse.
- Reading and Writing (Ms. Blake): discussed reading assessments, outcomes and plans to advance progress. She noted the importance of encouraging students, especially 11th grade students, to take the PSAT. Students must take PSAT in 11th grade in order to qualify for the National Merit Scholarship. Laura Cohen also stressed the significance of student’s participation on PSAT and pointed out some of the useful tools available to students as a result of their participation.
- Math (no rep): No Report
- Student Concerns: No report.
- Science (Mrs. Cohen): Students took Biology EOC pretest. Students will be completing the 1st common assessment. Science teachers are working in PLC’s to align instruction. All 5 AP courses are exceeding expectations and have shown growth.
- Social Studies (Mr. Henry): US History EOC pretest was administered. Based on 2014-15 data, students did reasonably well on US History EOC and the department is in the process of developing goals for further growth through PLC. The department would like to build a US History resource room for the students. Mr. Gonzalez pointed out that teachers are offering after school review sessions. This is posted on the website. Food is being offered. Mrs. Darbar noted that the US History scores improved by 11 percentage points.
- Technology (Mrs. Shapiro): No big concerns. Mr. Gonzalez mentioned that he has asked the department heads to put together a “wish list” for new technology. He is hopeful that money will be available to replace old technology with new and more compatible technology.
VII.PTSA Update:
- Helene Malanga – has started selling pizza on Tuesdays to raise funds. The sales are going well and they are selling out.
- The PTSA will be sponsoring the 1st family night of the year at Chipotle. 50% of proceeds go to school.
- PTSA will be selling drawstring backpacks throughout spirit week for $5 during lunch.
VIII.SAF Update:
- Helene Malanga mentioned that the district is working on creating a site to access information on the SIP.
- Helene Malanga discussedaccreditation and the importance of including all stakeholders in the process. It is essential to get information out to parents. In order to qualify the school needs 20% of the customer surveys back from parents. Currently, we are at a 7% return. There was discussion about simplifying the process for parents by making the survey available online and in paper form and have copies in all languages available.
IX.New issues/concerns:
- Ms. Blake made an announcement regarding Relay for Life. Ms. Saiano spoke to encourage everyone to get involved.
- Students can earn 40 community service hours and give back to a worthwhile organization.