LDEI is seeking volunteers who are interested in serving on the international Board of Directors for the 2009-2010 term. The LDEI Nominating Committee will collect nominations and produce a single slate that will be ratified by the seated delegates.

The committee is made up of the chair, Sharon Van Meter (Dallas) and co-chair EileenTalanian (Philadelphia), along with June Hayes (San Antonio), Joan Carris (New York), Phyllis Frucht (Washington, DC), Lois Tlusty (Minneapolis/St. Paul) and Peg Rahn (Los Angeles/Orange County).

Criteria for Nomination

  1. To run for office, a member must have served as a Board Member of a local chapter AND have attended the business meeting of an Annual Conference.Greg Jewell will be checking LDEI Conference attendee lists to confirm that your nominee has met this qualification.
  2. Carefully review your qualifications to be sure they match the duties of the respective office. Members may nominate themselves or they may be nominated by their chapter. If your chapter is nominating a member, make sure you check with your candidates to be sure they are willing to have their names presented for these important posts.
  3. The Nominations Committee will review all of the submissions and craft a ballot based on the experience and contributions of those seeking nomination.


March 5 Nominations information emailed to all members

April 20Deadline for LDEI officer nominations to be sent to LDEI Office

May 11Executive Director sends slate of candidates and ballots to chapter delegates to ratify

June 15Completed ballots returned to LDEI Office

2009-2010 Board Positions

The following positions are available for the LDEI Board of Directors for the 2009-2010 term. Each position is a one-year term, with the exception of first vice president. The First VP moves into the president’s position, then the immediate-past president position, making it a three-year commitment.Positions available are:

First Vice President

Second Vice President

Third Vice President



Director-at-Large (3)

Commitment and Remuneration for Board Members

Board members must attend three (3) LDEI Board of Directors meetings during the year they hold office. One will be held at the LDEI Annual Conference. The other meetings will be held at locations decided upon by the Board, which are usually in cities with prospective new chapters or the site of a future annual conference. Travel, accommodations and other expenses for each Board member are remunerated up to the amount budgeted for the year. In addition, board members are expected to participate in monthly hour-long conference calls.



(to be completed by the member or the chapter)

DEADLINE: April 20, 2009


____ 1ST Vice President/President Elect_____ Secretary

____ 2nd Vice President_____ Treasurer

____ 3rd Vice President_____ Director-at-Large

Note: To be eligible for office, a member must have served as a board member of a local chapter AND have attended the business meeting of an LDEI Conference in the last three years. To be considered as president-elect, a member must have served as a chapter president.

Name of Candidate:


City/State/Zip Code:




Chapter Leadership

LDEI Leadership

List the candidate’s qualifications and skills which will enhance the leadership of Les Dames d’Escoffier, with particular emphasis on qualifications for the specific Board office for which nominated.

The candidate must submit a statement on why she thinks she would make a positive addition to the board. Please submit the statement in less than 300 words.

ChapterNominator’s SignatureDate

Please return completed form, together with CANDIDATE’S STATEMENT, electronically by April 20, 2009:

Greg Jewell


P.O. Box 4961, Louisville, KY

Job Descriptions for Board Positions

LDEI Officer Duty Descriptions

In addition to the term outlines in the LDEI By-laws for officers and directors, the members of the board shall attend three Board of Directors meetings annually (one in conjunction with the annual conference). They will also participate in a monthly teleconference call to discuss management issues. Reimbursement will be made for travel expenses as provided for in the LDEI budget.


In addition to the terms outline in the LDEI By-laws, the President shall:

Set the calendar for the three Board of Director meetings.

Serve as the official spokeswoman for Les Dames d’Escoffier nationally.

Coordinate and manage the activities of the organization. Supervise and interface with the management firm on these matters.

Appoint committee chairs and see that LDEI operates according to its By-laws.

Oversee and advise local host committee regarding all aspects of LDEI’s Annual Conference.

Review and sign all contracts.

First Vice President

In addition to terms outlined in the LDEI By-laws, the First Vice President shall:

Serve as chair of the Sponsorship Committee to raise funds for the operating expenses of the organization (directory, Quarterly, conference, etc.)

As sponsorship chair, work with the local conference host committee to ensure that sponsors receive proper benefits and recognition. This also includes post-conference follow-up.

Serve as a liaison to the Auction Committee.

Move up to the position of President.

Second Vice President

In addition to terms outlined in the LDEI By-laws, the Second Vice President shall:

Serve as the editor of the Quarterly.

Decide on the theme of each issue and request information from the membership accordingly.

Work with a committee to develop articles, generate chapter news and other tasks necessary for the completion of the publication.

Compile and edit the Quarterly entries.

Third Vice President

In addition to terms outlined in the LDEI By-laws, the Third Vice President shall:

Work with a committee to conduct the public relations functions of the organization.

Working with a committee, seek public relations opportunities for the organization.

Continually update the PR manual and long-range public relations plan.

Establish yearly PR objectives commensurate with the overall PR plan.

Facilitate the public relations function at the chapter level.


In addition to terms outlined in the LDEI By-laws, the Secretary shall:

Review the minutes from each Board of Directors meeting as written by the Executive Director.

Make arrangements for the face-to-face Board of Directors meetings.

Serve as the Chair of the Chapter Support Committee.

Oversee introduction of new chapters and make sure all administrative details are complete in accordance with the LDEI By-laws.

Work with the Executive Director to keep the policy manual up-to-date.

Handles special projects as decided upon by the President and the Board.


In addition to terms outlined in the LDEI By-laws, the Treasurer shall:

Work with the Executive Director and the President on the development of the annual budget.

Sign checks for all expenses of the Society. (The Executive Director keeps detailed financial records, deposit all checks as received and record appropriately and reconciles monthly bank statements.)

Review monthly statements for accuracy prior to distribution to the board.

Present all financial details of the organization in a clear, concise manner following the format developed with the Board of Directors.

Supervise a professional accountant for preparation of required tax reports.

Be responsible for yearly preparation of the Annual Report for New York State Form 497 and US tax Form 990 for non-profit organizations. Provide LDEI president with proof of filing.

Produce and distribute annual dues notices. All dues payments should be sent to the LDEI office.

Immediate Past President

(not an elected position - assumed by the current president)

In addition to terms outlined in the LDEI By-laws, the Immediate Past President shall:

Serve as the chair of the LDEI Expansion Committee.

Serve as a resource to the Board of Directors and Council of Delegates on LDEI procedures and history.

Serve as liaison between the Past Presidents Advisory Council (PPAC) and LDEI Board of Directors.


In addition to terms outlined in the LDEI By-Laws, the Director-at-Large shall:

Serve as a communications vehicle between chapters and the board.

Each director will be assigned chapters to which they will serve as liaisons, bringing chapter issues and concerns to the board for attention. Chapters are assigned to each of the three directors after the election.

Work with the chapter presidents to ensure that information is submitted in a timely fashion, such as board nominations, award nominations, chapter reports for the annual meeting, dues, etc.

Handles special projects as decided upon by the President and the Board.