Minutes District X Meeting Wednesday, January 9, 2013

PRESENT: Judy Bergstrom, Co-President, Community GC of Liberty; Ann Bloom, Awards Chair; Heidi Buchholz, Treasurer; Carol Comando, Recording Secretary; Marian Fries, Co-President, Community GC of Liberty; Mary Jane Gisselbrecht, Judges Council and National Gardener Chair; Kathy Gorman, Co-President, Ramapo Valley GC; Elaine Heinsman, Youth Chair; Melanie Lanc, Co-President, Garden Lovers’ GC; Camille LiPuma, President, Clarkstown GC; Ellie Loughlin, Co-Director; Jane Madis, Assistant Director; Sally Mattausch, Internet Chair; Ann Muller, Finance Chair; Jeanne T. Nelson, Bylaws & Parliamentarian; Alberta Rosiak, Life Membership; Diane Schliphack, Co-Director; Faye Schuerholz, Corresponding Secretary; Margaret Vatter, President, Cornwall GC ABSENT: Barbara Bonforte, President, Roscoe-Rockland GC;Lorraine Booth, Historian; Dodie Bracken, Co-President, Ramapo Valley GC; Michele Farr, Membership Chair; Andrea Hamburger, Publicity Chair;Ginny Hughes, President, Community GC of Pine Bush; Mary Pohlman, Garden Therapy Chair; Cheryl Porada, Co-President, Garden Lovers’ GC; Cynthia Redden, President, Artful Gardeners GC; Patricia Reineke, Hospitality & Protocol Chair; Gretel Walker, Horticulture Chair

CALL TO ORDER – at 10:00 AM by Co-Director Ellie Loughlin, in the Kasuga Classroom at the Orange County Arboretum. Ellie wished everyonepresent a Happy New Year and distributed envelopes for each president.

RECORDING SECRETARY’S REPORT – Carol Comando reported that copies of the minutes ofthe January meeting were emailed to board members and snail-mailed to 3. Also emailed and mailed was notice of proposed amendments to District X Bylaws Article X Sections 2 and proposed Section 3, to be voted upon at today’s meeting, 30 days in advance of this meeting as per the bylaws. Motion by Ann Bloom and seconded by Heidi Buchholz to accept the minutes as submitted was approved.

CORRESPONDING SECRETARY’S REPORT – Faye Schuerholz reported that a note was sent to Fran Solimando thanking her for the great job she did chairing the fashion show and luncheon in October. Acknowledgments were also sent to all clubs in the district thanking them for their contributions and participation. Get well and sympathy cards were sent during the last quarter, as well as notification of today’s meeting to members of the Board. A card will be sent to Michele Farr who is recovering from surgery.

Ellie Loughlin announced that Gretel Walker has notified the board that she is resigning as Horticulture Chairperson due to illness.

TREASURER’S REPORT – Opening balance 9/30/12 in the checking account was $8,377.27.Receipts for the quarter X/01/12-12/31/12 were $1,576.00 and disbursements were $6,123.74, leaving a balance of $3,829.53in checking, $5,376.91in savings, a CD due 1/14/13 for $5,312.58, for total operating funds of $14,5X.02. The Flower Show School Scholarship CD due 2/5/13has $1,308.27. Report submitted by Heidi Buchholz. Motion by Ann Muller and seconded by Alberta Rosiak to file the report for audit was approved. Heidi also reported that the CD due 1/14/13 would be rolled over, and that the 2013-2015 District X Budget would be submitted for approval at the April meeting.


Artful Gardeners – 21 Active members. Cynthia Redden reported that the fall season began with a pressed flower demonstration lead by three club members in October. One member demonstrated how homemade flower pressers were made and gave out the samples she brought in. Another member displayed her book of pressed flowers showing how they were kept between pages of tissue paper. Tips for pressing flowers between pages of an old telephone book and then storing them in wax paper sandwich bags were also shared. In November, the club kicked off the holiday season with the annual wreath demonstration and workshop. This year the workshop was held at the Montague Grange. The group was led with a hands-on demonstration, no small feat for the number of participants (more than 30, half of whom were non-members). Participants had a wonderful selection of greens and embellishments from which to choose. Refreshments were also served. Also in November, club members

hung wreaths on the windows and fresh cut greens and ornaments in the beds of the Port Jervis Public Library and the Fort Decker Historical site. In December, the club enjoyed recapping the year 2012 over a terrific lunch at Jack’s Irish Pub at Catlin Gardens, Slate Hill, NY. Several members were treated to a tour of the new facility including a visit to The Cave. The Nominating Committee worked hard to fill the 2013-2015 slate of officers. The Committee Chair will present the slate in January, with elections to take place at the February meeting. Fall found most of our members tending their gardens. Fall clean-up, seed collection, wrapping shrubs and other good tasks to put our garden beds to rest for the winter kept them busy. Clarkstown Garden Club – 33 Active, 3 Associate members – Report by Camille LiPuma. The October meeting was held at the Street Community Center – a hands-on workshop: “Help Save the Eastern Bluebirds”. All members assembled nesting boxes and they will be placed in their backyards or the location of their choice. October was also our members’ plant exchange. Many left with new plants. The November meeting as always is open to the public and is usually held at the New City Library. Unfortunately, this year the meeting was held at our Street School meeting place, so attendance was limited to our own members and friends. Margaret Bridge, President of Black Meadow Flora, Inc. spoke on caring for orchids and brought a variety of orchid plants for sale. December was our annual Holiday Brunch at LaTristina, Congers, NY. All the members and guests brought in food and the club was able to donate over 70 lbs. of food to People to People. Everyone had a very wonderful time and enjoyed getting together for the holiday. Election of officers and a planning meeting for the upcoming year will take place in January. Everyone is excited and looking forward to a successful and active year. Community Garden Club of Liberty - 38 Active, 4 Associate, 3 Honorary members – Report by Judy Bergstrom. Speakers Information: Francis Groeters, Catskill Native Nursery, Kerhonkson, NY is an excellent speaker. Also: Kathleen Grady, Sullivan County Cooperative Extension. Her talk is on Herb Vinegars and she is very good. October 16, 2012 – Kathleen Grady of Sullivan Co. Cooperative Extension gave an excellent workshop on making herbal vinegars – just in time for holiday gift giving. October 19, 2012 – Club held their popular Bake/Plant Sale at Catskill Regional Medical Center. This year they earned more on plants than on baked goods. October 24, 2012 – The last monthly gardening at Woodland Wildlings involved weeding, dead-heading and mulching. Some bulbs, compliments of the Orange County Arboretum, were planted. The Garden Therapy Committee did a fall clean-up of the patio at the Adult Day Care Center. November 20, 2012 – Francis Groeters, owner of Catskill Native Nursery, gave a program promoting gardening for a better environment. November 28, 2012 – The Christmas Tree Committee met at the Sullivan County Museum to decorate the tree at the annual Festival of Trees. The club also arranges a Hanukkah exhibit for the holiday event. December 18, 2012 – The Holiday Luncheon was held at Yiasov’s Café in Liberty, an excellent choice and so inspired members and a guest that the club succeeded in getting a slate of officers for 2013. The holiday gift donation this year was sent toAmerican Legion Post 151, Middletown for Christmas gifts to be mailed overseas to servicemen and women. Community Garden Club of Pine Bush – Report by Ginny Hughes was read by Diane Schliphack. In October, as the end of gardening season approached, the club’s focus moved indoors and we enjoyed a wonderful presentation on African Violets by Master Gardener Gerta Krogslund. She assured members that they could enjoy blooms throughout the winter with a little tender loving care and brought long cuttings for members to begin new plants. A business meeting followed and it was with great pleasure that the club received the news that their 2012 yearbook was judged first place in NY State and designers Nancy Miller and Karyn Schoeberl were awarded giant plastic gold medals which they wore proudly for the rest of the evening. Fourteen members attended the district luncheon and fashion show. Members Diane Schliphack and Toni Gagan were outstanding models and 3 members won raffle prizes. All agreed it was a nice afternoon. The club also began to discuss year-end donations and ideas, committee assignments, etc. for the New Year. November brought inclement weather and the monthly meeting was cancelled, but it was more than made up for in December at the annual holiday gathering, graciously hosted by Diane Schliphack at her lovely historic home. Members bring sweets and savories to share. There was a lively discussion about donations to Hurricane Sandy and in the end it was decided that, for now at least, the club should concentrate on local need and several Hannaford gift cards were purchased and distributed via school nurses. 2012 was a successful year for the club. Membership stands at 28. They continue to support their community in many ways. Gardening projects at the government center, library and local park are a constant work in progress and the club Page 2 of 6 expands on them each year. They fund two high school scholarships, sponsor three students at DEC camp and continue to support a local food pantry, contribute to People for People, Relay for Life and Safe Homes. This year a member walked in the Avon Walk for breast cancer and was sponsored by the club. They also support the Walden Rotary and the Town of Wallkill Rotary Interact Club. The club is looking forward to a successful 2013, and to hosting the district luncheon in April. Cornwall Garden Club – There are currently 46 active, 13 associate and 2 honorary members. The October program was sponsored by District X and open to the public. “Serenity in the Garden” was presented by Jan Johnsen of Johnsen Landscape. Her PowerPoint presentation explained how ancient traditions and historic practices could be used to create a garden that “stills the world”. Attendance was high. The club recommends the program. In November, a member prepared and showed how to make candlestick toppers for the upcoming holidays. Every project was different. December gathered members together when everyone dolled up and enjoyed friendships and beautiful holiday table arrangements. Included in these meetings were horticulture talks and flower arrangement exhibits. New club officers will be installed in March. Report by Margaret Vatter. Garden Lovers’ Club of Middletown - 67 Active, 7 Associate, 12 Honorary Members – Report by club Co-President Melanie Lanc. October 2012 - Fall cleanup was undertaken by the following committees: Greenville Park, SUNY Orange Gardens and Hill Hold. The field trip was to Olana in Hudson, NY. The club toured the majestic home of Frederic Church and being taken back in time to see original furniture, world class paintings and 40 years worth of beautiful landscape spanning 250 acres that can be experienced by walking over five miles on carriage trails. The monthly business meeting had Master Gardeners speak and demonstrate “Infusing with Herbs”. Garden Therapy met at Park Manor to assist residents in creating a pumpkin flower arrangement and a craft. November 2012 – The monthly business meeting had Cathy Miller, Dried Flower lecturer and author to present the topic “It’s Holiday Time”. She has done arrangements for five First Ladies of the White House. She was truly enlightening and very entertaining to this “open to the public” meeting. Artistic crafts workshop involved members making kissing balls for the holidays. Garden Therapy workshop was at the home of one of our members to make wreaths and holiday arrangements for senior facilities, civic buildings and shut-in members. Christmas shoe boxes were made with the Head Start children. December 2012 – “Celebrating Holidays in Different Parks of America” was the theme this year for decorating Morrison Hall at SUNY Orange. Decorating took place on December 6th with open house to the public on the weekends of December 8/9 and 15/16. The club Holiday Tea and business meeting was held at Morrison Hall on December 11th with holiday music provided by Gail Johnson and her Chorale. The beautiful decorations were all taken down on December 17. The club donated to Hurricane Sandy through FGCNYS. Ramapo Valley Garden Club – Report by Co-President Kathy Gorman. September 2012 – Field trip to Stone Barns, Tarrytown, NY. This was a well-attended trip by the ladies. It was a very hot day, and walking shoes are a must. The tour included flower gardens with rotation of beds discussed, vegetable and agriculture areas and bee hives. All sustainable foods as in meat, poultry and dairy come from the site. A buffet lunch (everything made was from herbs, veggies grown there) was provided inside the old stone barn/silo area. Each member received a small gift bag with fresh eggs and some reading material about the Stone Barns. A short business meeting was held during the lunch period and many members enjoyed shopping in the gift store. In addition our garden therapy and civics committee workers performed their assigned tasks. October 2012– A field trip was scheduled to visit the Thain Forest at the NY Botanical Gardens, however, due to a lack of attendees and the District X luncheon scheduled for the next day, it was prudent to cancel the trip and encourage members to attend the luncheon. The civics committee put the municipal gardens to bed. November 2012 – The semi-annual business meeting was held at the home of a member. Club activities, finances, and appointment of a nominating committee were approved. There was a small goods auction held to raise revenue for the club. Holiday decorations at two Village Halls, Suffern and Montebello respective, were hung by garden club members. December 2012 – The annual holiday luncheon was held at Marcello’s in Suffern. Members donated canned goods and hams to a local food pantry in Spring Valley, NY. It was reported by a member who had done the garden therapy at the group home that our flower arrangements are much appreciated all year long by the staff but also from the families of those persons residing in the home. January 2013 – There is no club activity scheduled, however, the yearbook committee met and the new book is underway for 2013. Page 3 of 6

Roscoe-Rockland Garden Club – 19 Active, 8 Associate members - Report prepared by club Co-President Barbara Bonforte was read by Faye Schuerholz. October 2012 - Members brought floral arrangements to the meeting. Program was “Making Maple Syrup” presented by a local resident, followed by a lecture about the peony. November 2012 – Workshop to craft a keepsake bouquet with local florist was cancelled due to illness. December 2012 – Members had a business meeting followed by a Pot Luck Dinner. Plans were made for the annual Christmas House Decoration judging in Manor and Roscoe. Warwick Valley Gardeners – 54 Active, 4 Associate and 1 Lifetime members – Report by President Jane Madis. By April 1 of this president’s first year, she was consumed with details of chairing the Plant Sale, promoting National Garden Week, meeting with committee chairs and chairing the Selection Committee for the club’s Garden Tour. During this time, several members were contending with illness or injury that limited fulfilling their responsibilities. The Plant Sale in June, Garden Tour in July and Barn Sale in September were the most successful in many years thanks to the dedication and positive attitude of members who participated. In August the club had a program open to the public with the wonderful fun speaker Rick Mikula from Rutgers College, on Butterflies and Their Habitat. September meeting was cancelled due to tornado warnings. October, another very popular program open to the public: Pruning Basics – a Kinder Cut, was presented by two speakers from Cornell Cooperative Extension. They were most informative, explaining about pruning and how trees and shrubs grow. Members took lots of notes, excited to get pruning techniques in order, the right tools for the job, and most importantly husbands lined up for this manly job. In November the club had a workshop on how to make a Festive Seasonal Arrangement, with hands on help from the owner of Grammy’s Garden, Sandy Kurtz. Near the end of November, the club decorates Railroad Green Park and holds a tree lighting ceremony to kick off the “Home for the Holidays”, the start of shopping local. The Holiday Committee did an outstanding job with the decorations. They served hot cocoa to visitors, and arranged for the youth choir to sing. The year ended with a festive Holiday Party at the Warwick Valley Winery. Not forgetting the needy, members brought donations for distribution by the food pantry of a local church. Both the party and the donations were organized by Mary Pohlman. Mary is club chair of Garden Therapy, extended Butterfly Garden and Dragonfly Habitat, mentor to one new member, as well as chairing both Awards and Publicity for the club. Her endless enthusiasm and dedication have helped make the community aware of the club’s work in the areas of civic pride and community service. COMMITTEE REPORTS; Awards – Ann Bloom reported that six awards were presented at the October, 2012 luncheon to the following: NGC Award of Participation to Warwick Valley Gardeners, Mary Pohlman accepting; NY State Yearbook Awards for 20-29 members to Community Garden Club of Pine Bush; 30-44 Members, Honorable Mention to Clarkstown Garden Club; 45-69 members, 3rd Place to Warwick Valley Gardeners and Honorable Mention to Cornwall Garden Club; and 70-99 members, 1st Place to Garden Lovers of Middletown. These clubs should be congratulated, especially when we know they are competing with 300 clubs in NY State. The 1st place award winners, of which we have two, will now move on the NGC for a possible additional award. Ann reminded new club presidents and awards chairmen that they should have received the Awards Manual. These manuals are to be kept and passed on to new presidents and awards chairmen. Ann also reminded everyone to plan now in their club yearbooks for new projects that can be considered for awards next year. Birds, Butterflies & Bees – No report. Bylaws and Parlimentarian – No report. Calendars – Heidi Buchholz reported that there was no change from her October 2012 report. Finance – No report. Garden Therapy – No report. Historian – No report. Horticulture–No report. Hospitality & Protocol – No report. Internet –Sally Mattausch reported that the October 2012 District minutes was added to the website, along with pictures of October’s Luncheon and Fashion Show and the activation of a link to Clarkstown Garden Club’s website. Sally suggested that clubs may wish to create a Facebook page for their club. It is an easy way for members to communicate by posting information, meeting dates, and photos. All club members could actively participate. Page 4 of 7