Vita of Meada Hall1


Meada Hall

1525 Bull Lea Rd., Suite 160

University of Kentucky

Lexington, KY40511-9816

859-257-9117, #228


1998 to PresentEd. D. Program in Special Education Personnel Preparation,University of Kentucky

1989M. S. Degree in Special Education, Severe and Profound DisabilitiesUniversity of Kentucky

1985B. A. Degree in Therapeutic Recreation, University of Kentucky


Kentucky Teaching Certification

Rank I, K-12, Severe/Profound Disabilities


July 2005 to PresentPrinciple Investigator and Project Director for the Community Based Work Transition Program, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

July 2005 to PresentPart Time Instructor,Department of Special Education and Rehabilitation Counseling, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY.

August 2001 to2005Visiting Instructor, Department of Special Education,

Eastern KentuckyUniversity, Richmond, KY.

1998 to 2001Project Director, Training Rural Educators in Kentucky through Collaborative Relationships, Department of Special Education and Rehabilitation Counseling, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY.

1992 to PresentEducational and Behavioral Consultant, Human Development Institute, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY and Protection and Advocacy, Frankfort, Kentucky

1992 to PresentPrivate Consultation, for Students with disabilities and their families

1992 to 1998Special Education Teacher, Functional Mental Disabilities, JessamineCountyHigh School, Nicholasville, KY.

1991-1992Special Education Teacher, Functional Mental Disabilities, JessamineCountyMiddle School, Nicholasville, KY.

1990-1991Special Education Teacher, Functional Mental Disabilities, MercerCountyElementary School, Harrisburg, KY.


Eastern KentuckyUniversity

SED 500/700Best Practices, Issues, and Programming in Moderate and Severe Disabilities, Spring 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005

SED 504/704Assistive/Adaptive Technology, Fall 2001, 2003, 2004

SED 353Functional Assessment and Instructional Planning for Moderate and Severe Disabilities, Fall 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004

SED 375Practicum in Special Education, Fall 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004; Spring 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005

SED 435Systematic Instruction for Moderate and Severe Disabilities, Spring 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004

SED 499Supervised Student Teaching in Special Education, Fall 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004; Spring 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005

SED 545/745Program Personnel Management, , Fall 2001,2002, 2003; 2004; Spring 2002, 2003; 2004, 2005; Summer 2002, 2003, 2004,

SED 577/777Dual Sensory Impairments and Communication, Spring 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005

SED 806Advanced Assessment and Methods for Moderate and Severe Disabilities, Summer 2001, 2004, 2005

SED 818Special Topics in Moderate and Severe, Summer 2001, 2004, 2005

SED 793Teaching Students with Learning and Behavioral Disorders, Summer 2003, 2004

University of Kentucky

EDS 513Legal Issues in Special Education, Fall 1999 with Dr. Kristine Jolivette, Fall 2000 with Ed Dove

EDS 516Principles of Behavior Management and Instruction, Fall 1998, Spring 1999, Spring 2000 with Dr. Stephanie Rankin, Spring 2001 with Dr. Beth Anne Pruitt

EDS 530Moderate/Severe Disabilities, Spring 1999, 2000, & 2001 with Dr. Belva Collins

EDS 546Transdisciplinary Services for Students with Multiple Disabilities: Spring 1998, 1999, & 2000 with Dr. Jennifer Grisham-Brown, Spring 2000

EDS 547Collaboration and Inclusion in School and Community Settings: Fall 1998, 1999 & 2000 with Dr. Jacqui Kearns, Fall 2005

EDS 549Methods for Teaching Students with Moderate and Severe Disabilities, Spring 2006

EDS 558Issues in Special Education, Fall 2007, Fall 2008

EDS 600Survey of Special Education, Fall 1998 with Dr. Harold Kleinert

EDS 601Applied Behavior Analysis, Summer 2005, 2006

EDS 630Methods of Teaching Students with Disabilities, Fall 1999 with Dr. John Schuster

EDS 631Basic Skill Training for Students with Severe Disabilities, Fall 1999 & 2000 with Dr. Belva Collins; Fall 2006

EDS 632Advance Practicum in Severe Developmental Disabilities, Fall 1998 & Spring 1999 with Dr. John Schuster

EDS 633Single Subject Research Design, Summer 1999 with Dr, John Schuster

RC 540Chemical Dependency in Rehabilitation, Summer 1999 with Dr. Debra Harley


Bluegrass Technology Center, Board Member, 2007 to Present

Association for Persons in Supported Employment 2005 to Present

Bluegrass Association for Autism, August 1998 to present

Kentucky Interagency Transition Council 1994 to Present

Postsecondary Opportunity Committee


1/02Graduate School-Fellowship Student Support, $350.00, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

3/01Exemplary Program Award for Training Rural Educators in Kentucky through Collaborative Relationships presented by American Council on Rural Special Education (ACRES), at the ACRES National Conference in San Diego, California

3/01Exemplary Program Award for College Connection Program presented by American Council on Rural Special Education (ACRES), at the ACRES National Conference in San Diego, California

11/00Alice H. Hayden Award presented by the National TASH Awards Committee, $500.00, at the 2000 National TASH Conference in Miami, Florida

10/99Graduate School-Fellowship Student Support, $270.00, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

01/99Commonwealth Research Award, $986.00, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky


Collins, B.C., Branson, T.A., Hall, M., & Rankin, S.W. (2001). Teaching secondary

students with moderate disabilities in an inclusive academic classroom setting.

Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities. 13, 41-59.

Collins, B.C., Hall, M., Branson, T., & Holder, M. (2001). Acquisition of related and

nonrelated nontargeted information presented by a teacher within an inclusive

setting. Journal of Behavioral Education, 9, 223-237.

Kleinert, H., Denham, A., Groneck, V., Clayton, J., Burdge, M., Kearns, J. F., & Hall, M.

(2001). Systematically teaching the components of self-determination through the

process of alternate assessments. In H. Kleinert & J.F. Kearns (Eds.), Alternate

assessment: Measuring outcomes and supports for students with disabilities.

Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brooks.

Kleinert, H., Hurte, M., Groneck, V., Fay, J., Roszmann-Millican, M., Hall, M., Clayton,

J., & Lester, J. (2001). Evidencing performance across multiple settings: The role

of the community as a source of essential learning. In H. Kleinert & J. F. Kearns

(Eds.), Alternate assessment: Measuring outcomes and supports for students with

disabilities. Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brooks.

Hall, M., Kleinert, H.L., & Kearns, J.F. (2000). College Connection: New directions in

post-secondary programs for students with moderate and severe disabilities.

Teaching Exceptional Children. 32, 58-65.

Harley, D.A., Hall, M., & Savage, T. A. (2000). Working with gay and lesbian

consumers with disabilities: Helping practitioners understand another frontier of

diversity. Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling. 31, 4 –11.

Collins, B. C., Hall, M. & Schuster, J. W. (2000). Selecting a text for a course in severe

disabilities: A comparison of content and features. Teacher Education and

Special Education. 23, 65-69.

Collins, B.C., Hall, M., Rankin, S.W., & Branson, T.A. (1999). Just say “No!” and walk

away: Teaching students with mental disabilities to resist peer pressure. Teaching

Exceptional Children. 31, 48-52.

Collins, B. C.,Schuster, J. W., Hall, M, & Griffen, A. K. (1999): Ten Years of Distance Learning: Changing to Meet Geographical, Institutional, and Student Characteristics. 1999 Conference Proceedings of the American Council for Rural Special Education. Kansas: ACRES.

Collins, B.C., Hall, M., & Branson, T.A. (1997). Facilitating inclusion of students with

moderate to severe disabilities by involving peers in the instruction of leisure

skills. Exceptional Children. 63, 499-512.

Collins, B. C., Branson, T. A., & Hall, M. (1995). Teaching generalized reading of

cooking product labels to adolescents with mental disabilities through the use of

key words taught by peer tutors. Education and Training in Mental Retardation

and Developmental Disabilities. 30, 65-75.

Hall, M. G., Schuster, J.W. Wolery, M., Gast, D., & Doyle, P.M. (1992). Teaching

chained skills in a non-school setting using a divided half instructional format.

Journal of Behavioral Education. 2,257-280.


Kentucky Department of Education, Community Based Work Transition Program, $119,729.00 for 2006-2007; $81,784.00 for 2007-2008

$100,784.52 for 2008-2009.

Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, Community Based Work Transition Program, $337,111.00 for 2006-2008;$310,705 for 2008-2010.

03/98The Kentucky Developmental Disabilities Council Model Demonstration Grant,

on transition with Janice Crane, WendyLakes, & Jacqui Kearns; $36,490 per year.

PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES: Presentations and Trainings

09/05Training Workshops for Community Based Work Transition Program, Bowling

to Green, Lexington, and Princeton, KY.


07/08Presentation for the Association for Persons in Supported Employment National Conference, Louisville, KY, “Community Based Work Transition Program: Helping Students Transition from High School to Employment”.

06/08Video Conference for the “Disability” Kentucky-Ecuador Partnership, Lexington, KY to the US Embassy Ecuador, “Helping Students with Disabilities Transition from High School to Community: Strategies used in the United States and Kentucky”.

05/08Training for Shelby County Schools, Shelbyville, KY, “COACH: Choosing Outcomes and Accommodations for Children”.

04/08Presentation for the Council for Exceptional Children National Conference, Boston, MA, “Community Based Work Transition Program: Helping

Students Transition from High School to Employment”.

03/08Presentation for American Council for Rural Special Education Conference,

Huntington, WV, “Community Based Work Transition Program: Helping

Students Transition from High School to Employment”.

02/08 Kentucky Special Education Cooperative Directors’ Meetings, Eddyville,

Shelbyville, and Bowling Green, KY, “Job Coach Training and the Community Based

Work Transition Program”.

11/07Presentation for the Jefferson County Parent Outreach Program, Louisville, KY,

“Transition and the Community Based Work Transition Program”.

08/07Presentation for the Kentucky Special Parent Involvement Network, Louisville,

KY, “Transition and Work”.

08/07Transition Panel for the Kentucky Business Leadership Network, Louisville, KY.

07/07Presentation for theKentucky Rehabilitation Association, Lexington, KY, “IDEA

2004 and Vocational Rehabilitation”.

03/07Presentation for the Pacific Rim Conference on Disabilities, Honolulu, HI, “Community Based Work Transition Program: Helping Students Transition form High School to Employment”.

11/06Presentation for the Wilderness Trail, Upper Cumberland, and Central Kentucky Regional Interagency Transition Team’s Transition Forums, Lexington and Richmond, KY, “Community Based Work Transition Program and the Human Development Institute”.

03/06Presentation for the Parent Professional Conference, Lexington, KY, “Community Based Work Transition Program”.

06/05Presentation for the Upper Cumberland Special Education Cooperative, Corbin

Kentucky, “Community Based Work Transition Project”.

10/04Coordinated and Facilitated SPLASH Training for the Inclusive Education

Initiative, Kentucky Department of Education, and the University of Kentucky Human Development Institute. Lexington, KY.

3/04Presentation for the EKU Autism and Related Differences Group, Richmond, KY, “College Connection Program”.

3/04Presentation for the Down Syndrome Association of Central Kentucky, Lexington, KY: “Writing IEPs”.

11/03Presentation for the University of Kentucky Special Education Law Class, Lexington, KY: “IEP Development”.

06/03Training for EKU;s Future Educators of America Summer Camp, Richmond, KY. “Bending Over Backwards So They Can Learn”, “What If Their Ears and Mouth Won’t Work”, “Assistive Technology for Special Needs”, and Setting Up the Ideal Classroom for All Learners”>

06/03Presentation for the EKU Grandparents workshop on Autism, Richmond, KY, “Meeting the Educational Needs of Children with Autism”.

04/03Presentation for the EKU Autism and Related Differences Group, Richmond, KY, “College Connection Program”.

11/02Presentation for the University of Kentucky Human Development Institute SPLASH Training, Lexington, KY: “Community-Based Instruction and Post-Secondary Programs for Students with Moderate and Severe Disabilities”.

06/02One-day inservice for the CavelandEducationalSupportCenter, “COACH”.

06/02Training for GarradCountyMiddle School, Lancaster, KY, “COACH”.

05/02Training for the ARC of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, “Inclusion”.

04/02Presentation for the EKU Autism and Related Differences Group, Richmond, KY, “Inclusion for students with Autism”.

03/02Presentation for the American Council for Rural Special Education Conference, Reno, Nevada, with Dr. Belva Collins and Terri Branson, “Success with Reluctant Researchers: Real life experiences in a rural setting”.

02/02Presentation for the University of Kentucky Special Education Law Class, Lexington, KY: “IEP Development”.

11/01Presentation for the University of Kentucky Human Development Institute SPLASH Training, Lexington, KY: “Community-Based Instruction and Post-Secondary Programs for Students with Moderate and Severe Disabilities”.

7/01Paraeducator Conference,for the University of Kentucky, Interdisciplinary Human Development Institute, Lexington, KY: “Instructional Strategies”.

6/01One-day training for the Upper Cumberland Special Education Cooperative Summer Institute, Corbin, KY: “Community-Based Instruction”, and “Developing An Distinguish Alternate Portfolio”.

6/01Three-day training for the Jefferson County Public Schools Low Incidence Program Summer Institute, Louisville, KY: “Instructional Strategies”, and “Analyzing Instructional Programs”.

3/01Presentation for the Kentucky Federation of the Council for Exceptional Children Conference, Louisville, KY, with Dr. Belva Collins, Jannike Seward, Panaena Rue, and Channon Horn: “Instructional Programs for Students with Moderate and Severe Disabilities: Design and Implementation”.

3/01Presentation for the Kentucky Federation of the Council for Exceptional Children Conference, Louisville, KY, with Jean Hess and Amy Mingo: “School-wide Behavioral Support: Data Management Using Excel”.

11/00Presentation for the University of Kentucky Interdisciplinary Human Development Institute SPLASH Training, Lexington, KY: “Community-Based Instruction and Post-Secondary Programs for Students with Moderate and Severe Disabilities”.

11/00One-day in-service for Southern Elementary and Pendleton County Middle School staff, Falmouth, KY: “Legal Issues and Strategies for Adapting and Modifying General Education Curriculum for All Students”.

10/00Presentation for the University of Kentucky Interdisciplinary Human Development Institute SPLASH Training, Lexington, KY: “Problem Solving Approaches for Challenging Behavior”.

08/00One-day in-service for Northern Elementary faculty, Falmouth, KY: “Collaboration”.

07/00One-day training for the Kentucky Center for School Safety, Lexington, KY, with Dr. Mike Nelson: “Functional Behavior Assessment and Behavior Intervention Planning”.

03/00Presentation for the American Council for Rural Special Education Conference, Alexandra, VA, with Dr. Belva Collins: Poster session, “Training Rural Educators in Kentucky through Collaborative Relationships.”

02/00One-day training for the Kentucky Center for School Safety, Paintsville, KY, with Dr. Mike Nelson, Donna Meers, Chris Christle, Linda Gassaway, Wanda Chandler and Beth Anne Pruitt: “Systems of Positive Behavioral Supports”.

12/99Presentation for the TASH Conference, Chicago, IL, with Dr. Belva Collins: “Ten Years of Distance Learning: Impact on Severe Disabilities in Kentucky”.

11/99Presentation for the Kentucky Council for Exceptional Children, Louisville, KY, with Dr. Belva Collins and MSD graduate students: “Ideas for Developing Alternate Portfolio Entries for Students with Moderate and Severe Disabilities.”

11/99Presentation for the University of Kentucky Interdisciplinary Human Development Institute SPLASH Training, Lexington, KY: “Using Personal Futures Planning for Developing Community-Based and Vocational Program for Students with Moderate and Severe Disabilities”.

10/99Presentation for the Best Practices Conference, Louisville, KY: “College Connection Program: New Directions in Post-Secondary Programs for Students with Moderate and Severe Disabilities”.

05/99Presentation for the Bluegrass Network of Person-Centered Planning Facilitators, Lexington, KY: “ Providing Age Appropriate Program For Students with Disabilities Using Person-Centered Planning”.

03/99Presentation for the American Council On Rural Special Education Conference, Albuquerque, NM, with Dr. Belva Collins, Ann Griffen and Dr. John W. Schuster: “Ten Years of Distance Learning: Changing to Meet Geographical, Institutional, and Student Characteristics”.

02/99Presentation for the Kentucky Council for Exceptional Children, Louisville, KY, with Dr. Belva Collins: Including Students with Functional Mental Disabilities: “What Do They Learn and How Do They Learn It?”.

02/99Presentation for the Kentucky Council for Exceptional Children, Louisville, KY, with Professor Roy Lauter and Scarlett Prine: “College Connection Program for Students with Moderate and Severe Disabilities”.

11/98Presentation for the Kentucky Exceptional Children’s Conference, Louisville, KY, with Dr. Belva Collins and Ann Griffen: “Curriculum for Students with Functional Mental Disabilities”.

11/98Presentation for the University of Kentucky Interdisciplinary Human Development Institute SPLASH Training, Lexington, KY: “Using Personal Futures Planning for Developing Age-Appropriate Program for Students with Moderate and Severe Disabilities Ages 18 to 21”.

10/98Presentation for the FayetteCountyParentResourceCenter, Lexington, KY: “Issues Related to Appropriate Programs for Students with Disabilities”.

04/98Presentation for the Annual Parent/Professional Conference, Louisville, KY, with Professor Roy Lauter and Scarlett Prine: “College Connection Program for Students with Moderate and Severe Disabilities”.

02/98Presentation for the Kentucky Council of Exceptional Children, Lousiville, KY, with Dr. Belva Collins: “Just Say ‘No’ and Walk Away: Teaching Students with Disabilities to Resist Peer Pressure”.

10/97Presentation for the Savannah State University Department of Physical Education and Recreation, Savannah, GA: “Facilitating Inclusion of Students with Moderate to Severe Disabilities by Involving Peers in the Instruction of Leisure Skills.”

10/97Presentation for the University of Kentucky Interdisciplinary Human Development Institute SPLASH Training, Lexington, KY: “Secondary and Post-Secondary Programs for Students with Disabilities”.

10/97Presentation for the Kentucky Association of Teacher Educators Annual Fall Conference, Lexington, KY, with Professor Roy Lauter: “College Connection Program”.

10/97Presentation for the Eastern KentuckyUniversity Council for Exceptional Children, Richmond, KY, with Dr. Jacqui Kearns: “College Connections: Alternative Programs for Students with Moderate and Severe Disabilities”.

10/97Presentation for the Owensboro Transition Improvement Planning Committee, Owensboro, KY, with Merrelyn Carmichael: “Transitioning Students with Moderate and Severe Disabilities into their Community”.

02/97Presentation for the Kentucky Council for Exceptional Children, Owensboro, KY: “Exploring Age appropriate Alternatives for High School Students with Disabilities”.

12/96Presentation for the TASH Conference, New Orleans, LA, with Dr. Stephanie Rankin, Professor Roy Lauter and Stephanie Thompson (parent): “ The Community and Beyond: New Opportunities at College”.

11/96In-service for staff at Jessamine County Schools, Nicholasville, KY: “Alternate Portfolio Assessment for Student with Moderate and Severe Disabilities.

10/96Presentation for the University of Kentucky Interdisciplinary Human Development Institute SPLASH Training, Lexington, KY: “Developing Instruction and Activities for Students with Disabilities with their Same Age Peers in an Inclusive Setting”.

10/96One-day training for the University of Kentucky Interdisciplinary Human Development Institute, Lexington, KY, with Sarah Kennedy: “Kentucky Alternate Portfolio Assessment”.

04/96Presentation for the Delta Kappa Gamma, Lexington, KY: “College Connection Program”.

03/96Presentation for the National Association of Teacher Educators Conference, Charleston, SC, with Dr. Stephanie Rankin, Professor Roy Lauter and Becky Oswald : “Sailing Uncharted Seas”.

02/96Presentation for the University of Kentucky Interdisciplinary Human Development Institute, Lexington, KY, with Dr. Belva Collins: “Facilitating Inclusion of Students with Moderate and Severe Disabilities by Involving Peers in the Instruction of Leisure Skills”.

02/96Presentation for the Kentucky Council for Exceptional Children, Lexington, KY, with Dr. Belva Collins: “Facilitating Positive Attitudes toward Persons with Disabilities through Integrated Recreational Activities”.

11/95Presentation for the University of Kentucky Interdisciplinary Human Development Institute SPLASH Training, Lexington, KY: “Developing Activities-Based Schedules for Students with Moderate and Severe Disabilities”.

10/95Presentation for the Association for Persons in Supportive Employment, Lexington, KY, with Dr. Stephanie Rankin and Merrelyn Carmichael: “Developing Alternative Programs for Students with Moderate and Severe Disabilities at the College Level”.

10/95One-day training for the University of Kentucky Interdisciplinary Human Development Institute, Lexington, KY, with Sarah Kennedy: “Kentucky Alternate Portfolio Assessment”.