Education Authority
North Eastern Region
Guidelines for Completing the School Meals Return Form
1. To open the file, double click on the file using your computer mouse. You should save the file to your own “drive” and add your school name e.g. “SchMRMonthly1516 SchY[School Name]” so that this can be easily identified by Income Section when returning your monthly Form.
2. Each month’s returns for the school year can be found at the bottom of your screen with a new sheet for each month – to open each sheet just click on the appropriate tab.
3. Only areas coloured “Green” must be completed.
4. Enter school name – you can do so by clicking in Row 4, column B.
5. Enter school cost centre code by clicking in Row 5, column B.
6. In rows 9-13, columns B-F, complete showing the number of meals sold in each School sector for each week ending (date) as shown in column A.
7. In rows 26-50, enter the lodgement date and the amount lodged in the bank. There are 4 columns A and B for cash lodgements and D and E for cheque lodgements.
8. The amount in Row 53 for “Difference” should be “£0.00”. However, if this shows amount “(under)/overlodged”, lines 57 and 58 MUST be completed giving an explanation why there is a difference.
9. In Line 61, column B, please type the name of the person who is certifying that the data is correct. Please also indicate the date that the data is certified and submitted in Line 61, column F.
Please ensure that all sections are fully completed. The School Meals Return, when completed, must be returned to email address no later than 3 days after the last Friday of the month.
Please ensure you use the correct excel sheet for the month relating to the School Meals Return you are completing the data for as these have the appropriate Week Ended dates included.
You must save your file each time you enter details – you can save by going to “File” and then “Save”.
A copy of the School Meals Return forms will also be on the Education Authority – North Eastern Region’s website.