Healthwatch Wakefield Limited Trustee Application Pack 2017 Page 1 of 16
May 2017
Dear Applicant,
Thank you for contacting us for information about ourTrusteevacancies. You will find the following documents included in this pack:
- Background information about Healthwatch Wakefield
- Information about the responsibilities of the Trustee Board including our competency framework, Trustee job description and Code of Conduct
- An application form
- An equal opportunities monitoring form
If you require an alternative format please contact usthrough the details below.
Application forms and the equal opportunities monitoring form should be emailed to or posted to:
Healthwatch Wakefield
11-13 Upper York Street
If you have any questions about the process please contact meon 01924 787379or the email above. Please also get in touch if you would like to have an informal discussion about the Trustee vacancies.
Yours sincerely
Nichola Esmond
Nichola Esmond
Chief Executive Officer
About us
Healthwatch is an initiative set up by the Government in 2013 to make sure people are able to influence and challenge health and social care services. Every local area has one. Healthwatch covers services provided by hospitals, care homes, GP surgeries, home care services and many others. Healthwatch Wakefield is the local Healthwatch for Wakefield District. You can find out more about our work at our website at
Healthwatch Wakefield has a team approach in that local health and care intelligence is considered jointly with relevant stakeholders; priorities are set; and staff and volunteers work together to investigate the agreed key work areas. We have a focus on achieving positive outcomes to improve local health and social care services, using a strong evidence base to support our work.
The Healthwatch Wakefield contract is commissioned through Wakefield Metropolitan District Council.
Healthwatch Wakefield is a Registered Company No. 09907848 and Charity No. 1166797 Registered in England and Wales.
Healthwatch has a number of statutory functions that it must fulfil, as follows:
1.Promoting and supporting involvement of local people in commissioning, provision and scrutiny of local care services.
2.Enabling local people to monitor local care services and whether/how they could/ought to be improved.
3.Obtaining views of local people regarding their needs for, and experiences of, local care services and making these views known.
4.Making reports and recommendations about how local care services could or ought to be improved. These should be directed to commissioners and providers, and people responsible for managing or scrutinising services and shared with Healthwatch England.
5.Providing advice and information about access to local care services so choices can be made about local care services.
6.Formulating views on standard of provision and whether and how the local care services could and ought to be improved.
7.Making recommendations to Healthwatch England to advise the Care Quality Commission to conduct special reviews or investigations (or, where the circumstances justify making such recommendations direct to the CQC); and to make recommendations to Healthwatch England to publish reports about particular issues.
8.Providing Healthwatch England with the intelligence and insight it needs to enable it to perform effectively.
Healthwatch Wakefield receives 'core' funding from the Government through Wakefield Council but also generates income from other sources.
Healthwatch Wakefield Limited
Collective Responsibilities of the Board
- Healthwatch Wakefield Board is collectively responsible for establishing and delivering the essential purposes of Healthwatch Wakefield and we are also responsible for safeguarding its ethos and values.
- Together, we and the chief executive officer develop our long-term strategy and business plan. Our meeting agendas reflect the key points of the strategy to keep us on track.
- We create policies to govern organisational activity. These cover:
- Guidance and procedures for staff and volunteers
- Systems for reporting and monitoring
- An ethical framework for everyone connected with the organisation
- Conduct of Directors and board business
Ultimate policy-making responsibility belongs to the Board. For this reason, we have the responsibility of keeping appraised of our policies. Revisions to some policies emanating from staff may give rise to a recommendation for the board to consider and approve.Examples of these may include Health and Safety policies, child and adult safeguarding and data protection policies.
- We create and implement comprehensive, fair and legal personnel policies. These protect the organisation and those who work for us. They cover:
- Recruitment
- Support
- Appraisal
- Remuneration
- Discipline
- We recruit and select new board members according to our agreed procedures and in line with our governing documents.
- We make sure our memorandum and articles of association are followed. In particular our activities must comply with our charitable objects as stated in our memorandum.
- We are responsible for checking that all our activities are legal.
- We ensure that Healthwatch Wakefield as a charity and a company fulfils our accountability as required by law to:
- The Charity Commission
- HM Revenue and Customs
- Registrar of Companies
We are also accountable to:
- Healthwatch England
- Our commissioners
- Donors and funders
- Beneficiaries
- Members
- Staff and volunteers
- The general public
This means publishing annual reports and accounts and ensuring that our decision making procedures are transparent.
- We are responsible for effectively managing Healthwatch Wakefield's resources so it can meet its charitable objects. This means:
- Securing sufficient resources to fulfil the mission
- Monitoring spending in the best interests of the organisation
- Approving the annual financial statement and budget
- Protecting Healthwatch Wakefield against liability by providing insurance
- Seeking to minimise risk for the organisation
- Participating in fundraising
- Ensuring legal compliance
- We create policies covering the employment of our chief executive officer. We also select and support her/him and review her/his performance. We recognise and respect the domain of staff responsibility. At the same time, we create policy to guide staff activities and safeguard Healthwatch Wakefield's interests.
- We keep our own house in order by engaging in:
- Productive meetings
- Effective committees with adequate resources
- Development activities
- Regular performance reviews
- Partnership with consultants where necessary
- Through our own behaviour, our governance oversight and our activities on behalf of Healthwatch Wakefield, we enhance and protect its reputation. We are good ambassadors for Healthwatch Wakefield and adhere to our codes of conduct.
- As a board, we sign up to the six principles of good governance within the ACEVO Code for the Voluntary and Community Sector, as follows,
An effective board will provide good governance and leadership by:
1)Understanding their role
2)Ensuring delivery of organisational purpose
3)Working effectively both as individuals and as a team
4)Exercising effective control
5)Behaving with integrity
6)Being open and accountable
Healthwatch Wakefield Limited Trustee Application Pack 2017 Page 1 of 16
Healthwatch Wakefield Limited
Trustee Competency Framework
*Denotes a core competency for all roles
Cluster / Competency / Senior Leaders - (level 3)Performance / Accountability* / Acts as a role model in taking accountability and initiating action. Is positive and proactive. Role models a ‘can do’ attitude. Has the courage to make bold and timely decisions and take risks. Shows integrity and delivers on commitments. Ensures others are clear on their role and responsibilities and holds themselves and others accountable for their actions.
Delivering performance / Acts as a role model in setting and delivering high standards. Challenges themselves and others to improve their performance. Gives constructive feedback and takes prompt action to tackle poor performance. Shows determination to achieve results. Shows resilience and persistence to overcome obstacles. Drives efficiency and optimises use of resources.
Alignment and planning / Ensures their role is aligned with Healthwatch Wakefield vision and strategy. Sets clear priorities and plans to enable achievement or organisational goals. Sets appropriate and realistic deadlines. Monitors and tracks performance against plans. Ensures deadlines are met.
Learning and change / Creates a culture of openness to change, innovation and learning. Initiates and embraces change. Identifies opportunities for improvement across the organisation. Shows lateral thinking to solve problems creatively. Is seen as a champion of organisational change. Focuses on the possibilities afforded by change. Is keen to learn and grow, actively seeking out feedback and learning from new experience.
Cluster / Competency / Senior leaders - (level 3)
Insight / Breadth of perspective* / Shows interest in health and social care and the external factors impacting on this. Thinks strategically, looking ahead to the long term. Is outward focused and sees the bigger picture. Acts in the interest of Healthwatch Wakefield as a whole. Emphasises the role of themselves and others in contributing to organisational success.
Making effective judgments / Fully understands and analyses an issue and makes balanced and objective judgments. Asks probing questions and consults appropriately. Thinks about the equality, financial and broader impact of decisions. Takes into account stakeholder needs. Is able to think on their feet and make prompt decisions when needed.
Applying specialist knowledge / Is knowledgeable and keeps up to date in their area of specialism. Thinks both tactically and strategically about how best to apply expertise across the organisation, the health and social care environment and wider relevant network.
Cluster / Competency / Senior leaders - (level 3)
Engagement / Working collaboratively* / Develops empowering and enduring working relationships with internal and external customers and stakeholders. Networks effectively and shows political awareness. Actively seeks to work with a diversity of people, taking into account peoples diverse backgrounds. Inspires a culture of openness, transparency and respect through their own actions. Encourages cross-team working. Creates a culture of equality and respect for diversity through their own actions. Listens and responds effectively. Shows empathy toward others.
Communicating and influencing / Communicates in a confident, clear and engaging manner with people from all levels and backgrounds. Chooses the appropriate form of communication for a situation. Varies style and content to suit the audience’s needs. Makes a strong impact on others effectively through style and content of their communication. Makes a positive and credible impression as an advocate of and ambassador for Healthwatch Wakefield.
Empowering leadership / Takes a strong visible lead. Sets a clear and compelling vision and direction. Engages and inspires others. Varies leadership style to bring out the best in people. Empowers and motivates others. Creates an environment that encourages others to perform at their best. Coaches and develops others to realise their potential. Acknowledges and celebrates success.
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Healthwatch Wakefield Limited
Trustee Job Description
Healthwatch Wakefield is a company limited by guarantee and a charity.These guidelines give an indication of the duties laid down by Companies House in relation to the role of Company Director.The Charity Commission provide guidance about the duties of being a Trustee which is included in your Trustees Information Pack.
The statutory duties of a Director of a company limited by guarantee:
- To ensure that the organisation complies with its governing document, charity, law, company law and other relevant legislation or regulations.
To ensure that the organisation pursues its objects as defined in its governing document - To ensure the organisation uses its resources exclusively in pursuance of its objects: the charity must not spend money on activities which are not included in its own objects, no matter how worthwhile or charitable those activities are
- To contribute actively to the boards role in giving firm strategic direction to the organisation, setting overall policy, defining goals and setting targets and evaluating performance against agreed targets
- To safeguard the good name and values of the organisation
- To ensure the effective and efficient administration of the organisation
- To ensure the financial stability of the organisation
- To protect and manage the property of the charity and to ensure the proper investment of the charity’s funds
Other duties
In addition to the above statutory duties, each board member should use any specific skills, knowledge or experience they have to help the board of Trustees reach sound decisions.This may involve:
- Scrutinising board papers
- Leading discussions
- Focusing on key issues
- Attending or chairing sub-committees
- Providing guidance on new initiatives
- Other issues in which the board member has special expertise
Healthwatch scrutinises local health and social care services.Therefore, anyone who is currently employed by or on the governing body of a Wakefield District health or social care provider should contact us prior to application.
In addition and as laid down in our Articles of Association, the following exclusions apply:
People who may not serve as Trustees
Under no circumstances shall any of the following serve as Trustees—
(a) employees of the Charity, or anyone who has been employed by the Charity within the preceding two years;
(b) a person aged less than 16 years;
(c) a person who is an undischarged bankrupt or is otherwise disqualified by law from serving as a company director;
(d) a person who has an unspent conviction involving dishonesty
Trustee Person Specification
- Commitment to Healthwatch Wakefield and its aims
- Understanding of the health and social care environment, both national and local
- Understanding and acceptance of the legal duties, responsibilities and liabilities of Directorship and trusteeship.
- Willingness to devote the necessary time and effort to be an integral part of the organisation
- To attend and participate fully in board meetings and other meetings where necessary
- Possess or demonstrate strategic vision and understanding of business planning
- Ability to use their own judgement objectively
- Ability to think creatively
- Willingness to speak their mind
- Ability to work effectively as a member of a team
- Follow the seven Nolan principles of public life: selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership.
- Possess effective communication and interpersonal skills.
- Demonstrate impartiality, fairness and the ability to respect confidences.
- Demonstrate a commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion.
The board seeks to ensure that all necessary relevant skills and knowledge are represented amongst its members.It is therefore an aim for the board to have members who are able to bring a proven specialism, knowledge or experience in at least one of the following areas:
- Financial management
- Legal advice
- Human Resource Management
- Charity Governance
- Risk Assessment
- Commercial business development
- Research and evaluation
- Underrepresented or seldom heard groups
- Strategic (i.e. policy level) knowledge of one of the following:
Health and Social Care
Children and Young People
Older People
Healthwatch Wakefield Limited
Board Code of Conduct
As a Board member of Healthwatch Wakefield, I promise to abide by the fundamental values that underpin all the activity of this organisation:
Inclusive and collaborative – we put people first, particularly those who are less able to represent themselves.We aim to involve all communities in Wakefield District.We work in partnership with all key stakeholders.
Credible and effective – we aim to be respected for our rigour and high standards of information, intelligence and reporting.We want to make a difference.
Open and accountable – we hold meetings in public, carry out decisions and publish our findings according to our processes which are available on our website.
Independent – we act on behalf of local people independent of political parties, commissioners and providers.We have no vested interests in the outcome of our work apart from improving local health and social care services for the people of Wakefield.
Additionally, I agree to the following:
1Law, mission, policies
1.1Support the purpose of Healthwatch Wakefield, by not making any derogatory remarks about its progress in public, and consider myself its guardian.
1.2I will adhere to Healthwatch Governance and organisational policies.
2Conflicts of interest
2.1Always strive to act in the best interests of Healthwatch Wakefield.
2.2Declare any conflict of interest as it arises, or any circumstance that might be viewed by others as a conflict of interest, as soon as it arises.
2.3Submit to the judgment of the Board potential conflicts of interest.
3Person to Person
3.1Abide by organisational policies in my relationships with fellow Board members, staff, volunteers, members, service recipients, contractors or anyone I come into contact with in my role as Board member.
3.2Strive to establish respectful, collegial and courteous relationships with all I come into contact with in my role as Board member.
3.3Abusive, aggressive behaviour towards staff or external bodies is not acceptable.
4Protecting the organisation’s reputation
4.1I will not speak as a Board member of Healthwatch Wakefield to the media or in a public forum without the prior knowledge and approval of the Healthwatch Wakefield Development Director or Chair.
4.2When prior consent has not been obtained, I will inform the Chair or Development Director at once when I have spoken as a Healthwatch Wakefield Board member to the media or in a public forum.
4.3When I am speaking as a Board member my comments will reflect current organisational policy even when these do not agree with my personal views.
4.4When speaking as a private citizen I will strive to uphold the reputation of Healthwatch Wakefield and those who work in it.