Curricular Area: Science

Improvement Plan- 2017-18

Identify the problem.
  1. Science Data K-12 is very limited. At September Data Retreat, no science data K-5 was discussed. Plan Book Standards for Science at the K-5 level are not being checked. This is preventing K-12 analysis of the science curriculum using the Planbook Standards Reporting tool.
  2. More accountability to covering the science standards is needed K-5, especially K-2. Effort only grades are on the report cards, so science is being addressed at a minimum.
  3. Science instruction estimates range from 45 min/day to 2 hrs. per month.
  4. 8th grade transition to 9th grade is a difficult one for students. Data indicates that our freshmen who fail courses, have previously failed one or more courses at the MS level.
  5. There is no science assessment K-5. “D-Step” begins at grade 5. Without some type of science assessment, there is no accountability and science gets pushed to the back burner.

Why does this problem(s) exist?
Identify two overarching goals.
  1. Science standards will be placed in Planbook (K-12) to ensure that science is being addressed at every level.
  2. Accountability for new science standards and accountability of students to their own learning are identified as key pieces that need to be addressed in science.
  3. Begin the discussion of possible retention at the middle school level to ensure that all students are ready for HS level work.

Identify plan to meet the goals.
  1. We discussed that maybe at least one person per grade level could get Science lessons and standards entered so that we can see how standards are addressed k-12.
  2. There needs to be time at the data retreats for science data analysis.
  3. Is it time, that Science becomes a “special” at the elementary (at least K-2) level? This would provide dedicated science time, by a dedicated science specialist… like we do music, art, etc.
  4. Is there something we can do to hold students accountable prior to high school? Repercussions for not doing their work and the resulting failure could be more severe at an earlier level, so the failure at SHS would not come as such a shock to students when they don’t automatically move to the next course without retaking the failed one.
  5. With the new science curriculum materials, there is an option of a pre-test and post-test assessment. These assessments will be implemented by everyone.
Responsible parties:
Identify how progress is/will be measured.
  1. Science pre- and post-assessments provided by new K-5 curriculum materials.
  2. Dakota Step (Grades 5,8,11)
  3. Formative and summative assessments as well as experiments and projects listed on curriculum maps.
  4. Planbook Standards Reporting Tool
