New Zealand, Germany,

and the (Post) Colonial Pacific

The 16th annual conference

of the New Zealand Studies Association

together with the

Centre for New Zealand Studies,

Birkbeck, University of London

and the Institute for English and American Studies,

Goethe University

Frankfurt, Germany

3 - 5 July 2009

All sessions take place in the Casino building on the Westend Campus

Friday 3 July

12.00-12.30 Registration (Main Hall)

12.30-12.50 Welcome (Main Hall)

12.50-1.00 Conference opened by Lisa Futschek, Chargé d'Affaires, New Zealand

Embassy, Germany

1.00-1.50 Keynote 1 (Main Hall) - Professor Albert Wendt (University of

Hawai'i at Manoa), "The Adventures of Vela: Writing a Novel

in Verse"

Chair: Dr Dominic Alessio (Richmond The American International

University in London)

1.55-3.35 Session 1a (room 1.811) New Zealand Literature and Germany

Chair: Michaela Moura-Koçoglu (Florida International


- Norman P. Franke (University of Waikato), "William Satchell's

Reception of 19th Century German Literary Discourses in The

Greenstone Door"

- Delphine Soulhat (Université Lumière, Lyon), "The World in a

Pension: The Transnational in Katherine Mansfield's In a

German Pension"

- Nora Neumann (Berlin), "Stories from the Pacific: Cathie Dunsford

and the Importance of Storytelling"

- Claudia Duppé (University of Freiburg) and Sissy Helff (Goethe

University, Frankfurt), "Berlin in My Mind: New Zealand

Writers Re-Imagine the German Metropolis Before and After

the Fall of the Wall"

Session 1b (room 1.812) Film and Television

Chair: Ian Conrich (Birkbeck, University of London)

- Lars Weckbecker (University of Auckland), "Making Maori Visible:

The Representation of Maori in Documentary Film by the New

Zealand National Film Unit in the 1940s and 1950s"

- Eva Rueschmann (Hampshire College, Mass.), "'Strange Power of

Speech': Cross-Cultural Encounter and Coming of Age in

Flight of the Albatross"

- Jo Smith (Victoria University of Wellington), "Migrant Cinema in

the Postcolonial Pacific"

- Christopher Balme (University of Munich), "Naked Samoans: Self-

Reflexivity and Cosmopolitanism in Aotearoa/New Zealand"

3.35-4.00 Tea break

4.00-4.50 Session 2a (room 1.811) Maori Theatre and Germany

Chair: Simone Drichel (University of Otago)

- Hilary Halba (University of Otago), "Poetry, Politics and the Past:

Interweaving Maori Postcolonial Theatre with Brecht"

- Bronwyn Tweddle (Victoria University of Wellington),

"Re-appropriating the Appropriator: A Maori Playwright

'Borrows' from Brecht"

Session 2b (room 1.812) Refugees and Exiles

Chair: Dieter Riemenschneider (Goethe University, Frankfurt)

- Peter H. Marsden (University of Aachen), "As Far Away as You Can

Get: German Writers, Artists, and Thinkers in New Zealand

During and After World War II"

- Robin Skinner (Victoria University of Wellington), "Remote

Imaginings: Gottfried Semper and the New Zealander"

5.00-6.30 Keynote 2 (Main Hall) - Dr Cilla McQueen, "Was ist aus Barbra

Streisand geworden?: Cilla McQueen Revisits her 1988 Berlin


Keynote 3 (Main Hall) - Dr Sarah Quigley, "Little Exiles Everywhere

Else: The Importance of Isolation in Imaginative Writing"

Chair: Dr Claudia Duppé (University of Freiburg)

6.30-8.00 Reception in association with the New Zealand Embassy, Berlin

(Casino balcony)

Saturday 4 July

9.00-10.15 Session 3a (room 1.811) Maori and Pacific literature

Chair: Frank Schulze-Engler (Goethe University, Frankfurt)

- Michaela Moura-Koçoglu (Florida International University), "Old

Ways, Novel Meanings: Forging Indigenous Modernities in

Native Pacific Writing"

- Oliver Haag (University of Vienna), "Oceanic Literatures in German


- Katharina Luh (Justus-Liebig University, Giessen), "Literary

Manifestations of Female Identity/ies in Select Post-Provincial

Maori Novels Through the Lens of a Gender-Oriented


Session 3b (room 1.812) New Zealand & Germany - Samoa, Fiji, Niue

Chair: Michael Goldsmith (University of Waikato)

- Manumaua Luafata Simanu-Klutz (University of Hawai'i),

"Saolufata's 'Girls' Before, During, and Since the German and

New Zealand Administrations in (Western) Samoa"

- Jenny Bryant-Tokalau (University of Otago), "The Fijian Qoliqoli

and Urban Squatting in Fiji: What NZAID is Not Seeing"

- Hilke Thode-Arora, "'In New Zealand the Clock is My Boss; in Niue

I am My Own Boss': Niuean Women's Migration to New

Zealand as Reflected in Biographical Interviews"

10.15-10.35 Coffee break

10.35-11.25 Keynote 4 (Main Hall) - Professor Werner Kreisel (University of

Göttingen), "The Pacific Islands in the Focus of German

Geographical Research"

Chair: Dr Mike Goldsmith (University of Waikato)

11.30-12.20 Session 4a (room 1.811) New Zealand, Germany, and Science Fiction

Chair: Oliver Haag (University of Vienna)

- Ian Conrich (Birkbeck, University of London), and Dominic Alessio

(Richmond The American University in London), "'Don't

Mention the War': The Science Fiction Writing of M.K.


- Georg Schifko (University of Vienna), "The Reception of Ferdinand

von Hochstetter's Work Concerning New Zealand in Jules

Verne's Novel The Children of Captain Grant"

Session 4b (room 1.812) New Zealand and the Impact of World

War II

Chair: Chris Pugsley (Royal Military Academy Sandhurst)

- Adam Claasen (Massey University), "New Zealanders in the Battle

of Britain"

- Hugo Bühren (Technische University Dortmund/ Victoria University

of Wellington), "Odo Strewe (1910-1986). A German Life in

New Zealand: Internment on Matiu/ Somes Island as a Class A

Enemy Alien"

12.25-1.15 Keynote 5 (Main Hall) - Professor Dieter Riemenschneider (Goethe

University, Frankfurt), "'You will know when you get there' -and did I?"

Chair: Professor Frank Schulze-Engler (Goethe University, Frankfurt)

1.15-1.25 IC and FS short presentation on Friedensreich Hundertwasser ahead of

coach excursion

1.25-2.25 Lunch

2.30 Coach departs for excursion and conference dinner (boat trip on the

Rhine, followed by dinner at Vollrads Castle, 7.30-9.30)


Sunday 5 July

9.00-9.50 Session 5a (room 1.811) New Zealand and German Culture

Chair: Jo Smith (Victoria University of Wellington)

- Simone Drichel (University of Otago), "'Don't we all live in mirrors,

for ever?' Janet Frame and Immanuel Kant"

- Rachael Morgan (Birkbeck, University of London), "New Zealand

Composer Michael Norris and his Musical Relationship with


Session 5b (room 1.812) Politics & Economics: New Zealand,

Germany, and the Pacific

Chair: Sissy Helf (Goethe University, Frankfurt)

- Gordon M. Winder (Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich),

"Sites of Representation: New Zealand's Embassies and

Consulates in Germany, 1966-2008"

- Geoffrey Miller (University of Mainz), "Like-Minded Liberals? A

Comparison of the German Free Democratic Party (FDP) and

ACT New Zealand"

Session 5c (Main Hall) German Migrants and New Zealand

Chair: James Bade (University of Auckland)

- Tanja Bueltmann (University of Northumbria), "'Inscribed in

German': German Associational Culture on New Zealand's

West Coast in Comparative Perspective, c1860 to 1900"

- Angela McCarthy (University of Otago), "German Migrants and the

Asylum in Nineteenth-Century New Zealand"

9.55- 10.45 Keynote 6 (Main Hall) - Dr James Bade (University of Auckland),

"Early German Settlers in the Pacific and Their Descendants"

Chair: Professor Angela McCarthy (University of Otago)

10.45-11.10 Coffee Break

11.10-12.00 Keynote 7 (Main Hall) - Dr Chris Pugsley (Royal Military Academy

Sandhurst), "Peace, Sport and Cologne: The New Zealand

Division in Germany, 1918-1919"

Chair: Rachael Morgan (Birkbeck, University of London)

12.05-12.40 Session 6 (Main Hall) - Tusiata Avia, "Which Way to Paradise?

Samoan Immigrants to New Zealand in the 1950s - A Poetic


Chair: Sissy Helf (Goethe University, Frankfurt)

12.40-1.40 Lunch

1.40-2.55 Session 7a (room 1.811) The German View of New Zealand

Chair: Eva Rueschmann (Hampshire College, Mass.)

- Stan Jones (University of Waikato), "Constructing New Zealand for

the German Popular Television Audience: Der Liebe entgegen and Das Glück am anderen Ende der Welt"

- Eveline Dürr (Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich), "Notions of

Nature: Constructing New Zealand through a German Lens"

- Jan Wilm (Goethe University, Frankfurt), "The Outsider's Gaze: A

False Perspective? An Example of German Travel Writing

From 1908"

Session 7b (room 1.812) Germany and the Pacific

Chair: Christopher Balme (University of Munich)

- Hilary Howes (Australian National University), "Encounters in

Nineteenth-Century New Guinea: Otto Finsch and the

'Notorious Papuans'"

- Mike Goldsmith (University of Waikato), "Accessing Images of

Tuvalu: The Cultural Politics of Gerd Koch's Niutao Films"

- Hartmut Bergenthum (Goethe University, Frankfurt) "Historical

Resources and Modern Literature on the Pacific Islands in


3.00-3.50 Keynote 8 (Main Hall) - Professor Hermann Mueckler (University of

Vienna), "The 1894 Murder of Paul Kannengiesser and its

Consequences: An Example of German-British Diplomatic

Entanglement and Confrontation in the Pacific"

Chair: Dr Ian Conrich (Birkbeck, University of London)

3.50-4.10 Tea break

4.10-5.00 Keynote 9 (Main Hall) - Robert Sullivan (University of Hawai'i at


"Being Close to the Is-Land: Indigenous Maori and Polynesian

Poetics in English"

Chair: Dr Michaela Moura-Koçoglu (Florida International University)

Conference closes