University of Bradford

School of Management

Effective management holds the key to many of the social and economic problems that face the world today. The School of Management, through Management Learning Hong Kong, currently offers three undergraduate pathways, delivered on a part-time basis, leading to BSc (Honours) degrees in Business and Management Studies, Business and Management Studies (Accounting & Finance) and Business and Management Studies (Marketing). The programme of study combines academic rigour with practicality and relevance for business and management in industry and commerce.

With reference to teaching and learning, the School of Management aims to:

·  deliver a programme of study giving flexibility of choice in three pathways from a common first year

·  provide a supportive, structured environment in which you are encouraged to develop independent learning skills

·  develop an awareness of the broad range of knowledge required in modern management and an opportunity to equip yourself with specialised knowledge in the pathway of your choice to enable you to pursue further programmes of study or to progress in your chosen career

·  develop personal transferable and managerial skills fundamental for your career development and future career progression.

·  provide educational opportunities for mature and alternatively qualified applicants, as well as for traditionally qualified applicants

Learning outcomes indicate what a graduate should know, understand and be able to do on successful completion of the programme of study. The functional areas that contribute to the field of management are constantly developing. However underlying theories and principles change less rapidly. You will be expected to learn both the underlying theories and principles and their application for the solution of problems in the business environment. On completion of the programme you will have acquired the following:

·  Knowledge and Understanding of the key aspects in disciplines involved in business and management including economics, accounting and finance, marketing, production and operations management, information management, business information systems, organisational behaviour and human resource management. For those who choose the General Pathway, you will develop a systematic knowledge and understanding within all of these areas. Those who choose the Accounting & Finance Pathway will acquire an in-depth knowledge of the accounting and finance area in the broad context of business and management. Specifically you will develop a systematic understanding of topics such as the use of spreadsheets and databases in accounting, business finance and taxation and strategic, international and contemporary issues in accounting and finance. If you choose the Marketing Pathway you will develop an in-depth knowledge and understanding in the areas of product innovation, marketing management and strategy, marketing communications, marketing research, customer behaviour, business marketing, retailing and services marketing and brand management, again within the broad business and management context.

·  Discipline Skills in analysing situations and problems in order to develop an objective approach to applying the appropriate theories, models or solutions to the issues presented. In addition, a systematic understanding of key aspects of your field of study and a range of business skills will be developed of relevance to the particular pathway chosen within the areas of accounting, finance and marketing. For those choosing the specialized pathways of Accounting and Finance and Marketing, skills of relevance to professional practitioners in the field will be developed. An appreciation of the uncertainty, ambiguity and limits of knowledge will be learned.

·  Personal Transferable Skills in information management, independent learning, project skills, written and oral skills, creative and systematic problem solving, report writing and presentation skills, and the learning ability needed to undertake appropriate further training of a professional or equivalent nature.

The Curriculum

The map of your studies is detailed below. Each ‘year’, or Stage, of an Honours course consists of three trimesters with 40 credits being studied in each trimester. Although you may apply for a particular pathway of study, the common first Stage of the degree permits you to switch pathways at the end of the first Stage, if you so wish, allowing you to progress to any one of the three pathways, the General Pathway, the Marketing Pathway or the Accounting and Finance Pathway.

Although the University does not recruit directly to an Ordinary Degree, this route is available to students for whom a less intensive course of study is appropriate. An Ordinary Degree requires 100 credits in Stage 1 and 80 credits in Stages 2 and 3.

The curriculum may change, subject to the University’ course approval, monitoring and review procedures, to ensure it is relevant and up-to-date in content.

Assessment Regulations: a summary. (The full progression regulations are maintained on the University Website at

To pass and proceed from each stage to the next, and also to be eligible for a classified Honours award, you must achieve at least 40% in 100 credits and 35% in the other 20 credits.

The class and division of the Honours degree that you are awarded is based on the overall weighted mark that you receive for Stage 2 (30%) and Stage 3 (70%). The degree is awarded on the basis of the following minimum final overall weighted average marks (the Board of Examiners has discretion of +/- 2%):

70% or above: First Class Honours

60% or above: Second Class Honours – First Division

50% or above: Second Class Honours – Second Division

otherwise: Third Class Honours.

If you complete Stage 1 successfully, you are eligible for a Certificate of Higher Education and if you complete Stage 2 successfully, you are eligible for a Diploma of Higher Education. The learning outcomes for these awards are consistent with those of the English Framework for Higher Education Qualifications and its descriptors.

The progression and award regulations for Ordinary courses are similar to those for the Honours courses except 40% must be achieved in 80 credits at Stage 1 and 60 credits at Stages 2 and 3; 20 credits may be compensated to 35% in each stage.

Code / Occ / crd / stage / sem / Module Title / GM / A/F / Mkt
MAN0101M / D / 10 / 1 / 1 / Business Economics (HK) / C / C / C
MAN0102M / D / 10 / 1 / 1 / Business Law (HK) / C / C / C
MAN1061L / D / 20 / 1 / 1&2 / Introduction to Accounting and Finance (HK) / C / C / C
MAN0105M / D / 10 / 1 / 2 / Foundations of Marketing (HK) / C / C / C
MAN0107M / D / 10 / 1 / 1 / Organisational Psychology (HK) / C / C / C
MAN0110M / D / 10 / 1 / 2 / Foundations of Production/Operations Mgt (HK) / C / C / C
MAN0111M / D / 10 / 1 / 1 / Quantitative Methods in Information Management (HK) / C / C / C
MAN0112M / D / 10 / 1 / 2 / Organisational Behaviour (HK) / C / C / C
MAN1117M / D / 10 / 1 / 2 / The Macroeconomic Environment of
Business (HK) / C / C / C
MAN0118M / D / 10 / 1 / 2 / Organisational Information Systems (HK) / C / C / C
MAN0116M / D / 10 / 1 / 2 / Student Self Development (HK) / C / C / C
MAN0115M / D / 10 / 2 / 2 / Company Law and Administration (HK) / C / C / C
MAN0201M / D / 10 / 2 / 1 / Economics of Industry (HK) / C / C / C
MAN2907L / D / 20 / 2 / 1&2 / Financial Accounting / - / C / -
MAN2908L / D / 20 / 2 / 1&2 / Management Accounting / - / C / -
MAN0405M / D / 10 / 2 / 2 / Financial Management (HK) / C / C / C
MAN0702M / D / 10 / 2 / 1 / Consumer Behaviour (HK) / C / - / C
MAN0707M / D / 10 / 2 / 2 / Marketing Communications (HK) / C / C / C
MAN0708M / D / 10 / 2 / 2 / Marketing Research (HK) / C / - / C
MAN0713M / D / 10 / 2 / 1 / Marketing Management and Strategy (HK) / C / C / C
MAN0801M / D / 10 / 2 / 1 / Organisational Design (HK) / C / C / C
MAN0803M / D / 10 / 2 / 2 / Work Behaviour and Performance (HK) / C / C / C
MAN0901M / D / 10 / 2 / 1 / Resource Planning (HK) / C / C / C
MAN0902M / D / 10 / 2 / 2 / Management of Service Operations (HK) / C / C / C
MAN0204M / D / 10 / 3 / 2 / International Business Strategy (HK) / C / C / C
MAN0205M / D / 10 / 3 / 1 / Global Business Environment (HK) / C / C / C
MAN0208M / D / 10 / 3 / 1 / Understanding Strategic Management (HK) / C / C / C
MAN0209M / D / 10 / 3 / 2 / Applied Strategic Management (HK) / C / C / C
MAN0402M / D / 10 / 3 / 1 / Corporate Reporting and Global
Accounting (HK) / C / C / -
MAN0404M / D / 10 / 3 / 2 / Strategic Accounting and Management
Control (HK) / C / C / -
MAN0308M / D / 10 / 3 / 1 / Contemporary Issues in Accounting (HK) / - / C / -
MAN0408M / D / 10 / 3 / 2 / International Finance and Treasury Management (HK) / - / C / -
MAN0703M / D / 10 / 3 / 1 / Direct Marketing (HK) / - / - / C
MAN0714M / D / 10 / 3 / 1 / Retailing and Services Marketing (HK) / C / - / C
MAN0307M / D / 10 / 3 / 2 / Marketing and Entrepreneurship (HK) / - / - / C
MAN0716M / D / 10 / 3 / 1 / Corporate Identity and Brand Management (HK) / C / - / C
MAN0808M / D / 10 / 3 / 1 / Human Resource Management: Resourcing and Development (HK) / C / C / C
MAN0809M / D / 10 / 3 / 2 / Human Resource Management: Relations and Reward (HK) / C / C / C
MAN0314L / D / 20 / 3 / 1&2 / Management Project (HK) / C / C / C

GM General Management pathway

A&F Accounting and Finance pathway

Mkt Marketing pathway

C Compulsory/Core module

Teaching, Learning and Assessment

The approach to teaching and learning aims to integrate applied and theoretical knowledge, taking into consideration the learning outcomes, progression through the levels of study, the nature of the mode of study (part-time evening) and the need for you to take greater responsibility for your own learning as you progress through the course.

Stage 1 provides a foundation for all 3 pathways of study. You will acquire knowledge of the functional areas of business and management and the theoretical underpinning of these. In Stages 2 and 3 you can continue to develop your knowledge and skills in these broad functional areas or specialise in the particular areas of accounting and finance, or marketing, but within the broad context relating to business and management. In Stage 3 your studies become more strategic in nature. You will also complete a project in Stage 3, working on your own but with supervision from a member of staff to give you the opportunity to tackle a topic in depth and to demonstrate your ability to undertake independent study.

Methods of assessment are varied and linked to learning requirements. They will include closed and open book examinations, essays, coursework assignments, case studies and a project.

Throughout the course, you will acquire personal transferable skills that will be valuable in whatever career you wish to follow.

Admission Requirements

All candidates for admission to the School of Management’s taught programmes must satisfy the University’s General Entrance Requirements. For applicants whose first language is other than English a recognised English language qualification is required for example, a score of 600 on The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or an overall band of 6 in the International English Language Testing Service Test (IELTS). Others that you may have may also be acceptable and these can be checked on request. However, if you have previously studied and achieved acceptable qualifications that have been taught and assessed in English, an English Language waiver can be given.

A small Management Learning admissions team will assess the suitability of applicants prior to making a recommended decision whether to reject an application, to offer a place conditional on the attainment of an acceptable qualification at an appropriate level, or to offer a place unconditionally. This will be for normally accepted entrance qualifications. For applicants without these, ML will consult with the Director of Studies for the programme with whom all final decisions will rest. In order to promote ‘widening access’, the Director of Studies will use an entrance test involving tests of ability, such as a critical thinking test, for applicants without the normal formal qualifications. A recruitment target of a minimum of 80 students for 2003/4 is set.

Mature applicants (21 and over at admission) are considered under the University’s policy of widening access to programmes.

A student may be permitted by the School to import specific academic credit for prior certificated or experiential learning up to a maximum limit of 50% of the balance of the award for which the student wishes to be registered, consistent with the University’s Regulations which can be accessed on the Bradford website at

Student Support and Guidance

You will be supported in your studies by a full-time Course Coordinator who will be available to students on a day-to-day basis. In addition, a student handbook and study guides will be provided. The latter will be in the form of printed module study guides in some cases and also in the form of Blackboard, a virtual learning environment from which you can access electronic material relating to your modules. You will also be able to access CD-ROM and online databases, including business and management periodicals and company information. Management Learning also provides free membership of the Management Development Centre, situated at 27 Wood Road in the Wanchai district, which includes access to online e-journals through Proquest, a video library and a library of 1200 management titles.