Minutes from meeting held on 16th November 2009

Minutes taken by Jennifer Petersen Secretary.

Welcome 7.06 pm

Apologies: Cr Sue Wynn, Paul Petersen, Margo Newsome, Wayne Tomkin, Helen Wrightson.

Attendance; Rob Regnis Chairman, Jennifer Petersen Secretary, T Masters, J Regnis (Social Club), T Wrightson(355 Hall committee), S J Quinn, Stan Jaques, Alistair Powell(Mannering Park Land Care & Tidy Towns), Neil Wynn, Bart Vander Zee, WillieVander Zee, Judy Whitbourne (355 Hall committee), Ian Davidson, John Stone, Jan Stone, Bruce Wall, Tracey Maguire, Kay Foster (MP Land Care & Tidy towns), Bruce Edgell, A Whitbourne ( MP Community Forum, MP Sailing Club) Stephen Asprey, Norell Lee, Jamie Donogan (Rural Bush Fire Brigade), Bob Newsome, Sharon Aglio, Anthony Aglio, Jeff Smith (Rural Bush Fire Brigade), P Bickerike, Max Goodyer, Jenni Evans, Wayne Evans, Jo Gamble. Vickie Purvis, Edo Purvis, Robert Williams (Rural Bush Fire Brigade), Maggie Mecklem, Peter Mecklem, (38)

Minutes of the last meeting; as read and circularised previous to the meeting tonight.

Business arising from previous meeting.

Park Forum – Rob Regnis

Councillors Grant of $550 – Refund required of $38.50 – Rob Regnis.

Peabody Coal – Neil Wynn

Correction; Donation from Tracey Maquire $300 is to go to Mannering Park Landcare & Tidy Towns Group Inc. A/c not the Precinct Committee A/c.


IN 16-11-09

POST 1. Councillors Community Improvement Grants of $550.00.

2. WSC Traffic committee will consider signage for The Cut at their next meeting. To be advised.

3. Mannering Park Landcare and Tidy Towns Group Inc; regarding the felling of the trees in Dunvegan Street.

4. WSC Business Paper

5. WSC Management Plan

EMAIL 1. WSC staff Brett Sherar will attend the Dec meeting re; Oval Amenities update.

OUT 16-11-09

POST 1. Thank you for funding the Notice board to Cr Best, Cr Symmington & Cr Wynn.

2. WSC returning balance for Notice Board.

3. WSC Bev Davis & refunded the balance of $38.50 outstanding from the Councillors Grant.


1.  Tidy towns.

Re trees cut down in Dunvegan St. Mannering Park.

To Energy Australia

CC. General Manager Wyong Shire Council.

Express Community concern over the removal of 7 mature Native trees in Dunvegan St without community consultation with residents and community groups.

Seek future consultation with community groups in particular, Landcare/ Tidy Towns now formed in Mannering Park.

Tidy Towns letter to be actioned.

MOTION: A letter to be sent to Energy Australia and WSC to be cc.

Moved: Bruce Wall Seconded: Kay Foster


Treasure’s report; Accepted;

Treasurer; Committee has $1,621.90 in the bank.

Moved: Bob Newsome Seconded: Jan Regnis

Chairman’s report;

The New Precinct Notice Board has been erected in the main street, Vales Road.

WSC Business Paper & the WSC Management Plan 2 Volumes received.


Chief Inspector Rod Peet.

Informative presentation stating the statistical reporting of the area.

Reporting process to follow for the residents of the Central Coast and the numbers are as follows;

Contact phone numbers

000 for all urgent or emergency incidents

131444 (Police Assistance line- POLICE LINK)

1800 333 000 Crime stoppers

4390 1299 Toukley Police Station 24 hours

4333 2999 The Entrance Police Local Area Command 24 hours

If you feel your report has not been responded to you are welcome to email Chief Inspector Rod Peet of The Entrance Police Local Area Command as he stated he would like to be kept informed.



Mannering Park Landcare & Tidy towns Group Inc, Kay Foster

REPORT; stating that the newly formed group has 25 members since its conception on the 6th November, 09 and that currently the group is working with the 355 Hall committee re establishing the gardens surrounding the hall.

There are people in the group that are active members and there are also housebound residents that play a key role in caring for and establishing a bank of plants that will be required for future planting.

The Executives of the newly formed group are as follows;

President; Kay Foster, Secretary: Jennifer Petersen, Public Officer & Treasurer: Brian Basford, Project Officer: Alistair Powell, Publicity Officer: Sue Meyers.

1 To Lake Macquarie Council

The Mannering Park Precinct Committee is concerned by the dangerous intersection of Rutleys Road and the Wyee-Morisset Road.Could you advise if Lake Macquarie Council has any plans for the improvement of this intersection for traffic movements?

Motion: Andrew Whitbourne Seconded: James Donegan

2 To Delta

The Mannering Park Rural Fire Service is restricted by the existing Fire

Station in Cheryl Street due to the small size of the station preventing upgrading of the Pumper Unit to the recommended standard for this area.The preferred station site is near the entry to Mannering Park at Rutleys Road.

The Rural Fire Service will only consider an alternative site if it is owned by Council.

The cost to establish a suitable Fire Station would be in the range of $400.000 TO $5OO.000 and is not on any budget proposal.

Until such time as a suitable Council owned site is identified and may be many years before it could become a reality.

In the meantime the present Fire Station is in very poor condition and unable to house a Pumper Unit capable of servicing the needs of the community and Delta.

Could you please advise if there would be any possibility for Delta to support the Community’s efforts to secure a suitable Fire Station by transferring the triangular unfenced land on the western side of Vales Road at the junction with Rutleys Road?

Similar letter to Wyong Shire Council asking if they would look favourably on working towards a new Fire Station for Mannering Park with support from the community and their reaction to our proposal put to Delta. Attach copy of letter to Delta.

Motion: Andrew Whitbourne Seconded: Bob Newsome

3  Website Launch

Email to Robert Coombs

Email to Councillors Sue Wynn

Bill Symington

Doug Vincent

John McNamara

Greg Best

Inviting them to attend the Launch of the Mannering Park Community Website at the next meeting of the Precinct 7pm on 21st December, celebrating the launch.

4  Email to the Forum

Re Proposal for holding a Spring Festival. It was put to the Precinct Meeting, 12 out of 38 were in favour – no volunteers to run it, deferred to December meeting. Neither Sue Chalker or Nicole Harvey attended the meeting to support the idea.

5  Congratulations to the White family in their success in the Masters Games.

Peter & Jennie White

Jennie White, 2 gold, 2 silver and 4 bronze medals for swimming, she broke 3 national records and holds 6 fastest time for women in the whole of Australia aged 25 to 29 years.

Peter White, 3 gold in the kayaking sprint events and a fourth in the marathon event.

Precinct to write to WSC for a grant for individual sporting category as Peter and Jennie intend in going the next Masters Games in Italy in 4 years

Motion: Rob Regnis Seconded: Willie Vander Zee

Next Meeting for 21st December 09

1  Launch of the Community Web Site. By Andrew Whitbourne

2 Brett Sherar

Re Update of Amenities for M.P. Oval.

Invite Brett to give 10 minute presentation to the Precinct Meeting, stress the meeting is basically to launch the Website and celebrate the occasion.

Meeting closed 8.58pm