Lenape Valley Regional High SchoolAugust 30, 2016

Board of Education

Theregular monthly meeting of the Lenape Valley Regional High School Board of Education was held on this date at 7:00 p.m. in the lower media center at the high school on 28 Sparta Road, Stanhope, New Jersey.

Mr. Kunckencalled the meeting to order with the following statement:

In accordance with the provisions of the New Jersey Open Public Meetings Act, Chapter 231, P.L. 1875, the Lenape Valley Regional High School Board of Education has caused notice of this regular monthly meeting to be posted in each of the three municipal buildings in the Regional District and the LenapeValleyRegionalHigh School. Notice of this meeting has also been published in the New Jersey Herald and the Daily Record.

Announcement of Executive Session

An Executive Session may be held at the next regular monthly meeting for the purpose of discussing PERSONNEL/NEGOTIATIONS/LEGAL MATTERS. Action may or may not be taken. Mr. Kuncken led the flag salute.

Present:8Richard Kuncken, Steven McHugh, Carole Grube, Daniel Rafferty, Robert

Nunn, Karen Moros, Sandra LaBell, Michael Bender

Absent:1Gay Hotalen

Also Present:Paul M. DiRupo, Superintendent

Robert G. Klinck, Assistant Superintendent for Business/BoardSecretary

Acceptance and Review of the Special Meeting Minutes of June 14, 2016, and the Regular and Executive Meeting Minutes of June 21, 2016

Motion byDaniel Rafferty, seconded by Robert Nunn, that the SpecialMeeting Minutes of June 14, 2016, and the Regular and Executive Meeting Minutes of June 21, 2016, be accepted.

Special Meeting Minutes of June 14, 2016:

Yes:7Steven McHugh, Carole Grube, Daniel Rafferty, Robert Nunn, Karen

Moros, Sandra LaBell, Michael Bender

No: 0

Abstain: 1Richard Kuncken

Carriedin a voice vote.

Regular and Executive Meeting Minutes of June 21, 2016:

Yes:8Richard Kuncken, Steven McHugh, Carole Grube, Daniel Rafferty, Robert

Nunn, Karen Moros, Sandra LaBell, Michael Bender

No: 0

Carried unanimously in a voice vote.

Open to the Public

There were two (2) members of the public present. There were no comments.

Presentation on NJ Performance Report and PARCC Scores

Mr. Claeys presented results of the 2015 New Jersey Performance Report, and the 2016 PARCC scores.

Board President’s Report

Mr. Kuncken stated that he hoped that everyone had a good summer and that he looks forward to the start of another academic year. He stated that he has toured the campus several times over the summer and that he is happy with all of the work that was accomplished both inside and outside of the building. He stated that all of our capital projects have turned out great, and he thanked everyone who put in time over the summer to make sure that was the case. He also welcomed all of the new staff to the high school.

Mr. Kuncken stated that the Board has worked diligently over the past few years to upgrade both the physical building and facilities as well as the academic experience. He stated that whether it be Chromebooks, heating and air conditioning, athletic facilities, classroom renovations, or course offerings, we know that there is always work to do.

Mr. Kuncken stated that tonight the Board would see agenda items and hear about changes geared towards improving student performance and school safety. He stated that the Board and administration are working together to enhance student success, and that we realize that it is not just about offering a course, but also making sure that students who take that course are successful. He stated that we also continue to make improvements both seen and unseen for the safety and security of our campus, students, and staff. He also recommended that the Board look at the school’s Twitter account. He stated that he loves the increased use of that tool.

Board Secretary’s Report

Motion bySteven McHugh, seconded by Carole Grube, that resolutions numbered 1 through 3 be adopted as presented:

1.Board Secretary Certification

RESOLVED, That the Board Secretary certifies that as of June 30 and July 31, 2016, in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10(c)3, the total of encumbrances and expenditures for each line item account does not exceed the line item appropriation in the 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 school district budgets.

June 30 and July 31, 2016

Assistant Superintendent for BusinessDate

Board Secretary

2.Board Secretary’s and Treasurer’s Reports

RESOLVED, That the following reports prepared by the Board Secretary dated June 30 and July 31, 2016, be accepted:

Board Secretary’s Report – continued

Secretary’s Report to the Board of EducationAttachment A

Bond & Coupon Checking AccountAttachment B

Unemployment Compensation InsuranceAttachment C

Cafeteria AccountAttachment D

Feder ScholarshipAttachment E

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the following Treasurer’s reports dated June 30 and July 31, 2016, be accepted:

General/Special RevenueAttachment F

Payroll AgencyAttachment G

Payroll NetAttachment H

Capital ReserveAttachment I

3.Student Activity General Account and Department of Athletics Account

RESOLVED, That the following bank reconciliation reports and the reports of receipts and disbursements dated June 30 and July 31, 2016, be accepted:

Student Activity General Account Attachment J

Department of Athletics AccountAttachment K

The current interest report for June and July 2016 is included herein as Attachment L.

Yes:8Richard Kuncken, Steven McHugh, Carole Grube, Daniel Rafferty, Robert

Nunn, Karen Moros, Sandra LaBell, Michael Bender

No: 0Carried unanimously in a roll call vote.

All of the above reports are located in the Business Office, Book 22, Board Secretary’s and Treasurer’s Reports.

Respectfully submitted,

Robert G. Klinck

Assistant Superintendent for Business/Board Secretary


There was no correspondence this month.

Superintendent’s Report

Mr. DiRupo presented the following resolution for adoption:

Motion byMichael Bender, seconded by Daniel Rafferty, that resolutions numbered 1 through7 be adopted as presented:

Superintendent’s Report – continued

  1. State Memorandum of Agreement

RESOLVED, That the Board of Education approves and adopts Article 16 of the Annual Review and Revisions of the Uniform State Memorandum of Agreement between Lenape Valley Regional High School District and Law Enforcement Officials of Stanhope Township of Sussex County and the appropriate county prosecutor’s office. (Attached)

  1. Superintendent Merit Goals

RESOLVED, That the Lenape Valley Board of Education certify that Superintendent Paul DiRupo has completed three quantitative merit goals and two qualitative merit goals for 2015-2016 and authorize that the documentation be sent to the Executive County Superintendent for review and approval prior to payment. (Attached)

RESOLVED, That the Board of Education approves the Superintendent’s Merit Goals listed below for the 2016-2017 school years:


  • Improve PARCC scores for Algebra 1 with a 10% increase for levels 3, 4 and 5.
  • Baseline:
  • Level 3 – 18%
  • Level 4 – 2.8%
  • Level 5 – 0%
  • Total – 20.9%
  • Goal: Greater than or equal to 30.9%
  • Improve PARCC scores for ELA-9 with a 10% decrease for levels 1 and 2
  • Baseline:
  • Level 1 – 32.9%
  • Level 2 – 24.1%
  • Total – 57.0%
  • Goal: Less than or equal to 47%
  • The administration will conduct a school climate survey for staff and students. At least 90% of each grade will participate in the survey. A plan will be put in place within 120 days to remediate 100% of the academic areas of concern.


  • The science and business teachers at Lenape Valley will transition from analog unit planning and curriculum design to the Rubicon online curriculum mapping program and unit plan system. This will allow for articulation of planning and pacing, assessment of proper use of content standards and utilization of updated curriculum. The results will be based on participation rates in professional development and evaluation of unit plans.
  • I will be responsible to create a 5 year strategic plan to begin in the 2017-2018 school year. The strategic plan should answer three main questions:
  • Where is Lenape Valley now
  • Where does Lenape Valley want to be in 3, 5, 10 years

Superintendent’s Report – continued

  • How are we going to get there
  1. Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act

RESOLVED, That the Lenape Valley Board of Education authorizes the submission of the Lenape Valley Regional High School’s Self-Assessment for Determining Grades under the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act to the New Jersey Department of Education. An open public hearing was held on June 21, 2016, and there were no comments from the public. (Attached)

  1. Calendar Revision

RESOLVED, That the Lenape Valley Board of Education approves the following amendments to the 2016-2017 school calendar:

  • 2 ½ hour delay for students not required to take the PARCC assessment on April 25, April 26, April 27 and April 28, 2016.
  • 2 hour delay for students not required to take the End of Year Biology Competency test on May 31 and June 1, 2016.
  1. IDEA Part B Grant

RESOLVED, That the Board of Education authorizes the submission of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Grant, IDEA, Part B, application for the 2016-2017 fiscal year, accepting the funding allocation of $159,440 for the Lenape Valley Regional High School District.

  1. Shared Services with Stanhope and Byram School Districts

WHEREAS, The Uniform Shared Services and Consolidation Act, N.J.S.A. 40A:65-1 et seq., authorizes local school districts to enter into a contract with each other to subcontract any service which the parties to an agreement are empowered to render with their own jurisdiction; and

WHEREAS, The Lenape Valley Regional High School Board of Education (herein “Lenape”) and the Stanhope and Byram Boards of Education (herein “Stanhope” and “Byram” respectively) are authorized to provide the school services set forth herein for their respective school districts;

WHEREAS, Lenape, Stanhope and Byram are of the opinion that the proposed services can be more efficiently and economically provided to their respective school districts through a joint agreement for the sharing of services;

WHEREAS, The parties are desirous of entering into a Purchased Services Agreement which would authorize the subcontracting of services between the Lenape and Stanhope and Lenape and Byram school districts;

BE IT RESOLVED, That the Lenape Valley Regional High School Board of Education approves a Purchased Services Agreement effectiveJuly 1, 2016,

Superintendent’s Report – continued

throughJune 30, 2017, whereby Stanhope and Byram each agree to purchase the services of Mr. Mark Fiedorczyk for the purpose of providing attendance, discipline and curriculum revision services, wherein Stanhope and Byram shall pay to Lenape Valley one-third of his salary at an approximate cost of $34,850 each; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Lenape Valley Regional High School Board of Education and Assistant Superintendent for Business are authorized to execute the aforesaid purchased services agreements.

  1. Job Descriptions

RESOLVED, That the Board of Education approves the following revised job descriptions:

  • Assistant Superintendent for Business/Board Secretary (Revised)
  • Accounting Specialist (Revised)
  • Administrative Assistant Board of Education Office (Revised)
  • Secretary (11 Month) Board of Education Office (Revised)
  • Night School Security Officer (New)

Yes:8Richard Kuncken, Steven McHugh, Carole Grube, Daniel Rafferty, Robert

Nunn, Karen Moros, Sandra LaBell, Michael Bender

No: 0

Carried unanimously in a roll call vote.

Finance and Physical Plant (Robert Nunn, Chairperson)

Dr. McHughreviewed the committee meeting minutesfrom the meeting held on August 23, 2016.

Motion bySteven McHugh, seconded by Sandra LaBell, that resolutions numbered 1 through 13be adopted as presented:

1.Board of Education Certification

RESOLVED, That the Board of Education hereby certifies in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10(c)4, that after review of the Board Secretary’s and Treasurer’s financial reports for the months of June and July 2016, and upon consultation with the appropriate district officials, no major account or fund has been over-expended and sufficient funds are available to meet the Board’s financial obligations for the 2016-2017 fiscal year.

2.Approval of Bills

RESOLVED, That the following bills be approved for payment:

June 30, 2016 $473,244.38

Finance and Physical Plant (Robert Nunn, Chairperson)– continued

July 14, 2016 $347,524.94

July 28, 2016 $477,928.10

August 16, 2016 $643,720.30

Total $1,942,417.72

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the following bill payments be ratified for the Lenape Valley Cafeteria Account:

Date / Warrant / Amount
6/15/16 / #1660 – Maschio’s Food Svc/May School Lunches / $18,766.60
6/15/16 / #1661 – AC&R Inc/repair walk-in freezer / $184.08
6/30/16 / #1662 – Maschio’s Food Svc/June School Lunches / $3,372.15


WHEREAS, The funds appropriated to certain General Fund Accounts in the 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 budgets of the Lenape Valley Regional High School District have been insufficient to meet the obligations which normally would be charged against them; and

WHEREAS, It appears that there will be unexpended appropriations in certain General Fund Accounts at the close of the 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 school years;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the following transfers be ratified by the Board of Education:

2015-2016 BUDGET YEAR

11-000-270-511 / 11-000-291-270 / 3,584.00 / Health Benefits
Transportation to/from school / Health Benefits
11-000-270-514 / 11-000-291-270 / 6,220.00 / Health Benefits
Special Ed Trasnportation / Health Benefits
11-000-270-600 / 11-000-291-270 / 10,783.00 / Health Benefits
Transportation Supplies / Health Benefits
11-000-291-241 / 11-000-291-270 / 6,225.00 / Health Benefits
Other Retirement PERS / Health Benefits
11-000-262-520 / 11-000-291-270 / 13,688.00 / Health Benefits
Property/Liability Insurance / Health Benefits

Finance and Physical Plant Committee (Robert Nunn, Chairperson)– continued

11-000-291-250 / 11-000-270-514 / 4,900.00 / Spec Ed Transp
Unemployment Compensation / Special Ed Transp
11-000-213-300 / 11-000-211-000 / 1,345.00 / Attendance Salaries
Health P/Services / Attendance Salaries
20-250-100-101 / 20-250-200-200 / 469.44 / IDEA Benefits
IDEA Salaries / IDEA Benefits
20-230-100-101 / 20-230-200-200 / 113.58 / Title I Benefits
Title I Salaries / Title I Benefits
11-000-270-514 / 11-000-270-511 / 1750 / Non Public Trans
Spec Ed Transportation / Non Public Trans
11-000-270-503 / 11-000-270-420 / 225.00 / Golf Cart Repair
Aid in Lieu / Transp Maintenance
11-000-261-420 / 11-000-251-592 / 2,500.00 / Classified Adver
Cleaning/Repair/Maintenance / Fiscal Misc P/S
11-000-270-164 / 11-000-270-600 / 502.00 / Diesel Fuel
Bus Mechanics / Transportation Supplies

2016-2017 BUDGET YEAR

11-401-100-500 / 11-401-100-600 / 700.00 / Cheer Uniforms
Co-Curr Purchased Services / Co-Curricular Supplies
12-000-252-730 / 11-190-100-610-18 / 2,167.35 / Technology Supplies
Equipment Admin Tech / Tech Supplies
11-190-100-440 / 11-190-100-340 / 500.00 / Student Sync
Instruction Lease/Purch / Instruction Purch Tech Svs
11-000-262-490 / 11-000-262-300 / 190.00 / Water Testing
Cust Other Purch Svs / Cust Pur Prof Tech Svs
11-000-218-500 / 11-000-218-390 / 300.00 / School Gate Interface
Guidance Other Purch Svs / Guid Purchased Prof/Tech
11-000-270-512 / 11-000-270-350 / 1,876.57 / Transportation Fees
Transportation Contr Svs / Transportation Purch Prof/Tech
11-213-100-101 / 11-000-230-590-0G / 2,500 / AP Exams
Resource Salaries / Gen Admin Misc
11-000-213-300 / 11-000-213-600 / 900.00 / AED Pads/Supplies
Health Pur Services / Health Supplies

Finance and Physical Plant Committee (Robert Nunn, Chairperson)– continued

11-000-262-490 / 11-000-262-300 / 1,000 / AHERA 3 Yr Inspection
Custodial Other P/S / Custodial Pur Prof/Tech Svs

4.Travel Reimbursement Policy

WHEREAS, The Lenape Valley Regional High School Board of Education has recognized school staff and Board members will incur travel and related expenses related to and within the scope of their current responsibilities and for travel that promotes the delivery of instruction or furthers the efficient operation of the school district. The Board of Education shall comply with the requirements of N.J.A.C. 23B-1.1 et seq. and Board Policy 6471 for the reimbursement of school district employee and Board member travel and related expense reimbursements; and

WHEREAS, N.J.A.C. 23B-1.1 et seq. and Board policies require Board member travel and related expense reimbursements to receive prior approval by a majority of the full voting membership of the Board, and require staff member travel and related expense reimbursements to receive prior approval of the Superintendent of Schools and prior approval by a majority of the full voting membership of the Board; and

WHEREAS, The Board has concluded that the travel and expense reimbursements listed in this resolution are in compliance with State travel and reimbursement guidelines as established by the Department of Treasury and incorporated herein;

BE IT RESOLVED, The Board of Education approves the travel and related expense reimbursements as set forth below:

Event / Date / Cost / Employee
Share the Keys Facilitator Training / 9/23/16 / $9.23 / Kyle Murphy
Share the Keys Facilitator Training / 9/23/16 / $13.33 / Heather Reid
Addressing Attendance Issues / 10/26/16 / $150.00 / Jonathan DeSimone
Addressing Attendance Issues / 10/26/16 / $181.82 / Douglas Reynolds

5. Cooperative Transportation to Allegro and Celebrate the Children


RESOLVED, That the Lenape Valley Regional High School Board of Education approves transportation to be provided by the Lenape Valley Regional High School Board of Education to Sussex County Regional Cooperative students to the Allegro School in Cedar Knolls, New Jersey, and Celebrate the Children in Wharton, New Jersey; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That all fees and charges for said transportation will be managed by the Sussex County Regional Cooperative and remitted to the Lenape Valley Regional High School Board of Education to cover its transportation costs, excluding any fees for aide services provided by the Sussex County Regional Cooperative.

Finance and Physical Plant Committee (Robert Nunn, Chairperson)– continued

6. Tennis Courts Project Change Order

RESOLVED, That the Lenape Valley Regional High School Board of Education approve a Change Order for the Tennis Courts Project (bid of June 9, 2016), per the approval of Harold E. Pellow Engineers. The Change Order is an increase in the total cost as follows: (Attached)

Original Base Bid of June 9, 2016:$168,470.80

The Contract Sum will be increased by this

Change Order in the amount of: $ 2,406.45

Final Cost of Project:$170,877.25

7.Drivers for School Owned Vehicles

RESOLVED, That the attached list of drivers who hold the appropriate licensure

to operate district owned vehicles be approved for the 2016-2017 school year.


8.AHERA Inspection Report

WHEREAS, RAMM Environmental Services, Inc. of Fair Lawn, New Jersey, completed the AHERA mandated three (3) year facility re-inspection for asbestos containing materials;

BE IT RESOLVED, That the Lenape Valley Regional High School Board of Education accept the AHERA three (3) year facility re-inspection report as presented by RAMM Environmental Services, Inc. The Assistant Superintendent for Business is hereby directed to extend an invitation to the public, staff, parents and other interested parties to review the report in its entirety. The report is available in the Business Office.