

*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^ ~ Established 1981 ~ ^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*

Principal: Miss Jane Goulding ARAD RTS ~ Registered Teacher with the Royal Academy of Dance

R.A.D. Ballet (Adv), I.S.T.D. Modern, Tap. Ballet (Adv)

Classes at: Balerno / Currie / Juniper Green - Edinburgh


2016- 2017


Pre-School & Preparatory I.S.T.D. Rose skirted leotard

Pink crossover cardigan

Pink ankle socks ~ NO tights

Pink leather ballet shoes secured with elastic ~ please check position of elastic

Hair must be tied back

Boys: White T-shirt and ankle socks, Black shorts and ballet shoes

Pre-Primary & Primary Pale pink scooped neck sleeveless leotard

Pale pink skirt (only available from JGSD)

Cardigan and footwear as above

Hair must be tied back

Grade One Pale pink scooped neck sleeveless leotard + belt

Pale Pink crossover cardigan

Pink split sole ballet shoes secured with elastic – pink ankle socks

Black character skirt – length = mid shin

Black canvas character shoes with low heel secured with elastic

Hair secured in a bun

Grades: Two & Three Red leotard. Make: Freed / Style: Faith

G2 = pink ankle socks ~ G3 = pink convertible ballet tights

Pink split sole ballet shoes secured with elastic

Black character skirt

Black character shoes (G2 = low heel ~ G3 = Cuban heel)

Grades: Four > Eight Camisole leotard ~ see Miss Goulding for style and colour

Pink split sole ballet shoes secured with elastic

Black character skirt

Black Cuban heel character shoes

Grades: Six Seven Eight Circular chiffon skirt ~ See Miss Goulding for colour

Silk scarf (2m x 1m)


MT Pre-Primary > MT2 Crop top same colour as ballet leotard ~or~ ballet leotard

Black Jazz pants ~or~ black leggings

Modern: Black Jazz shoes - split sole: slip-on if possible ~or~ bare feet

No jazz trainers

Black Tap shoes - (heel taps optional)

MT3+ Self coloured fitted top ~ student’s choice

Black Jazz pants ~or~ black leggings

Jazz shoes (split sole) ~or~ bare feet

Tap shoes with teletone taps (toe and heel)

BOYS To be advised

COSTUME DAY Show costumes may be worn to the first class of every month

See teacher for style and Order Form

Hair secured in a bun. Exception: Pre-School hair tied back

SCHOOL HOODIES Available from JGSD in Grey, White, Pink. Black - seniors

ALL clothing should be named. NO underwear is to be worn underneath leotards. NO jewellery.


I began dancing at the age of six. At 16, as a full-time dance student, I had the privilege of studying with John Marshall, a well-known and respected figure in the world of dance. I achieved the classical ballet Advanced certificate in both the Royal Academy of Dance (RAD) and the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dance (ISTD) Syllabi. I then went on to a professional career which spanned theatre, cabaret and television.

Upon moving into the teaching field I became a Registered Teacher with the Royal Academy of Dance. This enables me to enter students for Awards from Pre-Primary to Advanced level in the Royal Academy of Dance classical ballet syllabus.


When taught correctly, children can only benefit from studying ballet. Ballet develops the co-ordination of mind and body. It can improve and correct poor posture and can help to strengthen a child who is physically weak. Ballet builds confidence and promotes self-discipline. It gives children a sense of movement, rhythm and an appreciation of music. When learning a syllabus set by a recognised organisation children are less likely to be misled by unqualified teachers.

At the school students are taught the Royal Academy of Dance (RAD) ballet syllabus. The RAD has created an extremely well structured and encouraging syllabus for children to young adults. It progresses at a rate which they are mentally and physically able to cope with. Whilst being challenging it is still achievable for those with a desire to dance and have fun. However, it also provides an excellent foundation for students wishing to follow a career in dance. The school has 100% success rate in Examinations and Class Awards and many students have gone on to pursue a career in dance/theatre.

Whatever their future, I believe my students will take into their lives a knowledge and an appreciation of one of the great artistic disciplines.

The ISTD Modern & Tap section of the school is great fun and its value for help with co-ordination, rhythm, strength and confidence should not be underestimated.

Whilst exams are an important but optional part of the school, dance is an art form and should ideally be shared by performance. Having been involved in professional theatre myself for many years I relish the chance to give my students the opportunity to experience the thrill of theatre for themselves. Every 2nd year I have a school show, when they can enjoy the excitement of the occasion and discover their own potential in this very rewarding field.


In order to maintain the high standard of the school, please respect the following:-

1)  Once committed to a term students are expected to wear the correct outfit and hairstyle.

2)  Hair should be neatly tied back and, where applicable, worn in a bun. ~ Appearance is part of the discipline of ballet

3)  Students will not be allowed to wear ill-fitting shoes, or shoes without the correct fastenings.

4)  Young children should be taken to the toilet before their class begins.

5)  Make sure dressing rooms are left clean and tidy.

6)  Thoughtful behaviour to other organisations using the building.


Class Award: These Assessments are available from level Pre-Primary-Grade 7. Candidates are usually Primary 2 at school when entered for their first assessment (Pre-Primary). Groups of between 4 & 8 go in together with their teacher. Class Awards are based on the same work as Grade Examinations but there is no attainment band awarded. They offer the opportunity to include all students at exam time giving a sense of achievement, helping to build confidence and give encouragement to students who do not wish to sit a Grade Examination. Candidates receive an Assessment Report, Certificate and Medal.

Grade Examination: Onwards from Primary (P3 at school) students may choose to sit either a Class Award (as above) or a Grade Examination. A Grade Examination requires extra lessons and practice at home. Groups of between 1 and 4 candidates go in to the examination without their teacher. Candidates receive a Result Form, Certificate and Medal.

Attainment bands awarded are:- 40%–54% = Pass 55%-74% = Pass with Merit 75%-100% = Pass with Distinction

Solo Performance Awards: This is a new award the RAD introduced in 2012. At present it is offered to students in Grades 1-3. Candidates are required to present three dances. Two of these are taken from the corresponding Grade and the third can be in any dance genre. Each dance is shown as a solo and candidates have the opportunity to perform in costume. The attainment bands awarded are the same as for Graded Examinations. Candidates receive a Result Form, Certificate and a Bar.

The Royal Academy of Dance is recognised and accredited by the SQA and UCAS. Please see the final page showing a table of how credits are allocated by the SQA and how points are awarded by UCAS for RAD examinations taken. Thus assisting student entry into university / further education.


New students should complete an Enrolment Form at their first class. A settling-in period is permitted before a pro rata terms fees are paid. Existing students please remember to update phone numbers and request a new Enrolment Form if any other personal details have changed ie moved house.

Discounts are available for families paying for more than one class per week.


If passing items to me to sell please label item stating name and price. Anyone interested please check what is available – by text or at class.


Please pencil these dates in your diaries now! There are likely to be rehearsals weekend 3rd Jun as well.

Sunday 11th – Saturday 17th June 2017. NB not every student will be required to attend every day.

Details to follow…


Dance courses for 7-18yrs are held throughout Britain during school holidays. Anyone interested please ask for details.


Ellen Wilkinson ~ successfully auditioned for her 3rd year at Scottish Ballet and is now a Senior Associate.

Cara MacDonald ~ successfully auditioned for ‘Oliver’ at the Playhouse Edinburgh.

Millie Kemp ~ successfully auditioned for Ballet West Associates and Broughton High School Dance Associate programme.

Amanda Cole ~ successful in the RAD INTERMEDIATE Vocational Examination.

Corra Anderson, Emily Forbes, Rowan Foulner, Eilidh Sills and Ellen Wilkinson ~ successful in the RAD INTERMEDIATE FOUNDATION Vocational Examination.

Plus, all students who sat either an Examination or Class Award and those who have been accepted on to various dance courses and shows throughout the year. All your achievements were well deserved and I recognise everyone’s hard work and dedication.



All information is available on JGSD website (www.janegouldingschoolofdance.co.uk). If your child has been absent from class, please check with myself, my website or JGSD Facebook for information you may have missed.


NB These dates are also on www.jangouldingschoolofdance.co.uk

1st TERM (Balerno & Currie) Commences - Tuesday 16th August 2016 (Fees due 1st Aug)

1st TERM (Juniper Green) Commences - Wednesday 31st August 2016 (Fees due 16th Sep)

October Holidays - Sunday 16th – Sunday 23rd October 2016

Re-commence - Monday 24th October 2016

2nd TERM FEES DUE - 1st November 2016 – paid by Standing Order

Currie & Juniper Green Christmas Parties - Saturday 17th December 2016 - TBC

Balerno Christmas Parties - Pre-Sch-G3 Sun 18th December 2016 – TBC / Seniors TBC

Christmas Holidays - Monday 19th December 2016 – Sunday 8th January 2017

Re-commence - Tuesday 10th January 2017

3rd TERM FEES DUE - 1st February 2017 – paid by Standing Order

February Holiday - Sunday 12th – Sunday 19th February 2017

Re-commence - Monday 20th February 2017

Easter Holidays - Sunday 2nd April – Sunday 16th April 2017

Re-commence - Monday 17th April 2017

4th TERM FEES DUE - 1st May 2017 – paid by Standing Order

SHOW - Monday 5th – Wednesday 7th June 2017

Summer Holidays - Sunday 2nd July 2017

NB: New Students refer to JGSD Fee Form given at class for first payment details