Please note that this course outline will be emailed to students, parents and guardians so you can acknowledge the expectations online. You do not need to print this form unless you cannot access your email.




Grade 9 Issues In Canadian Geography – GIFTED

Teacher: Ms. Percy


Geography is an interdisciplinary, integrative subject that brings a variety of perspectives, both social and physical, to the study of people, places, and environments around the world. Studying geography, students receive practical guidance for decision-making and problem solving in geographic planning, economic development, and environmental and resource management.

This course explores Canada’s distinct and changing character and the geographic systems and relationships that shape it. Students will investigate the interactions of natural and human systems within Canada, as well as Canada’s economic, political, cultural and environmental connections to other countries. Students will use a variety of geotechnologies and inquiry and communication methods to analyze and evaluate geographic issues and to present their findings.

To meet the unique and diverse needs of our Gifted learners, this course focuses on depth of inquiry and places significant emphasis on critical and creative thinking skills, application of knowledge and understanding, digital and inquiry-based learning and methods of communication.

All ministry expectations will be addressed through the following units of study:


Please note that this course outline will be emailed to students, parents and guardians so you can acknowledge the expectations online. You do not need to print this form unless you cannot access your email.

Unit 1Introduction and Geo-Skills Review
Unit 2Canada’s Physical Geography
Unit 3Resource Management

Unit 4Canada’s Human Geography
Unit 5Canada’s Global Connections
Unit 6Culminating Activity and Final Examination
Overall Course Expectations

The Ministry expectations for this course can be accessed at the Ministry of Education website:

Geography Website and Course Resources

Students are required to visit the course website regularly to learn about classroom activities. Worksheets, information pages, digital tools etc. will be found there. Students who regularly visit the Geography webpage are usually well prepared for class. This is also where students, parents and guardians can see the course calendar, access mark updates and see planned events. The department website is at:


Please note that this course outline will be emailed to students, parents and guardians so you can acknowledge the expectations online. You do not need to print this form unless you cannot access your email.

Students will also enroll in the course Moodle, which is a website used for assessment and evaluation activities and submissions. Students will regularly use their Google Apps account (same login as your school computer account).

Other course materials include:
Textbook – Making Connections: Canada’s Geography

Atlas – Oxford School Atlas 8th Edition

Online Resources – Variety of online resources

Technology in the Geography Classroom – Policies and Norms

Using technology is a vital component of Markville’s Geography program. With the use of digital devices in the classroom comes additional student responsibility for appropriate usage. Students are encouraged to bring and use appropriate digital devices (laptops and tablets – NOT CELL PHONES) for curriculum-related activities only, as we regularly use the course website and online digital tools. Students who do not have these resources will NOT be at a disadvantage.

Please read the list of student responsibilities and sign below to acknowledge that you will adhere to these expectations.

I understand that I have the responsibility to:

  • Use my device in accordance with the YRDSB technology code of conduct;
  • Use my device for curriculum-related activities only;
  • Refrain from taking any photos or videos in class, unless they are for curriculum-related activities. I will not share any content from class on any social media site;
  • Regularly back up my files, at least once a week, in 2 or more locations (email, memory stick, external hard drive);
  • Come to class with my device charged and ready to use;
  • Ensure I have my device charger, in case of emergency;
  • Keep my course files organized so that I can immediately show the teacher my work, upon request.

I understand my responsibilities for appropriate device usage in the classroom. I will abide by these expectations at all times.


Student NameStudent Signature


Parent NameParent Signature

Assessment and Evaluation

Both formative and summative assessment and evaluations will be conducted in this course. Marks for the summative evaluations in this course will be assigned using the following breakdown:


Please note that this course outline will be emailed to students, parents and guardians so you can acknowledge the expectations online. You do not need to print this form unless you cannot access your email.

Knowledge and Understanding25%Application25%

Thinking and Inquiry25%Communication25%

There will be several small assignmentsthroughout the semester that will build on the knowledge and skills developed over the term and that are associated with the content of a particular unit. Students will also write unit tests at the end of each unit as a way to evaluate their understanding of the material. As with all dynamic programs, students will be provided with a wide range of assessment and evaluation opportunities to meet their diverse learning styles so that they can be as successful as possible.

The evaluation of daily assignments, maps, graphs, presentations, and quizzes will account for the remainder of the summative marks in this course and will be conducted on an on-going basis throughout the semester. At the end of the semester the marks assigned for on-going evaluation will be calculated as a mark out of 70%.

As mandated by the Ministry, 30% of the evaluation in all courses must be in the form of a final summative evaluation. For the Grade 9 course this final evaluation will take the form of a culminating activity and a final examination. Each of these components will account for 15% of the final grade.

Culminating Activity15%Final Examination15%

Determination of the Final Grade

The term mark out of 70% and the final evaluation mark out of 30% will be added together to determine the final grade in this course.

Learning Skills

Students will be assessed on six learning skills and work habits for provincial report cards. The learning skills are: responsibly, organization, independent work, collaboration, initiative, and self-regulation. Please see either the chart below.

Responsibility / Organization / Independent Work / Collaboration / Initiative / Self-Regulation
  • completes and submits
class work, homework, and assignments according to agreed-upon timelines
  • takes responsibility for and manages own behaviour
  • devises and follows a plan and process for completing work and tasks
  • establishes priorities and manages time to complete tasks and achieve goals
  • uses class time appropriately to complete tasks
  • follows instructions with minimal supervision
  • responds positively to the ideas, opinions, values, and traditions of others
  • shares information, resources, and expertise and promotes critical thinking to solve problems and make decisions
  • demonstrates the capacity for innovation and a willingness to take risks
  • demonstrates curiosity and interest in learning
  • sets own individual goals and monitors progress towards achieving them
  • seeks clarification or assistance when needed

LEARNING SKILLS AND WORK HABITS (Behaviours/Descriptors from Growing Success, 2010

Deadlines and Due Dates

For all homework, small exercises, and minor assignments, the assigned due date is final. If the student has a legitimate reason for being absent on the day the work is to be completed and submitted (an athletic event, doctor’s appointment, field trip, etc.) he/she must make arrangements with the teacher prior to the event and the work must be submitted at the first available opportunity (generally before the assignment is marked and returned to the other students). Work never submitted will be assigned a mark of zero.

For all assignments, culminating activities and tests, the assigned due date is final. Assignments submitted after the due date may be subject to a penalty (unless documented extenuating circumstances exist) and will be reviewed on an individual basis. Work never submitted will be assigned a mark of zero. Persistent late submissions will result in parental contact.

Academic HonestyIt is absolutely vital that students NEVER attempt to present other peoples’ work as their own. When using other sources for any activity in this, and all courses (research, presentations, rough notes etc.), it is imperative that credit be given to the author of the source. Students who copy, cut and paste directly or paraphrase and do not give credit to the source will receive a mark of zero. Use the MLA and APA guides to reference your sources. Ignorance is not an excuse for plagiarism!Attendance and Punctuality

If you are absent from class for any reason, YOU are responsible for missed work. Access the calendar for missed work and have a classmate review the lesson with you. See your teacher before or after school for assistance.

Students are expected to be in class and on time every day. Student lates will be tracked by the teacher and office. Habitual lateness will lead to consequences that will be put in place at the discretion of the teacher in accordance with the school’s attendance and late policies.


Please note that this course outline will be emailed to students, parents and guardians so you can acknowledge the expectations online. You do not need to print this form unless you cannot access your email.

Essential Equipment

Students should bring the following items to class on a regular basis:

  • Fully charged digital device (laptop, notebook or tablet) and/or 3-ring binder (for Geography only) with lined paper
  • pens, pencils, eraser, ruler, colouring pencils, calculator
  • your agenda to record homework and assignments or a digital device
  • the geography textbook - replacement cost is $75.00

*Please note that calculators cannot be shared during quizzes, tests or exams and may not be used on cell phones, iPods or other electronic devices.

Global Citizenship Contributions

In keeping with the Geography Department’s mission to encourage students to think globally and to act both locally and globally, we encourage students to donate to our Adopt-A-Village initiative in Haiti. Students can contribute any time throughout the year by bringing a donation to class.

Questions, Comments or Extra Help

If you have any questions or comments regarding our course or your academic progress, please see your teacher. Your teacher will be available for extra help if arrangements are made but you must do this well in advance to ensure your success.

In-School Field Trips and Local Walks

Students will be learning about the natural and human systems that characterize Canada’s diverse geography. We would like to provide our students the opportunity to engage in experiential, hands-on learning as a way of bringing Geography to life beyond the four walls of the classroom. Weather and time permitting, we would like to organize a couple of short, guided hikes to the Ramerville Woodlot, close to McCowan Rd. and Carlton Rd., and nearby conservation areas that are within walking distance from the school. The teacher will guide and supervise the class. Please sign below to give permission for your son/daughter/student to participate in these off-campus activities.

Please sign and submit this portion to your teacher, confirming that you and your parent/guardian have read the syllabus online.

Student Name: ______Signature: ______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______

Parent/Guardian Phone (best contact number): ______

Parent/Guardian Email (please print clearly): ______

I also give permission for to participate in local off-campus guided walks (Student’s Name)

and curriculum-related activities throughout the semester.

Parent’s Signature: Date:

Emergency contact name: ______relation: ______phone: ______