

The Association shall be known as Clincton Anglers Association and the Association shall have a headquarters where the Committee can meet.


The objectives of the Association are to promote good fellowship amongst anglers: to encourage pleasure and competitive angling by way of promotion of contests... to encourage young anglers by way of promotion of juvenile contests: to control the stock waters owned and rented by the Association; to co-operate with the Environment Agency and other organisations concerned with the purity of rivers and other waters and to prevent the pollution thereof and generally to engage in such activities as are in the general interest of angling and anglers.

3. Executive Committee

The Executive Committee shall consist of a President, Chairman, Vice Chairman, Financial Officer, Secretary, Maintenance Manager, Match Secretary and Head Bailiff along with three or five other elected senior members who will conduct the affairs of the Association.

4. Memberships

Memberships shall be open to all, but the Association will honour all old memberships before allowing new memberships. New memberships will be decided with the discretion of the Committee. The Association has the right to refuse memberships. Any person refused a membership has the right to appeal.

5. Annual General Meeting

The Association shall hold an annual general meeting on the first Tuesday of December at the clubs head quarters at 19.00 hrs. Admittance is by membership card only and must be shown when voting.

6. Extra-Ordinary General Meeting

An extra-ordinary general meeting may be convened at any time and shall be initiated within 21 days of request by 20 members of the Association and must state the purpose for which a meeting is required.

7. Notice of Meetings.

The Secretary of the Association shall give seven days notice before any general meeting and send out notice stating the time and place of such meetings and the business to be conducted.

8. Business at Annual General Meeting

At the Annual General Meeting the following business shall be conducted:

(a) The reports of the officials.

(b) The presentation of the accounts for the previous year.

(c) The passing of notice of motion.

(d) New Executive Committee members shall be co-opted onto the Committee where the need

Arises (not limited to an AGM but to whenever a need occurs).
9. Power of the Committee

The Committee shall have the following power and duties:

(a)To generally administer the day-to-day running of the Association and to take all proper and reasonable steps to ensure the efficient conduct of the Association.

(b)To appoint trustees. 4 Trustees from the Executive Committee.

(c)To co-opt members to fill casual vacancies in the Association.

(d)To purchase land and obtain new waters for the Association.

(e)The Committee to keep accurate records of its transactions including:
Minutes of all meetings (to be circulated to Committee members).
Receipts and expenditures of all money.

(f)To generally promote the interests and objectives of the Association.

(g)Committee members must attend 75% of all meetings unless excused.

(h)Each member of the Committee shall have one vote and the Chairman shall have a second or casting vote.

10. Financial Year.

The financial year of the Association shall be the 1st Jan to the 31st Dec.

11. Banks.

The bank of the Association shall be the TSB Bank plc, Widnes, Cheshire. The bank account shall be in the name of the Association and shall be operated on the joint names (signatures) of the Trustees, any two to sign cheques. Clincton Angler’s Association is run as a none-profit making organisation.

12. Fees and Subscriptions.

Memberships shall be payable to the Association and will be fixed at the Annual General Meeting, members will be notified of the price on membership cards.

13. Discipline.

The responsibility for disciplinary measures shall lie with the Committee; the right to expel a member shall be at the absolute discretion of the Committee. Any person expelled has the right to appeal against the decision.

14. No member shall be eligible to serve on the Executive Committee of the Association and on the

Committee of any other angling club at the same time.

15. All proposals for the AGM must be submitted in writing 28 days in advance to the Secretary;
any proposals received after this time will not be entered into.

16. The Environmental Officer has full control of managing any environmental matters. i.e. pollution

17. Life Membership

Life membership shall be given to any person(s), for long and outstanding work. Life membership shall mean a free licence for life.

18. The Association may be wound up in accordance with the Constitution upon which any monies and property, including fish, equipment etc belonging to the Association shall, subject to the payment of debts and expenses, be disposed of as resolved by the Extraordinary General Meeting and with the approval of the Trustees and Executive Committee.