1. Let’s ______to a flower show. Why don’t we ______to the Ocean Park instead?

A) not go ,go
B) don’t go, not go
C) go, not go
D) go, go

2. Jack finished allhis homework by ______.

A) he
B) him
C) his
D) himself

3. ----“Shall we have some chicken wings for dinner?”---- “______.”

A) Right
B) That’s all right
C) All right
D) That’s right

4. Either Carol or Grace ______to the concert, but one of them has to stay home.

A) is coming
B) are coming
C) will coming
D) have come

5. I wanted to go there by plane but I hadn't enough money to pay for the ______.

A) journey
B) distance
C) road
D) way

6. It would be ______to fly in space. I am looking forward to it.

A) fun
B) funny
C) uninteresting
D) bad

7. The father, rather than the brothers, ______responsible for the accident.

A) is
B) are
C) A.is; B.are; C. have been; D. has
D) has

8. The flood has done ______to this area.

A) damages
B) many damages
C) much damage
D) damaging

9. Most Chinese like to drink tea. But some prefer coffee ______tea.

A) to
B) with
C) for
D) against

10. Only about one out of twelve of the young men and women of this country ______college education.

A) receive
B) receives
C) have received
D) have been received

11. In ______century computer will be used more widely.

A) twenty-one
B) the twenty-one
C) twenty-first
D) the twenty-first

12. Some of the guests ______to the party were from other cities.

A) to invite
B) invited
C) being invited
D) had been invited

13. The earthquake happened in Sichuan Province ______May 12, 2008. Many people lost their lives.

A) in
B) on
C) at
D) about

14. We don’t need to buy milk. There is still ______milk in the fridge.

A) a few
B) few
C) a little
D) little

15. The number of students who failed the chemistry examination ______to fifteen.

A) have increased
B) has increased
C) is increased
D) are increasing

16. The winner could be ______Class Three ______Class Seven.

A) either… and
B) neither… or
C) either… or
D) neither…and

17. _____ beautiful dress Kitty’s bought!

A) What
B) What a
C) How
D) How a

18. Her parents wouldn't ______her to stay out later than 10:30 at night.

A) require
B) ask
C) encourage
D) permit

19. Last Sunday, ______my great surprise, I met Bullen in town.

A) for
B) to
C) as
D) at

20. Although it was raining heavily, ______Alice still went to school.

A) and
B) but
C) or
D) /

21. Please ______us a story, Granny.

A) speak
B) tell
C) say
D) talk

22. How ______is it from here to the city center?

A) long
B) far
C) distant
D) near

23. He has toothache because he has eaten ______sweets.

A) too much
B) too many
C) too little
D) much too

24. _____ does it take you to fly from Beijing to Shanghai?

A) How soon
B) How often
C) How long
D) How far

25. Do you have a blue dress ______my size?

A) in
B) with
C) about
D) of

26. The room is eight ______long.

A) foot
B) foots
C) feet
D) feets

27. Now, many people use the word Ms instead of Miss or Mrs., for example, before the names of ______in business letters.

A) woman manager
B) women manager
C) woman managers
D) women managers

28. There ______the last piece of cake and the last spoonful of ice cream.

A) goes
B) go
C) gone
D) was gone

29. She remained silent, ______her heart was heavy and her spirit low.

A) so
B) though
C) for
D) therefore

30. People have proved ______to be true that the heat we get from coal and oil comes from the sun.

A) that
B) it
C) this
D) /

31. ---“Sorry, I’m a little bit late.” ----“Oh, I ______here just a few minutes.”

A) have been
B) had been
C) am
D) will be

32. The total amount of money ______100 dollars.

A) is
B) are
C) has
D) have

33. Even on ______Sundays, fewer people go to church than before.

A) the
B) a
C) /
D) that

34. Can you play ______?

A) piano
B) pianos
C) a piano
D) the piano

35. ---“Do you enjoy the new camera?” ---“Yes, ______, the more skilled I become.”

A) as I take more pictures
B) the more pictures I take
C) as more pictures I take
D) the pictures I take more

36. ---“You haven’t got the textbook for my chemistry course yet. ” ---“I know, and we ______to get it for the last five weeks.”

A) have been trying
B) had tried
C) will be trying
D) will have been trying

37. To say that someone’s work is not good is to find fault ______it.

A) of
B) with
C) for
D) on

38. ______doesn’t matter what you do at this point.

A) They
B) All
C) He
D) It

39. If anyone happens to call while I am out of the office. Please have ______leave a message for me.

A) he
B) him
C) they
D) them

40. ---“I felt a bit hungry.” ---“Why don’t you have ______bread?”

A) any
B) some
C) little
D) a piece

41. The movie we saw last night was very different ______the novel.

A) of
B) to
C) from
D) with

42. This furniture is different from ______.

A) ones
B) your
C) that one
D) that

43. From here we can see the bridge ______construction.

A) below
B) by
C) under
D) with

44. Her English is very good. She can speak English better than ______in her grade.

A) anyone
B) the one
C) anyone else
D) other student

45. We are not ______to afford a car yet.

A) enough money
B) money enough
C) rich enough
D) enough rich

46. What date is it? It’s ______.

A) July twentieth-first
B) July the twenty-first
C) the twenty-first of July
D) Both B and C

47. ---“May I help you with some shoes, sir?” ---“Yes, I’d like to try on those brown ______.”

A) one
B) ones
C) two
D) pair

48. There are two windows in this bedroom. ______of them face south, overlooking a beautiful park.

A) Both
B) One
C) The two
D) Either

49. A chemist prepares his experiments carefully before trying to carry ______in his lab.

A) it out
B) out it
C) them out
D) out them

50. I wonder why ______possible for you to do the work by yourself.

A) you
B) you are
C) it isn’t
D) you were

51. ---"How do you like your apartment?" ---"Not very well. We are considering ______our lease. "

A) not to renew
B) to not renew
C) not renewing
D) renewing not

52. Of the two lectures, the first was by far the ______.

A) good
B) better
C) best
D) worst

53. Have you finished your homework? This lesson is ______than the last one.

A) more easier
B) more easy
C) very easier
D) much easier

54. He ordered the work ______.

A) started at once
B) to start at once
C) to be started at once
D) at once start

55. The seventeenth century was one ______many significant advances were made in both science and philosophy.

A) in that
B) in which
C) whose
D) of

56. English ______in a new way at my college in the past few years.

A) has been teaching
B) was being taught
C) has been taught
D) had been taught

57. ---"I'm very tired. " ---"We really should stop ______and go to bed. "

A) to study
B) studying
C) of studying
D) from studying

58. Eric regretted ______the earlier flight.

A) not to take
B) to have not taken
C) not having taken
D) he would not take

59. ---"Why is Fred so upset?" ---"He isn't used ______criticized. "

A) be
B) to be
C) to being
D) having been

60. ---"Do you know Paul?" ---"I think so. Isn't he ______smokes incessantly( 不停地)?"

A) who
B) the man
C) the man who
D) the person which

61. Would you be______by the idea of going to Greece?

A) exciting
B) excited
C) excitable
D) excitedly

62. ---"Has Fred told anyone else about his dismissal?" ---"Yes, he decided ______."

A) not keeping secret
B) not to keep it a secret
C) not to be kept secret
D) not to keep it secretly

63. I wish I ______to study mathematics years ago.

A) could start
B) can start
C) had started
D) started

64. ---“How can Mary get her money back?” ---“I advised ______to the manager. ”

A) her speak
B) her to speak
C) that she speaks
D) a speech by her

65. ---“Why are you smiling?” ---“Oh, I’ve just thought of ______.”

A) funny something
B) something funny
C) nothing funny
D) funny anything

66. I ______worry too much if I were you.

A) oughtn't
B) mustn't
C) needn't
D) wouldn't

67. When the little girl got back her answer sheet, she could not help ______.

A) from crying
B) to cry
C) herself from crying
D) crying

68. Many parents allow their children ______own decisions.

A) making their
B) making the
C) to make their
D) to make the

69. I like Jean but I don't like ______.

A) her sing
B) her singing
C) she sing
D) she singing

70. ---“Can you ride a horse? ” ---“No. I never had the chance ______. ”

A) for learning
B) for learning how
C) how to learn it
D) to learn how

71. They will be as tall as you soon, if they ______.

A) would help growing like that
B) keep to grow like it
C) keep growing like that
D) will keep growing like that

72. By the time you get to Greenwich you ______the most historic parts of London.

A) will be seeing
B) will see
C) are going to see
D) will have seen

73. John admitted that it was always difficult ______.

A) for him to be on time
B) for him being on time
C) to be on time for him
D) being on time for him

74. If you ______that late movie last night, you wouldn't be sleepy.

A) haven't watched
B) hadn't watched
C) didn't watch
D) wouldn't have watched

75. Mr. Wang is going to visit the university ______he studied 20 years ago.

A) where
B) which
C) that
D) in where

76. The police chief ordered that parking ______on Main Street during the rush hour.

A) be prohibited
B) be prohibiting
C) is prohibited
D) was prohibited

77. One reason why women live longer than men after retirement is ______women can continue to do something they are used to doing.

A) because
B) for
C) since
D) that

78. He wondered ______.

A) what will be his wife's reaction
B) what would his wife's reaction be
C) what his wife's reaction would be
D) how would be his wife's reaction

79. ______you do, do it well.

A) What
B) Which
C) That
D) Whatever

80. Angel was the first girl ______when you got here.

A) you talked to whom
B) you talked to
C) whom you talked
D) who talked you

81. The reason why I didn't go to France was ______a new job.

A) because I got
B) because of getting
C) due to
D) that I got

82. The story of Jonar implies ______love can not be separated from responsibility.

A) how
B) if
C) that
D) whether

83. Mr. Lamb did not know ______he should renew the lease or not.

A) what
B) whether
C) if
D) which

84. ---"Did you return Fred's call?" ---"I don't need to ______I'll see him tomorrow. "

A) though
B) because
C) otherwise
D) unless

85. ______is known to the world, Mark Twain was a great American writer.

A) That
B) Which
C) As
D) It

86. He arrived late, ______was annoying.

A) what
B) that
C) which
D) whom

87. The photos will show you ______.

A) what does the house look like
B) what the house looks like
C) how does the house look like
D) how the house looks like

88. No sooner ______got to the station than it began to rain heavily.

A) had I
B) have I
C) I had
D) I have

89. I don't know his address except ______itwas Leadenhall Street.

A) that
B) whether
C) what
D) where

90. The teacher asked me______.

A) whether or not I had finished my work
B) did I finish my work or not
C) is my work finished or not
D) if or not I have finished my work

91. If anybody ______me while I'm out, tell him I'll call him back later on.

A) phones
B) will phone
C) is phoning
D) phoned

92. No sooner ______than the jeep started off.

A) his luggage was loaded
B) had his luggage been loaded
C) loaded his luggage
D) his luggage was being loaded

93. I hope ______my letter.

A) her to answer
B) that she should answer
C) that she will answer
D) her answering

94. Although I expected something different, I was still surprised by ______he said.

A) what
B) which
C) that
D) how

95. I'll leave him a note ______he'll know where we are.

A) so that
B) that
C) in order
D) for

96. ______the prisoner escaped is a mystery.

A) What
B) How
C) That
D) Which

97. ______at the meeting yesterday is of great importance to the development of our business.

A) That we discussed
B) What we discussed
C) How did we discuss
D) What did we discuss

98. Look! ______lovely day it is!

A) What
B) How
C) What a
D) How a

99. ---"Jill has a toothache. " ---"It's been hurting her for quite a while, ______?"

A) isn't it
B) doesn't it
C) wasn't it
D) hasn't it

100. ---"I'm tired, but let's go. " ---"Why ______rest a while?"

A) let's
B) not let's
C) not
D) let's not

101. ---"Jane has certainly been working hard. " ---______.

A) So have her brothers
B) So her bothers have
C) Her brothers have too
D) So have been her brothers

102. In my opinion, the changing job market will ______people many difficulties.

A) find
B) bring
C) take
D) get

103. ---"The old house belongs to the Greens. " ---"Oh, no, ______."

A) it mustn't
B) it hasn't
C) it doesn't
D) it didn't

104. ---"______?" ---"A cup of tea, please. "

A) Do you like tea
B) Do you like a cup of tea
C) Would you like a cup of tea
D) What would you like to drink

105. It is not polite to ______when someone is making a speech at a meeting like this.

A) turn up
B) cut in
C) speak out
D) stand by

106. Her face is ______to me, but I can't remember where I saw her.

A) similar
B) friendly
C) alike
D) familiar

107. Mountains can be very dangerous, ______?

A) can't they
B) aren't they
C) don't they
D) won't they

108. All of her living cost ______2,000 yuan each month.

A) gets to
B) equals to
C) arrives at
D) comes to

109. David may ______, but we must go at once.

A) stay late
B) stay lately
C) stay a little
D) have stayed very late

110. My brother likes country music, ______I like pop music.

A) when
B) where
C) while
D) because

111. I'm in no ______this evening to listen to his silly jokes.

A) feeling
B) attitude
C) opinion
D) mood

112. The bookstore hasn't ordered ______textbooks for all the students in the course.

A) enough
B) plenty
C) as much as
D) a great deal of

113. Tennis is a ______invented by an Englishman a hundred years ago.

A) play
B) match
C) game
D) event

114. I don't think that your watch is ______.

A) worth of the price
B) worth the price
C) worthy of the price
D) worthy to buy

115. Jump in the car. There's enough ______for you.

A) place
B) seat
C) room
D) space

116. It wasn't an accident. He did it on ______.

A) reason
B) determination
C) purpose
D) intention

117. Since the two restaurants ______almost the same food and service, it doesn't matter where you stop to eat.

A) offer
B) cook
C) prepare
D) afford

118. ---“How long had you been waiting before Mr. Winter finally arrived?” ---“Well, he came at three o’clock, and I ______the day before.”

A) had waited after
B) had been waiting since
C) was waiting from
D) had been waiting for

119. ______, it's very tidy.

A) As her room is small
B) Small as her room is
C) As small her room is
D) Small as her room

120. As I didn't have any experience, I was ______problems.

A) likely to have
B) probably having
C) probable to have
D) likely having