Diane Scalchunes

For over a decade we at Deep Waters Ministry have been sitting before the Lord and learning how to listen. As a result of our being still, Jesus has given us in part as He has also given a countless number of His children in this hour and throughout the ages, the knowledge necessary to understand His language. As previously stated in the winter newsletter, once we quieted our souls the Lord started to speak to us about the condition of His church. He told us that when the things that He is presenting to us is broken off of ourselves, then we would have the authority to break it off of others. By the grace of God there have been times where we were able to yield to the sanctifying work of the Father and obtain victories; unfortunately there have been tests that we have failed both corporately and individually. None-the-less, you will see in future newsletters our focal points will continue to relate to conditions in the church, for that is what the Lord is revealing to us (unless He switches gears), but as I have just explained we are not exempt from what it is Jesus is showing us. If anything, we have a greater responsibility to repent and to be conformed into His image in view of the fact that, "For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required" (Luke 12:48 KJV).

Our Ministry

Being that you cannot put God in a box; our ministry isn’t all about repenting, interceding for the church and warning them of the things He is revealing to us (Recently in prayer, someone heard: Warner Brothers – Warn Your Brothers!) Healing, equipping the saints and prophetic evangelism are a few of the other things that the Lord does through us. Getting back to intercession, which is a major part of our ministry, the Lord also shows us catastrophic events through various venues which need to be prayed through. For example, before September 11th the number 911 was coming out over and over again in the prophetic. Another word the Lord was speaking through His people was the parallel between our own time and the blockbuster movie that was out that summer Pearl Harbor. "You are not ready just like they weren’t ready at Pearl Harbor" was repeatedly echoed by the Lord in the prophetic.

At least two intercessors told me the Lord was showing them that something horrific was going to happen in September. I myself had an intense vision during a prayer meeting of the financial district of New York City being scorched by a hellish inferno, with the World Trade Center being smack in the middle of it. What did I do with the revelation? - I spiritualized it!

God is Speaking

I recently had a discussion with my four year old son’s nursery school teacher about the ministry. After I told her what we were about, she proceeded to tell me of a dream she had days before the airplane crashed in Belle Harbor, the suburb close to Kennedy airport, a few months after 911; her dream was of an airplane crashing in the suburbs in the vicinity of Kennedy airport.

God is speaking. The intercessors of Deep Waters Ministry consider revelation from God to be very precious. We write our dreams down and have been doing so for years; we pray about the dreams and transcribe what it is the Holy Spirit is saying through them as much as we are able to. There are seven different times in a week when a prayer group is sitting before the Lord listening, praying and writing down what it is He is saying. Also, in any given week, there are hours upon hours of individual prayer time and personal Bible study where data is gathered; all that to say that we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg. We need to become more prophetic; we need to become more diligent. What good is it to have had a vision of the World Trade Center on fire months before it became a reality and not know what to do with it? It is our goal and calling to go up higher.

"Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much" (James 5:16 KJV). The reason why I believe the Lord is emphasizing to His Church (I do not believe it is only through this ministry) that we have fallen short of His glory (because we are too busy chasing after our own) is so that we can confess these sins that He is pointing out and be healed for righteousness’ sake. Also, we might be in right standing with the Lord and praying fervently, but not be effectual because we lack knowledge. One of the things that is keeping us dull is SELF which results in our lack of faith. I was praying about a particular thing the Lord was doing in my personal life (actually I was ranting and raving with the Lord) and I saw in my spirit a picture of a watch. It was an Omega brand watch. The Lord said to me, "I am the Alpha and the Omega and you are on the end time watch. It is My desire to show you the timing of end events." Now I believe the Lord picked that moment to sober me up. Jesus wants to show us things pertaining to the consummation of the age and we are whining about trivialities. Enough, we have to press in. We have to soak in His Presence which heals us and makes us sensitive to His Spirit; we have to be diligent to record the information we are receiving; we have to pray about it fervently and finally we have to yield to the sanctifying work of the Father and not harden our hearts with rationalities when He convicts us so that righteousness can occur in our lives and our prayers can avail.■