To pumpkins at pumpkin time

Back into your garden-beds!

Here come the holidays!

And woe to the golden pumpkin-heads

Attracting too much praise.

Hide behind the hoe, the plow

Cling fast to the vine!

Those who come to praise you now

Will soon sit down to dine.

Keep your lovely heads, my dears,

If you know what I mean…

Unless you sigh to be in pie,

Stay hidden, or stay green.

When you see a hearse go by,

You will be the next to die.

The worms go in,

The worms go out.

The mice play pinochle on

your scalp.

You turn an icky, slimy green.

That’s how you get pistachio ice cream!

The hairy toe

Once there was a woman who went out to pick beans,

and she found a Hairy Toe.

She took the Hairy Toe home with her,

And that night, when she went to bed,

The wind began to moan and groan.

Away off in the distance she seemed to hear a voice crying,

“Where is my Hair-r-y To-o-oe? Who’s got my Hair-r-ry


The woman scooched down, way under the covers, and about that time the wind appeared to hit the house…whoosh, and the old house creaked and cracked like something was trying to get in.

The voice had come nearer, almost at the door now, and it said,

“Where is my Hair-r-ry To-o-oe? Who’s got my Hair-r-ry


The woman scooched further down under the covers and pulled them tight around her head. The wind growled around the house like some big animal. And r-r-um-umbled over the chimney. All at once she heard the door cr-r-a-ack and something slipped in and began to creep over the floor. The floor went cre-e-eak, cre-e-eak at every step that thing took toward her bed. The woman could almost feel it bending over her head. There in an awful voice it said: “Where is my Hair-r-ry To-o-oe?

Who’s got my Hair-r-ry To-o-e?

You’ve got it!”

Peanuts Pumpkin Carols

“I heard the bells on Halloween”

I heard the bells on Halloween

Their old, carols scream

And wild and sweet

The words repeat

Pumpkin season’s here again

Then pealed the bells more loud and strong

Great pumpkin comes before too long,

The good will get

The bad will fret

Pumpkin season’s here again!

“O Pumpkin Cards”

O Pumpkin Cards! O Pumpkin Cards!

Carry greetings to my friends.

Let them know the day is here

When Great Pumpkin will appear.

O Pumpkin Cards! O pumpkin Cards!

Carry greetings to my friends!

“Pumpkin Bells”

Dashing through the streets

In our costumes bleak and gray’

To each house we go

Tricking all the way.

Halloween is here

Making spirits fright

What fun it is to trick or treat

And sing Pumpkin songs tonight!

Oh Pumpkin Bells, Pumpkin Bells!

It’s scary don’t you say,

Oh what fun it is to run

Getting treats along the way!

The Twelve Days of Halloween

On the twelfth day of Halloween

The Great Pumpkin Gave to Me,

Twelve bats a-flying,

Eleven masks a-leering,

Ten ghosts a-groaning,

Nine monsters shrieking,

Eight ghosts a-booing

Seven pumpkins glowing,

Six goblins gobbling,

Five scary spooks,

Four skeletons,

Three black cats,

Two trick or treaters

And an old owl in a dead tree!

Deck the Patch

Deck the patch with orange and black

Fa la la la la, la la la la!

Take along your goody sack

Fa la la la la, la la la la

Don we now frightful apparel.

Fa la la la la, la la la la

Troll the ancient Pumpkin carol

Fa la la la la, la la la la

See the Great One rise before us

Fa la la la la, la la la la

As we sing in Pumpkin chorus

Fa la la la la, la la la la

Follow him as he ascends

Fa la la la la, la la la la

Join with true great Pumpkin friends

Fa la la la la, la la la la

About the Creator of this Bulletin Board

Christa Sandelier is currently serving as the Area Coordinator for the Jester Center at the University of Texas in Austin. She received her Bachelor's degree at Delaware Valley College in PA and her Master's at Shippensburg University in PA. After spending time as a Residence Director and working on her Master's at Shippensburg University she worked as an Area Coordinator at Colorado State University. Christa has written a number of works for and also co-authored a chapter for ACUHO-I's Pursuing a Career in Housing. She has also served as a panelist for an audio conference for Paperclip Communications on supervision. Christa is an active member in ACPA, serving on the Placement Center Committee. She is looking to begin her doctorate in the near future.