“When Ye Pray” (The Guide To An Effective Prayer Life)

Text – Luke 11:2

INTRO: The Lord Jesus here is teaching his disciples to pray. We often hear this referred to as the Lord’s Prayer. This is not the Lord’s Prayer, but rather the Model Prayer. Our focus in this text verse is the phrase made by Jesus, “When Ye Pray”, when He began this instruction to His disciples. May we never cease in our prayers. We must always be in touch with Heaven. We must NOT allow life’s hindrances to interrupt our prayers.

Two Key Words To Focus Upon:

(When) - 3752 ὅταν hotan {hot'-an}

Meaning: 1) when, whenever, as long as, as soon as

Origin: from 3753 and 302;; particle

Usage: AV - when 116, as soon as 2, as long as 1, that 1, whensoever 1, while 1, till + 1508 1; 123

(Pray) - 4336 προσεύχομαι proseuchomai {pros-yoo'-khom-ahee}

Meaning: 1) to offer prayers, to pray

Origin: from 4314 and 2172; TDNT - 2:807,279; v

Usage: AV - pray 83, make prayer 3, pray for 1; 87

I. Our Prayers Must Have The Right Direction

A) The Access Of Prayer – “Our Father”

B) The Aim Of Prayer – “Which art in Heaven”

C) The Assurance Of Prayer – “Hallowed be thy name”

II. Our Prayers Must Have The Right Desire

A) For The Lord’s Will – “thy will be done”

B) For The Lord’s Work – 2 Corinthians 9:8

C) For The Lord’s Wisdom – Ephesians 1:17

III. Our Prayers Must Have The Right Disposition

A) Patience To Guide Us – Romans 12:12

B) Temperance To Guard Us – 2 Peter 1:6

C) Meekness To Grasp Us – Galatians 5:23

IV. Our Prayers Must Have The Right Design

A) With Sincerity – Ephesians 6:18

B) With Purity – Philippians 4:6

C) With Sanctity – 1 Timothy 4:5