Changes for the 2012 elections



(1)Program - is used in the operating procedures to mean the Lynnfield Youth Hockey Association

(2)Board - is used in the operating procedures to mean the Lynnfield Youth Hockey Association Board of Directors.


(1)These Operating Procedures represent the agreements between the Members that comprise the LYHA as to how the Program will organize and conduct hockey business.

(2)These Operating Procedures are periodically reviewed and amended at the General Board of Directors Meetings.


Members may register with LYHA and are eligible to participate in an open try out to be placed on an appropriate team. Players may range in age from 4 to 18 years old, both male and female. Teams are sponsored by Mass Hockey as a “Town” classification.

  1. Membership

(1)The parents or legal guardians of those participants in the LYHA program. For purposes of these By-laws, each family with one or more participants in the LYHA program shall have one vote at the annual membership meeting.

(2)Any officer without a child in the LYHA program must be accepted by the general membership at the annual meeting.

B.Voting Privileges

(1)Voting will be by individual ballot and no member shall cast more than one vote. Proxies or votes in absentia will not be recognized.

(2)The right to vote at the annual meeting shall be provided to each parent/guardian of minor players, coaches, and any other volunteers in the program in the process for nomination and election of Directors.

C.Continued Participation in the Program

(1)Memberprivileges for continued participation in the Program may, periodically, be reviewed by the Board of Directors.

(2)A Member’sparticipation in the Program may be suspended if:

(i)Outstanding Financial Commitments - if the member has outstanding debts to the Program.

(ii)Excessive Penalties - if a member has an excessive number of misconduct penalties or disciplinary issues during the season of competition.

(iii)Unsportsmanlike or Offensive Behavior - if a member has demonstrated, on more than one occasion, behavior which is judged by the LYHA Board of Directors to be unsportsmanlike or unacceptable by the general standards of behavior expected by the LYHA Board of Directors be insufficient to correct or atone for the behavior and to ensure that the behavior is not repeated. This applies to players, parents and Hockey Program personnel.


A.Annual Application

Each year, each member must present, to the Registrar for approval, an application for membership and a copy of the USA Hockey registration confirmation document.

B.Registration Procedure

(1)Members fill out the appropriate registration form.

(2)Members will register online with USA Hockey and provide a copy of the confirmation document.

(3)Members will submit the specified deposit.

(4)Participation in the tryout process is necessary, but not limited to, for team placement.


(1)Rosters must be complete by Nov 1st of that year of play.

(2) Rosters must be signed by all players if the team will participate in a sanctioned tournament.

(3)Roster Changes must be per USA Hockey Guidelines.

(4)Each Team is allowed a maximum of 20 players on a Roster per USA Hockey Rules.


(1)The Member Fees will be set based on the projected Program budget provided by the Treasurer at the March Board of Directors meeting.

(2)In order to participate in the Program, each Member must be in good financial standing with the LYHA and with all of the Mass Hockey Programs. Members with outstanding financial obligations will not be allowed to participate in the Program until financial obligations are satisfied and a financial waiver is submitted to LYHA in writing.


What are tryouts?

Tryouts are a system for observing and placing players from each age level onto teams that will best suit their development and skill level.

Tryouts are not a skill session or practice, tryouts are similar to a test, evaluating development, skill, and gauging what each player has learned during their previous hockey season.

LYH does not intend to rank or label any player; it merely holds tryouts for team selection. The leagues and opposing teams LYH has been affiliated with are extremely competitive, with diverse skill levels for all ages and abilities; therefore, it is LYH’s responsibility to place all players on the appropriate teams and subsequently placing those teams in the appropriate competitive levels with the assistance of the affiliate leagues.

As there is no perfect system of tryout for every child, LYH has strived to find the most equitable system to help maintain a strong competitive relationship with the affiliate league and help the development of our member players.

Our system is designed for maintaining a competitive based program, with emphasis on safety, fun, development, and creating a competitive and healthy athletic experience.

  1. List of Drills for Mite and Squirt Level

Each player does the drilltwo times.

  • Sprint Pivot and Shoot – Players on boards in corner, sprint to cone at far blue line, pivot and skate backwards to cone at near blue line, pivot, and sprint to the same side opposite corner of the ice. Move the line to the other side, flip cones,and repeat drill.
  • Stickhandle and Shoot – From corner, carry puck around conesand shoot on goal. Drill will be repeated from other end of ice.
  • Stickhandle Tight Turns and Shoot – Same set up as above, but cones are wider, so player must tight turn around cones with puck, drive to front of net, then shoots on goalie.
  • 4 on 4 and 5 on 5 full ice games- with one minute shifts.

B. List of Drills for Pee Wee and Bantam Level

Each player does the drilltwo times.

  • Sprint Pivot and Shoot – Players on boards in corner, sprint to cone at far blue line, pivot and skate backwards to cone at near blue line, pivot, sprint topuck on blue line and shoot no deeper than top of circles. Follow-up shot for rebound. Move the line to the other side of cone and repeat drill.
  • Stickhandle and Shoot – From corner, carry puck straight at cones, and deke inside of cone. Repeat at each cone, and then shoot on goalie. Drill will be repeated to deke outside of cones, as well.
  • Stickhandle Tight Turns and Shoot – Same set up as above, but cones are wider, so player must tight turn around cones with puck, drive to front of net, then shoots on goalie.
  • 4 on 4 and 5 on 5 full ice games- with one minute shifts. Controlled contact allowed, but no reckless checking.
  • Goalie skills will be determined by third party evaluator.

C.List of Tryout Dates and Registration Process

(1) On LYHA web site

(2) In local paper 3 weeks prior

  1. Tryout Forms:
  • Coaches Evaluation & Player Rank

To be filled out by ALL Head and Assistant Coaches at year-end.

  • Game and Skill Evaluation Forms

To be completed by third party evaluators in two separate sessions.

  1. Process:
  • Each LYH coach MUST practice tryout drills before the tryout.
  • Each head coach, with the help of the assistant coaches, will complete and submit player evaluation forms to coaching director.
  • Player registers and pays tryout deposit, receive piney/number.
  • Players will be lined up for skills by piney numbers and colors.
  • Players should attend all tryout sessions for their own age group.
  • Only players in good financial standing with LYH and all other Mass Hockey programs will be eligible to tryout.
  • A financial waiver may be required by LYH for player placement.
  • Players will be judged by a third party evaluation team.
  • Players will be rated by a 6 point value system 6 being the best.
  • Players may be asked not to attend a second tryout if the 3rd party evaluator deems that player to be dominating the tryout session.
  • 3rd party evaluator may ask bench coaches to change or alter the scrimmage line up as needed.
  • Players will be chosen based on skill level and not position.
  • Prior to team ratification board meeting, the 3rd party evaluator will complete and submit their data on a game and skill evaluation form. This data will be the average of the combined tryout scores and arranging all players in their respective age levels in the order of their ranking from the highest to the lowest.
  • Teams shall be split with equal number of players on all teams. If there is an odd number at an age level, the lower level team shall gain the extra player, unless that player’s score value is high enough to be consistent with the scores from the higher team.
  • If a player cannot attend any of the tryouts due to a medical issue, coaching evaluations will be used to recommend that player’s placement.
  • If a player does not attend any tryouts due to non medical reasons, they will be placed on the lowest tier team in their age level.
  • During the ratification process of the LYH board, no player name shall be published until all players are properly placed and all bubble player situations are resolved. Once assignment is complete, player names will be assigned to their piney number and given to the coaching director for him to officially submit to that team’s coach for notification.
  • All ranking and scores are confidential. Parents may ask for ONLY their own child’s score value and position ranking.
  • Selection of the team’s coaches shall follow the player ratification.
  • Ratification shall take place in a closed full board session. LYH policy is always having “closed session” when discussing players by name.
  • All players must be properly registered with USA/Mass Hockey no later than Sept 15th of their upcoming season.
  1. Roles:
  • Coaching Director is responsible for coordinating the tryout process, and to be assisted by the tryout committee.
  • Tryout committee will consist of LYH board members to consult and assist the coaching director in the tryout process.
  • All decisions are to be on the coaching director’s recommendation and approved by the LYH Board of directors. All changes must be approved by the LYH board.
  • The 3rd party evaluator shall not take the ice and evaluate from the stands.
  • LYH board of directors shall use the information provided by 3rd party evaluator, coaching director, and tryout committee, to uphold the policies and by laws of LYH with respect to fairness, impartiality and the confidentiality of the children during a closed session of the Board.
  • LYH Coaches will be assigned a skill station and team bench to manage during the on ice tryout events.
  • The Registrar will participate at each tryout for piney assignment, year of birth, and address verification for all participants.
  • LYH board members must participate in overseeing at leastone tryout sessions. A list will be sent out once the ice time is confirmed.
  • Third party evaluator will have the ability to ask the bench coaches to put certain players on the ice orchange the format ofthe game.
  1. Bubble Situation:
  • The “bubble” shall be defined as the last player before the team cut line and the first player after the team cut line. The bubble may expand beyond these players if there is a very small percentile differential with the next ranked player up or down the list.
  • Coaching evaluations are not used to move a player into or out of the bubble, only to determine team placement of bubble players.
  • First consideration for bubble players shall go to the second year player in that age level.
  • Players that attend only one tryout session will not be penalized.
  • Bubble players attending both tryouts with equal or similar final score with a bubble player only attending one session, will drop their lower score for a value comparison.
  • Bubble players from the same previous team/coach shall be placed by that coach’s evaluation.
  • Bubble players from the same YOB, but different previous teams will be placed using a combination of coach’s evaluation, tryout score value, and recommendation from the coaching director, with Board approval.
  1. Coaches:
  • Coaches should not be on the ice or same bench with their child.
  • Coaches are there to monitor and direct, they are not to coach or motivate.
  • Coaching applications will be available at the tryouts.
  • Coaches that are not properly patched from the previous year may not be allowed to head coach for the next season. They may be assistant coaches, however, will be removed if their patching obligation is not completed by 12/31 of that current season.
  • Coaching applications will be reviewed by the Coaching Director and will recommend selections to the board for approval.
  • 1st assistant coach will be chosen from the applications with the recommendation from the coaching director and Board approval.
  • 2nd assistant coach will be chosen from the applications and may be chosen by the new head coach.
  • All coaches must be properly registered with USA/Mass Hockey and complete a CORI form prior to the start of the upcoming season.


  1. Executive Officers

(1) President

(2)Vice President



(5)Immediate Past President

  1. Functional Officers

(1) Ice Director

(2)Coaching Director


(4)Fundraising Director

(5)Publicity Director/Webmaster

(6)Clinic Director

(7)Team Parent Coordinator/Safety Director

(8)Equipment Director

(9)Director of Girls’ Hockey

(10)Director of Midget Hockey



(1)Shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the LYHA.

(2)Shall act as Administrative Representative at all outside activities concerning the Program, or shall designate a Board member to represent LYHA in such matters.

(3)Shall be responsible for appointing and charging all committees and appointing committee chairpersons, acting for or on behalf of LYHA, with the approval of the Board of Directors.

(4)Schedule season's activities relative to administrative functions.

(5)Ensure that funds are available.

B.Vice President

(1)Shall act as President when the President is unavailable.

(2)Shall perform those duties assigned to him/ her by the President.

C. Treasurer

(1)Shall keep current detailed financial records.

(2)Shall keep the Board of Directors up to date on all financial matters affecting the running of the program.

(3)Shall outline the financial status at all LYHA general meetings.

(4)Shall only dispense funds in accordance with By-laws and other rules pertaining to expenditure of LYHA funds.

(5)Shall prepare an audited report, for LYHA "Annual Membership Meeting", for presentation to the Program membership.

(6)Shall be responsible for obtaining and retaining tax exempt status and filing of appropriate reports with the State and Federal agencies.

(7)Shall collect all tuition and annual fees.


(1)Shall keep permanent records of the business meetings of the organization and of events of importance.

(2)Shall be in charge of all correspondence.

(3)Shall keep current a general membership list.

(4)Shall provide a copy of the current By-Laws at all meetings.

(5)Shall issue notices of meetings unless this duty is specifically delegated by the President to another Director.

(6)All records of the Secretary shall remain the property of the organization.

E.Immediate Past President

(1)Shall be a general advisor to the President and the Board

(2)Shall perform those duties assigned to him/her by the President

F.Ice Director/League Rep

(1)Shall be responsible for procuring and scheduling all "ice time" for LYHA.

(2)Shall schedule all the Program ice time in a fair and equitable manner.

(3)Shall coordinate and mediate any and all League corresponances and issues for the Program.

G.Coaching Director

(1)Subject to the procedures adopted from time to time by the Board of Directors for player and coach selection, shall be responsible for all coach related responsibilities and activities.

(2)Shall ensure that all coaches are properly patched and have completed their coaching module for their level.

(3)Shall assume the lead role in organizing and conducting the annual team selection process

(4)Shall, subject to the approval of the Board, make recommendations as to player assignments and coaching assignments in accordance with the assignment and selection processes adopted from time to time by the Board.

(5)Shall monitor and take prompt appropriate action, as necessary, on all matters relating to coaching complaints, or any other similar coaching difficulties.

(6)Shall regularly report to the Board on the competitive status and general playing conditions on all of the organization's teams.

(7)Shall hold at least 1 mandatory coaches meeting prior to the end of the parity rounds and before the beginning of the regular season.


(1)Shall be responsible for collecting all member registration.

(2)Shall submit all IMRs.

(3)Shall submit all required rosters on a timely basis.

(4)Shall maintain current and accurate records of all registration activities.

(5)Shall ensure all statutory requirements are met.

(6)Shall ensure that all Massachusetts Hockey's By-Laws, Rules and Regulations,and Policies and Procedures, including but not limited to, those regarding the prevention of Physical and Sexual Abuse, are followed and shall ensure that all fees as established by USA Hockey and MassHockey and as set out in the most current published Fee Schedules are paid.

(7)Shall represent LYHA at all Mass Hockey and USA Hockey meetings.

(8)Shall assist all teams with the correct documents for any and all tournaments.

I.Fundraising Director

(1)Shall schedule all Program's fund raising activities.

(2)Shall chair, or otherwise coordinate, all fund raising activities.