June 26, 2017; 6:00p.m. District Office

17217 W. Four Mound Rd., Nine Mile Falls

Members Present: Isla Durheim, Dave Clouse

District Secretary: Susan Rae

Guests: Larry Durheim, Larry Edwards,

Fire Chief: Fire Chief Scott Lynch

Time Meeting Began: 6:00 p.m.

Flag Salute: Chief Lynch

The minutes from the May 15, 2017 Regular Meeting were reviewed. Isla made a motion to approve as presented with amendment. Dave seconded and minutes were approved as amended and presented.

The treasury report was reviewed. Susan read the report aloud.

The June 2017 bills were reviewed Accounts Payable: AP1659 through AP1677 totaling $8468.67 and Payroll: P01027 through P01046 totaling $5,067.79 for a total expense of $13,716.46. Isla made a motion to pay the bills as presented, Dave seconded the motion and the bills were approved for payment as presented.

Secretary’s Report:

·  Computer hits to 6/22/2017 on SCFD5.org are 9245 (previous 9084)

·  Susan submitted a credit application per Scott Lynch to Inland Pacific Hose & Fittings and received notification we now have a charge account with that company.

·  Susan requested a coverage increase per Chief Scott Lynch on Brush 53 Truck to Enduris Insurance now that the truck is in service. Invoice was received and is listed in this month’s payables.

Susan reported that the new Accounting Excel Program is complete and 2016 Audit was submitted to the WA ST Auditors Office on Monday May 29 with a confirmation received. All accounting from this point forward will be done with this program which is a double entry excel that is very easy to read and gather reports from. Susan presented a sample “Vehicle Expenses Page” to the Board showing what the program looks like online.

Correspondence: Susan reported.

·  We received a letter from SCFD#4 Jack Henseley that their district submitted to the (SCIP) Spokane County Interest Pool regarding their implementing the new checking account fees and their district’s objections. Board reviewed the letter and decided we would go with the status quo for right now, but would definitely support a majority decision from the Fire Districts if changes are made.

·  Bonnie Cobb was absent due to a meeting in Seattle.

·  Susan was directed to fill out the Enduris voting ballot and return.

·  Susan reported that we received a recall notice on the Dodge Ram 3500 Chief’s Rig. Board directed her to give it to Chief Lynch to handle.

·  DNR has updated the burn restrictions from Low to Moderate. Scott will talk to them about repairing the notification board on our Smokey Bear Sign.

·  Enduris Insurance submitted a letter to the District noting our new vehicle listing with a letter of the 2018 Rate Changes outlook. Susan reported to the Board.

·  Susan will draft a letter to the County Planning Department with regard to a truck turnaround area in the recently submitted plans for Melissa J Lynch.

Fire Chief’s Report: Chief Scott Lynch

1.  Volunteer Status:

2.  Station Status Trucks & Equipment:

·  B-52 dropped off to Larry, won’t stay idling.

·  Scott had an air cleaner & additive put in Tender.

·  The meter on gas pump is not in yet.

3.  Training Status:

This month training was done on:

·  Structure Triage

·  PPE Quarterly

·  Supply & Water Shuttle

New Business:

·  Chief Lynch reported they have filled our two holding tanks half full – He will be checking to see if they are leaking.

·  No one attended the Chiefs Conference

·  Scott reported that their internet service is not working at their home, so call/text if we need to get ahold of them.

·  Larry Edmonds reported: on the new Station 53 project. He is putting together information to see if it’s feasible for us to get it on the ballot in November. August 1st is the deadline to submit. He will present his findings at the July meeting. .We will need 60% of those who vote to pass this levy. If we need to call a special meeting after the July meeting for more information and decisions we will do so. This would be a preliminary plan for a 3 bay building on 2 acres under 60’ square for 2 trucks, a restroom and office area at Wood Road and Coulee Hite.

Old Business


New Business:

·  District 5 Hosting SCFCA July Meeting: Our District was chosen to host the SCFCA meeting in July. We made plans to go to the Fire Lookout Museum in North Spokane.

·  Scott reported on some ideas for the Fire Season Summer Hire person. He suggested that he could take a day and that several other volunteers have said they would also be able to do what Shawn was not able to cover. It may be that we could offer volunteers standby time for the hours they put in to cover the weekday shifts. Susan will look up the RCW that pertains to this type of hiring and report at the July meeting.

·  Dave made a motion to hire a Summer Fire Season full time person up to 40 hours per week for the months of July, August, and September. Isla seconded the motion and the motion was passed as presented.

·  Public Comment Period:

There was no other business.

The next regular meeting will be July 17, 2017 at 6:00p.m

With no further business presented Dave made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Isla seconded the motion and the regular meeting adjourned at 8:07 p.m.


Spokane County Fire District 5 Chairman Spokane County Fire District 5 Commissioner


Spokane County Fire District 5 Commissioner Attest: Spokane County Fire District 5 Secretary

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