A Todd Jones Interpersonal Communication Fall 2006

Tentative Course Schedule Warning: Dates on syllabus are closer then they appear!


Week 1

Aug 28-29

/ ·  Course Introduction
·  Class principals
·  The importance of Interpersonal Communication
30-31 / ·  Defining Communication
·  The Communication Model / ·  Chapter 1 p. 4-26
·  Come to class with a definition of Communication / ·  Quiz over the reading
·  Give the Family Patterns Assignment
·  Put into groups
W 2
Mon Sept 4 / Labor Day – No classes held
Tues 5 / Getting to know you
6-7 / ·  The purpose of, and Guidelines to Interpersonal Communication
·  Breaking out of your Comfort Zone / ·  Chapter 1 p. 27-40
·  Communication skills inventory / ·  Quiz over the reading
·  Your IP beliefs
·  Give the Book Application Assignment
W 3
11-12 / ·  Identity
·  Self Concept & Self Esteem / ·  Chapter 2 p. 46-73 / ·  Quiz over the reading
13-41 / ·  Self presentation, our statements, Assertiveness & Verbal Abuse / ·  Chapter 2 p. 73-86 / ·  Quiz over the reading
W 4
18-19 / ·  Perception
·  Understanding another persons understanding / ·  Chapter 3 p. 92 - 112 / ·  Quiz over the reading
·  Give “Other Culture” Group presentation assignment
20-21 / ·  Social Attraction / ·  Chapter 3 p. 112-126 / ·  Social Attraction survey
·  Quiz over the reading
W 5
25-26 / ·  Social Attraction continued
·  How to be Popular / ·  Family Patterns Assignment due
/ ·  Quiz over previous lecture
27-28 / ·  Emotion / ·  Chapter 4 p. 132-144
·  Bring Music to class / ·  Quiz over the reading
·  Music
W 6
Oct 2-3 / ·  Theory “Reading maps of reality” / ·  Chapter 4 p. 144 - 163 / ·  Quiz over the reading
·  Give Theory paper assignment
4-5 / ·  Value Communication / ·  Quiz over theories
W 7
9-10 / ·  Stimulation theory / ·  Quiz over previous lecture or activity worth points
11-12 / ·  Language & Gender
·  Conversation / ·  Chapter 5 p. 167-198
·  Theory Paper due / ·  Quiz over the reading
·  Give “Best Friend” Dyadic Conversation paper assignment
W 8
16-17 / ·  Culture / ·  Chapter 5 p. 192 – 204
·  Give Boys to Men reading / ·  Quiz over the reading
18-19 / ·  Exam 1
W 9
24 & 25 / ·  Friendship
·  What does it mean to be a Man / Woman? / ·  Quiz over Boys to Men reading
26 & 30 / ·  “It’s a guy thing”
·  “It’s a girl thing” / ·  “Best Friend” Dyadic Conversation paper due / ·  Guy’s Chat
·  Woman’s Chat
31 & Nov 1 / ·  Nonverbal Communication
·  Using eye contact / ·  Chapter 6 p. 211-226 / ·  Quiz over the reading
Nov 2 & 6 / ·  Nonverbal Continued
·  Self presentation / ·  Chapter 6 p. 226 - 243 / ·  Quiz over the reading
·  Rules of style
7 & 8 /

·  Listening

·  Communicating to help
·  How to Gossip for Fun and Profit / ·  Chapter 7
·  Other culture group project proposal due / ·  Quiz over the reading
9 & 13 / ·  Relational maintenance
·  Privacy
·  Intimacy / ·  Chapter 8 p. 284 – 305
·  Dyadic Speaking Proposal due / ·  Quiz over the reading
·  Self Disclosure activity (if time)
14 & 15 / ·  Self Disclosure
·  Johari Window / ·  Chapter 8 p. 305 – 326 / ·  Quiz over the reading
·  Book Application paper due
16 & 20 / Group Work Day
21-22 / ·  Dyadic Presentations
23 / Thanksgiving
W 14
27-28 / ·  Styles of Love
·  Thinking clearly about relationships – avoiding myths
·  Communication in Marriage / ·  Chapter 9 / ·  Quiz over the reading
·  Give test question assignment
29-30 / ·  Managing Conflict (fighting effectively)
·  How to say I’m Sorry
·  Tactful Criticism
·  Relational disengagement and termination / ·  Chapter 10 / ·  Quiz over the reading
W 15
Dec 4-5 / ·  Final Exam / ·  Portfolios due
6-7 / ·  1 Other Culture presentation
·  A Todd’s Philosophy of Life / ·  Dyadic Presentations
W 16
11-14 / ·  3 Other Culture presentations & Class Party

This Schedule is tentative and subject to revision by the instructor