Thermal Spray / Coating Evaluation
Vapor Deposition / Plating of Coated Parts
Diffusion Coatings / Heat Treating of Coated Parts
Stripping of Coatings / Grinding of Thermal Spray Coatings

The CoatingsTask Group coversthe following processes:

Notice 1:All times are approximate and subject to change. Please contact PRI for updated information.

Notice 2:At the beginning of each day, the meeting will start with Opening Comments consisting of: Call to Order, Verbal Quorum Check, Introductions (as needed), Routing of the Attendance List (as needed)

Notice 3:Please bring your agenda with you to the meeting. Copies will not be available on-site.

Best Practices: 1) Start all meetings on time. 2) Follow the agenda. 3) No long-winded discussions

Caution: Restricted Export Controlled (e.g. ITAR, EAR) material is prohibited from presentations. It is the responsibility of the presenter to ensure that this material is not included.

Presentations should not contain proprietary information without the approval of the organization which owns the information.

Any non-Nadcap agenda topics require approval by the Director, Nadcap Program and Aerospace Operations.


Audio or video recording of Nadcap meetings is prohibited unless formal approval is received from all attendees and recorded in the minutes. Violators of this policy will be asked to stop recording. Failure to stop recording or repeated attempts to record may result in expulsion from the meeting and/or the Nadcap program.

Meeting Objectives:

  1. Begin AC7109/6 Rev E
  2. Update on Grit Blasting Technical Briefing CI Project
  3. Update on Guidance on How to Use the Job Tracker CI Project
  4. Develop OP 1110 Failure Criteria for 2018

CoatingsTask Group Meeting AgendaFebruary 2018

Closed Meeting in ALL CAPS

Monday, 19-Feb-2018

9:00 am – 10:00 am

Supplier Support Committee Leadership Team Opening Reception

10:00 am – 1:00 pm

New Supplier Information Session – New Suppliers are encouraged to attend, and all Suppliers are welcome

9:00 am

1.0Opening Comments (daily)

10:00 am

2.0Review Delegation Status

10:30 am

3.0Task Group Resolution

11:00 am

4.0Auditor Consistency

1:00 pm – 2:00 pm


2:05 pm

1.0Opening Comments (daily)

2:30 pm

5.0Voting Member Updates & Compliance with Voting Requirements

2:45 pm

6.0Review of Procedure Changes

3:15 pm


3:30 pm

8.0First Time Supplier Feedback

3:45 pm

9.0RAIL [Rolling Action Item List] Review

4:00 pm

10.0Industry Standard Champion Report

4:15 pm

11.0SSC Introduction

4:30 pm

12.0OP 1110

5:30 pm

13.0Feedback on Customer Notification Trial

6:00 pm


Tuesday, 20-Feb-2018


1.0Opening Comments

9:15 am

14.0Audit Criteria [Checklist] Revision

11:30 am

15.0Discussion on AC7108/1 Clarifications

1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Lunch Break

2:05 pm

16.0Supplier Cycle Time Issues

3:30 pm

17.0Auditor Staffing

4:45 pm


5:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Supplier Support Committee Meeting – All suppliers are encouraged to attend.

Wednesday, 21-Feb-2018


1.0Opening Comments

9:05 am

18.0Removing Scope Restrictions

10:00 am

19.0Auditor Skills Matrix Review

11:00 am

20.0Continuous Improvement Initiative

1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Lunch Break

2:05 pm

21.0Potential New Technologies

3:00 pm

22.0Potential Changes to Auditor Conference Format

4:00 pm

23.02018 Auditor Conference

4:45 pm


5:00 pm – 7:00 pm

NMC Planning & Ops Meeting – Task Group Chairs & Staff Engineers are required to attend.

Thursday, 22-Feb-2018

9:00 am – 11:00 am

Nadcap Management Council Meeting – All members are encouraged to attend this informative and important meeting.

11:05 am

1.0Opening Comments

11:15 am

24.0SSC Report

11:45 am

25.0NMC, AQS and Planning & Ops Reports

12:15 pm

26.0New Business

12:45 pm

27.0Meeting Conclusion

1:00 pm


CoatingsTask Group Meeting AgendaFebruary 2018

Monday, 19-Feb-2018

(quorum must be verbally established DAILY at the beginning of each meeting)

9:00 am – 10:00 am / Supplier Support Committee Leadership Team Opening Reception
10:00 am – 1:00 pm / New Supplier Information Session – New Suppliers are encouraged to attend, and all Suppliers are welcome
9:00 am / CLOSED / 1.0Opening Comments (daily)
1.1Call to Order/Verbal Quorum Check
  • Verify only Subscriber Members are in attendance
  • Introductions
  1. Safety Information:
  2. Review Fire Exits in Meeting Room
  3. Inform PRI Staff person of any emergencies
  4. Review Code of Ethics (Ref: Attendees’ Guide) and Meeting Conduct
  5. Present the Antitrust Video (only @ the first open and first closed meeting of the week for each Task Group)
  6. Review Agenda
  7. Expectations
/ Udo Schuelke
Justin Rausch
10:00 am / 2.0Review Delegation Status
  • Jim Lewis, Bob Lizewski, and Justin Rausch
/ Justin Rausch
10:30 am / 3.0Task Group Resolution
  • Cycle time issues with various auditees
/ Justin Rausch
11:00 am / 4.0Auditor Consistency
4.1Review Observation Plan
4.2 Review Auditor Consistency Data
  • Standard Data
  • Supplier Feedback
  • Auditor Evaluations and Trends
  • Observer Feedback [t-frm-01]
  • Summarize actions taken
  1. Review Dashboard Metrics
/ Justin Rausch
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm / LUNCH BREAK
2:05 pm / OPEN / 1.0Opening Comments (daily)
1.1Call to Order/Quorum Check
  • Introductions
  1. Safety Information:
  2. Review Fire Exits in Meeting Room
  3. Inform PRI Staff person of any emergencies
  4. Review Code of Ethics (Ref: Attendees’ Guide) and Meeting Conduct
  5. Present the Antitrust Video (only @ the first open and first closed meeting of the week for each Task Group)
  6. Review Agenda
  7. Expectations
  8. Acceptance of Meeting Minutes
/ Udo Schuelke
Justin Rausch
2:30 pm / 5.0Voting Member Updates & Compliance with Voting Requirements
5.1Current Voting Member Participation [Meeting and Ballots]
5.2New Voting Members
5.3Succession Plan / Udo Schuelke
2:45 pm / 6.0Review of Procedure Changes
6.1Review any Changes to General Operating Procedures since the Last Meeting
6.2Review any Changes to OP 1114 and OP 1116 CT Appendices since the Last Meeting / Justin Rausch
3:15 pm / 7.0Metrics
7.1NMC / Justin Rausch
3:30 pm / 8.0First Time Supplier Feedback
  • Opportunity for first time suppliers to provide feedback on the Nadcap audit process. This is part of the CTTG Continuous Improvement Initiative.
/ Udo Schuelke
3:45 pm / 9.0RAIL [Rolling Action Item List] Review / Justin Rausch
4:00 pm / 10.0Industry Standard Champion Report
  • Review Watch List
/ Dan Loveless
4:15 pm / 11.0SSC Introduction
  • Highlight of activities planned for the week
/ Jeff Tomczak
4:30 pm / 12.0OP 1110
  • Mode B Failure Criteria for 2018
/ Justin Rausch
5:30 pm / 13.0Feedback on Customer Notification Trial
  • Review whether required customer notification is flowing back to the appropriate technical authorities
/ Justin Rausch

Tuesday, 20-Feb-2018

(quorum must be verbally established DAILY at the beginning of each meeting)

9:00am / OPEN / 1.0Opening Comments
1.1Call to Order/Quorum Check
  • Introductions
  1. Review Agenda
  1. Expectations
/ Udo Schuelke
Justin Rausch
9:15 am / 14.0Audit Criteria [Checklist] Revision
14.1AC7109/6 Rev E / Justin Rausch
11:30 am / 15.0Discussion on AC7108/1 Clarifications
  • Discussion on the exemptions of AMS 2750 allowed by the Chemical Processing Task Group
/ Justin Rausch
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm / Lunch Break
2:05 pm / OPEN / 16.0Supplier Cycle Time Issues
16.1Proposed Cycle Time Evaluation excluding Zero NCR Audits
16.2New Process for Providing Auditees with Root Cause Corrective ActionGuidance / Justin Rausch
3:30 pm / 17.0Auditor Staffing
  • Discussion on different forums or methods for seeking viable auditor candidates

5:00 pm – 7:00 pm / Supplier Support Committee Meeting– All suppliers are encouraged to attend.

Wednesday, 21-Feb-2018

(quorum must be verbally established DAILY at the beginning of each meeting)

9:00am / OPEN / 1.0Opening Comments
1.1Call to Order/Quorum Check
  • Introductions
  1. Review Agenda
  1. Expectations
/ Udo Schuelke
Justin Rausch
9:05 am / 18.0Removing Scope Restrictions
  • Evaluation of Auditor Feeback on potential improvements to the training process to remove scope restrictions from new auditors
/ Justin Rausch
10:00 am / 19.0Auditor Skills Matrix Review
  • Review of the second round of Auditor Skills Matrix responses
/ Justin Rausch
11:00 am / 20.0Continuous Improvement Initiative
20.1Grit Blast Technical Briefing Report-Out
20.2Guidance on How to Use the Job Tracker Report-Out
20.3Review Project List
20.4Develop New Project Charter / Justin Rausch
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm / Lunch Break
2:05 pm / 21.0Potential New Technologies
  • Open discussion on new technologies of interest to the CTTG
/ Justin Rausch
3:00 pm / 22.0Potential Changes to Auditor Conference Format
  • Potential changes to how information is presented during the Auditor Conference to improve Auditor Consistency
/ Justin Rausch
4:00 pm / 23.02018 Auditor Conference
  • Create Agenda
/ Justin Rausch
5:00 pm – 7:00 pm / NMC Planning & Ops Meeting – Task Group Chairs & Staff Engineers are required to attend.

Thursday, 22-Feb-2018

(quorum must be verbally established DAILY at the beginning of each meeting)

9:00 am – 11:00 am / Nadcap Management Council Meeting – All members are encouraged to attend this informative and important meeting.
11:05 am / OPEN / 1.0Opening Comments
1.1Call to Order/Quorum Check
  • Introductions
  1. Review Agenda
  1. Expectations
/ Udo Schuelke
Justin Rausch
11:15 am / 24.0SSC Report
  • Review of SSC mission, leadership, and activities
/ Jeff Tomczak
11:45 am / 25.0NMC, AQS and Planning & Ops Reports
  • Meeting week report outs
/ Vern Talmadge
Joel Mohnacky
Udo Schuelke
12:15 pm / 26.0New Business / Justin Rausch
12:45 pm / 27.0Meeting Conclusion
27.1Review Expectations
27.2Agenda Items for Next Meeting
27.3Review New Action Items
27.4Meeting Feedback / Udo Schuelke
Justin Rausch
Dale Harmon