Steilacoom High School

54 Sentinel Drive

Steilacoom, WA 98388

Katie Redman Health Teacher

(253) 983-2307

Family Health

Our goal for your student is to prepare them for life wellness and to provide them with skills aimed at preventing risky behavior that can jeopardize their quality of life.

If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact me at the above e-mail addressor through the website that is set up to keep you more updated with what is going on in class each day.

Please be aware that your student will need the following EVERY DAY to be successful:

Pencil and Pen (blue or black ink)


Folder/binder (just for this class)

Your computer login information (username and password)

Skyward Login information

Behavior Expectations

Expectations that have been established in order for you to be successful:

The 7 P’s

  1. Prepared – Have your materials, assignments, and questions about previous work ready when class begins.
  2. Prompt – Attend school daily and arrive to class on time.
  3. Participate – Listen to explanations, discussions, and other’s questions.
  4. Produce – Perform quality work and stay organized.
  5. Polite – Respect yourself, your classmates, and the teacher at all times.
  6. Positive Mental Attitude – If you have a positive outlook on life, your life will be positive.
  7. Pride You should make your work look like it goes on display.

Respect is earned, not just given; however common courtesy is demanded of everyone!


When students behave inappropriately and require redirection, I will use the following four step plan:

  1. Student/teacher conference.
  2. Parent contacted by teacher.
  3. Student/teacher/parent conference.
  4. Referral to the Assistant Principal or Principal.

Violations that interfere with the safety or welfare of other students, instances of open defiance, or insubordination will result in you immediately being referred to a school administrator.

General Student Responsibilities

Attendance: Students are expected to be in class every school day. All attendance problems will be handled in accordance with the school policy. When you are absent from class, you are responsible for checking the website to see what was covered. If you do not understand the material, see me before or after school so I can help you. When a child misses class it will have a severe impact on their learning of the content.

Tardies: All tardy issues will be handled in accordance with the school policy.

Homework: Homework will be assigned on occasion.

Late work: Late work will be accepted. Turn in missing work as soon as possible. Be aware that there is a final deadline and no work will be accepted after that point.

Assessments: Assessments will be given throughout each unit. Students will have the opportunity to re-assess on standards that they did not meet.

Grading: Grades are updated in Skyward DAILY. I will email progress reports home every other week, so please make sure your email address is correct in Skyward. Parents, make it a practice to discuss your child’s progress regularly. (more info on the next page)


You must have your first and last name, date, period, and assignment written on all papers.

If you are absent, it is your responsibility to find out the information you missed and turn in any assignments you missed. Check my classroom website for the daily information.

Extra Help: I am available for extra help. A weekly schedule will be posted of the times that I am available. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE TO GET HELP!!!

Standards Based Grading:

We will be using Standards Based Grading this year. Below is a sample scale for how you will be graded on formative and summative assessments. Formative assessments are informal learning checks in the process of learning new material, while summative assessments are end of learning checks to see how much students know. Summative assessments are worth 90% of a student’s grade. The other 10% of the grade will be based on 21st Century Skills. Retakes are allowed on all standards.

Scale / Correlating Grade / Language
4 / A / Exemplary work. Mastery. Above Standard
3 / B / Proficient Work. Accomplished. Meets Standard
2 / C / Emerging Work. Developing. Approaching Standard
1 / D / Insufficient Work. Basic. Below Standard
0 / F / No Evidence of work. Missing. Well Below Standard
INC / INC / Incomplete Work. Unfinished. No basis for judgement

These grades will be given based on rubric criteria.

The Grading Scale is as follows:
3.5 – 4.0 A 2.1 - 2.5 C
3.4 A- 2.0 C-
3.3 B+ 1.9 D+
2.8 – 3. B 1.4 - 1.8 D
2.7 B- <1.3 F
2.6 C+

I want this class to challenge you to satisfy your intellectual curiosity, and to fulfill your academic needs. You WILL have to work hard, but I can guarantee you that I will be working even harder to see that you meet your goals. Let’s make this a great school year by working together toward the common goals of academic success and maturity. Show me that you are working to your potential. Be an active participator in class. It won’t go unnoticed.

Outline for Family Health

Introduction to HEALTH

What is Health?

Personal Wellness

Goal setting

Physical Health

Body systems
Infectious vs. Non-Infectious diseases

STIs and HIV
Human Sexuality

Nutrition and Fitness

First Aid/ CPR

Social Health




Mental Health

Eating Disorders

Mental Illnesses




Need help?

Room 101

Chat with me during class or email to set up a time
Before or After School – by appointment

Student Learning Outcomes

Washington State Health Education K-12 Core Ideas:

Wellness (W
Safety (Sa)
Nutrition (N)
Sexual Health (Se)
Social Emotional Health (So)
Substance Use and Abuse (Su)

Washington State Health Education K-12 Learning Standards:

Standard 1: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health.
Standard 2: Students will analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media, technology, and other factors on health behaviors.
Standard 3: Students will demonstrate the ability to access valid information and products and services to enhance health.
Standard 4: Students will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonalcommunication skills to enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks.
Standard 5: Students will demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills to enhance health.
Standard 6: Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting skills to enhance health.
Standard 7: Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks.
Standard 8: Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family, and community health.

Unit Outline


Unit 1: Health Foundations 5

Unit 2: Mental Health15

Unit 3: Drugs and Alcohol18

Unit 4: Communications/Relationships10

Unit 5: Sexual Health 17

Unit 6: Nutrition15

Unit 7: Physical Health—Communicable Diseases, First Aid, Body Systems10

Total Hours 90

Steilacoom High School

54 Sentinel Drive

Steilacoom, WA 98388

Katie Redman Health Teacher

(253) 983-2307

Family Health

Movie Permission

In our class a few movies may (or may not) be shown in part or in their entirety. They include:

FatheadRated G (nutrition)

SuperSize MeRated PG-13 – educational version shown


Extraordinary MeasuresRated PG (non-communicable diseases)

What about Bob?Rated PG-13 (Mental Illness and Stress Relief)

A Girl Like Her(Bullying & Harassment)

28 DaysRated PG-13 (Alcohol and addiction)

These movies have assignments attached to them, which help the student to think differently about health issues. They are tied to several areas of health that we will be discussing. If you have questions about the relevancy to the curriculum, please feel free to contact me.

Parent & Student Signature Page

Unfortunately teen pregnancy is on the rise in Washington State. The highest percentage of individuals diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease in Pierce County is in the 15-21 age group. State Law mandates that birth control methods must be covered when we discuss reproduction in health class. The class will promote abstinence as the best option, but we will also discuss birth control methods to reduce the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases and the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), as well as pregnancy prevention. All students must participate in the HIV educational component of the unit.

If you do not want your student to participate in the birth control section of this unit please sign below, but I encourage you to discuss these issues with your teen.

Parent Signature to request that my student does NOT participate in the birth control and reproduction unit, but I understand that he/she will be required to complete optional assessments. I also recognize that my student will participate in the Washington State mandatory HIV section of the unit.

Signed ______Date______

I ask that you will look over the syllabus and talk to your student about the requirements. Once you have read everything please sign this sheet and have your student return it for class points!

______Parent Signature

______Parent Name (Print)

______Parent E-mail Address

______Daytime Phone Number

I have read the above and understand what is asked of me in Health. I have asked questions and understand the requirements of the syllabus and the course.

______Student Name (Print)

______Student Signature

Comments or concerns:
