August 14, 2017 6:30pm Clubroom

The regular meeting of the Board of Directors for London House Condominium Association was held at 6:30 p.m. in the Clubhouse Room 1233 Ogden Street, Denver, Colorado.

Call to Order:

The meeting was called to order at 6:37 p.m.

Kym Bloom: / Present / Michael St. James: / Present / Ray Stein: / Absent
Heather Spann: / Present / Dr. Alex Ferber: / Absent

John Young was present from Western States Property Services. Richard Seeman, the Resident Manager, was also present.

Homeowners open Forum:

·  There were no home owners present.


·  The June 2017 minutes were previously reviewed and approved via email, ratified at board meeting.

Staff Report:

·  Rich advised the Board that the grass in the courtyard is doing well.

·  Richard stated that the heat exchanger has failed and we are still waiting on the replacement under warranty to come in.

·  Richard stated that a new washing machine is on 5th floor replacing the one that was having problems.

·  Richard met with Brad Shalz Construction to look at the balcony on unit 602 and others for a possible solution. Rich feels he has a way of coating those surfaces and we will wait until we have a bid from Brad before proceeding.

·  Mike asked how the housekeeping was going and Richard said the company now comes on Monday and is allowing him to do more of the work that he needs to do, John from Western States agreed.

·  Richard stated that the pool door has been installed; they are waiting on the automatic closer to come in. Should be finished in two days. Mike asked if the door is lockable and Richard said yes.


·  The financials for June 2017 were reviewed and a motion made, seconded and passed unanimously.

Homeowner Correspondence:

·  Richard gave John three Lease agreements, he is concerned that one unit is renting on a daily or weekly basis, John will look into that, this was not discussed at the Board meeting but will be put on next month’s agenda, by then John will have a chance to look at the Declarations, rules and regulations concerning short term leases.

Manager Report:

·  A presentation was done by Rocky Mountain Mechanical, there were not hard bids presented that both Richard and John asked for. Bret invited himself to the Board meeting and failed to provide to John a copy of the information so it could be added to the Board Packet. Bret did provide copies and one is now in the Board packet. Richard and John had requested a bid on a on demand hot water system, which was not provided. The Board will look into this relation with Rocky Mountain Engineering in the near future.

·  John asked Bret when the pool heat exchanger would be put in, his response: It hasn’t been done yet? Mike responded not for two months. Bret said he would follow up as to when it will be installed.

·  John discussed with the Board a variety of options some of which was enclosed in the Board Packet. The Board is reviewing all options and may have a special work session either as a meeting or through e-mail in order to decide on a course of action that makes the most fiduciary sense.

·  John discussed the patio decks and the possible solution that Brad Shalz is suggesting which both he and Richard agree on. Once Brad is able to provide a quote for the work, it will be circulated to the Board member for their consideration.

·  John was asked about the $15,000.00 that was transferred out of the reserve and put back in minus $500.00 by Kym. John explained that the insurance company had billed us twice and returned the money minus the $500.00 that was actually owed.

Old Business:

·  Pool door replacement.

New Business:

·  Discussed going from a heat exchanger for domestic hot water to an on demand system.

·  John talked further on the coating system for the balconies and will provide to the Board once he receives the bid.

·  John discussed how that in the city of Denver, over 10,000 building projects are on hold due to lack of workers, making it extremely difficult to get bids and then to schedule the work, the pool door is an example.

The Board Meeting adjourned at 8:19-pm – Next Board Meeting is September 11, 2017 at 6:30pm.