Historic District and Historical Commission Minutes
Albro House of September 2, 2015
Members present: Gregg Winston, Bob Bradley, Mirande DeWitt, Jeanne Steiner, Gayle Carroll, Barbara Dowd, and Patricia Scarnici
Called to order at 6:00 P.M. by Gregory Winston, Chairman
Old Business:
Short discussion by Board Members on any progress contacting liaisons, Department Heads, and relevant stakeholders to attend informal meetings held by the Historic Board to introduce themselves and discuss the mission and tasks of the board, with the hope of opening communication channels between them. The suggestion of a generic letter be drafted inviting various Department Heads to a meeting at their convenience would be a start. Perhaps emailing the selectman’s liaison to the HDHC, Janelle Brown to attend as well.
Discussion on possible changes to the HDHC Notice of Intent applications. Consensus is that the application needs to provide more information regarding accurate identification of property age. An update is being done on additional properties to be added to the list. More work needs to be done to update the application for more initial information to give clearer picture of what is proposed. Professionals input must be more complete and better presented.
Mirande Dewitt: offers to talk with Chris Skelly from Mass Historic.
Continued discussion of the Extension of the Demo -Delay Law
Jeanne Steiner: did some research in comparison to other towns. None are known with 24 month delays.
More research to be done to determine options. Continued to next agenda.
Gregg Winston: Addressed the Library meeting. Good turnout. Attended by members
Jeanne Steiner, Gayle Carroll, and Gregg Winston. A report was presented by the company, and cost appeared to be an issue. Building colors need to be identified and the restoration process defined. Cost estimate based on lead paint.
Sally Urbano: Reminded everyone of the September 23rd walk with Chris Clark and a design firm regarding Captain’s Row. Meeting at Depot St. Hoping the walk will give rough view of what people want to see.
Mirande DeWitt: speaks to State Federal money involved. Properties do not have to be on the State Register to be eligible.
Continued Board discussion on how to get the PCP application in and the need for a letter of support-how to move forward.
Jeanne Steiner: Chase Library could be helpful for direction
New Business:
Discussion on Albro House Shed and Side Addition: and the vote to approve letter from the Town Administrator.
Gregg Winston: Do we approve? Explained there are funds to dispose and requests that a member make a motion to approve.
Jeanne Steiner: makes motion to approve the letter from the Town Administrator
Seconded by Bob Bradley
Vote is Unanimous, Motion Carried
Short discussion by Board members regarding 968 Main Street regarding application to State and Nat’l Register of Historic Places.
Brief discussion on Annual Report to the Board of Selectman. Members decide to request postponement to a later date.
Mirande DeWitt: On updating Historic Inventory List: Many homes are not on a report or inventory for Historic Properties. The theory is that Assessors data base, taxes changed after World War II.
Gayle Carroll makes Motion to Adjourn
Seconded by Gregg Winston
All in Favor, Motion carries at 6:55 P.M.
Marie Carlson
Adopted: June 15, 2016
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