July 5, 2016
The Mitchell County Commissioners met in formal session on Tuesday, July 5, 2016at 8:30 a.m. in theCommissioner’s Room of the Mitchell County Courthouse. Present were Chairman Mike Cooper and memberTom Claussen. Jim Marshall was absent. Also present wereTerry Bailey, KVSV Radio;Zane Thompson, Beloit Call; Chad Hallack, KDNS Radio; and Heather Hartman, Community Development Director.
The meeting was called to order at 8:30 and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
The minutes of the June 27, 2016 meeting were approved as written on motion by Tom Claussenand seconded byMike Cooper. Motion carried by unanimous vote.
Jeff Roberg, Racers Tech, met with the commission for a 15-minute executive session to discuss security which was granted on motion by Tom Claussen and seconded by Mike Cooper. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Clerk was asked to remain in session. Session began at 8:35 and ended at 8:50 when it was extended 10-minutes on motion by Tom Claussen and seconded by Mike Cooper. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Session ended at 9:05 with no decisions made in executive session.
Public Works Director Larry Emersonmet with the commissionand presented them with the quarterly concrete bids. Bids received were: Beloit Ready-Mix, 6 sack, 33% rock, $120 cu yd; Abram Ready-Mix, 6 sack, 33% rock, $123.74 cu yd. Tom Claussen made motion to accept the bid from Beloit Ready-Mix for $120 cu yd which was seconded by Mike Cooper and carried by unanimous vote. A bridge south of Asherville is being repaired due to a plank being bad on the bridge. It should only be closed for one day. A steel span bridge in the Jerry Wessling vicinity has the decking coming loose and will need to be repaired. Mr. Emerson was unsure what would be needed to repair this bridge. Tom Claussen had contacted Jeff Jerome and he stated that the Causeway road project would probably not be started until 2017. Mr. Emerson reported the Casey Fraser had informed him of State of Kansas motor graders being traded in and wondered if Mitchell County would be interested in them. The commission informed Mr. Emerson to ask Mr. Fraser to make a presentation to them regarding the graders. The new trash trailer should be here around the 15th of the month.
Sheriff Doug Daugherty and Undersheriff Tony Perez met with the commission along with Cheryl Budke, Nex-Tech, to make a presentation for a server, backup, and computers for the Sheriff’s Department. After the presentation the commission opted to have immediate need computer issues taken care of but wanted to discuss the rest of the bid with Jim Marshall before making any decisions. The entire cost of the proposal was over $100,000.
Becky Schaefer, Communications, met with the commission with updated voice recorder bids. She had received a second bid from Graubber in the amount of $23,942 and a bid from Voice Products in the amount of $16, 871. After review of the specifications the commission approved the bid from Voice Products for $16,871 + a 5-year maintenance agreement in the amount of $3,137 on motion by Mike Cooper and seconded by Tom Claussen. Motion carried by unanimous vote.
Terri Nuzum, Soil Conservation Office, and Fred Severance, Soil Conservation Board Member, met with the commission to present their 2017 budget request.
A Neighborhood Revitalization application was approved for Courtney & Heidi Virden in the amount of $185,871 on motion by Tom Claussen and seconded by Mike Cooper. Motion carried by unanimous vote.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 on motion by Tom Claussen and seconded byMike Cooper. Motion carried by unanimous vote.
______Mike Cooper, Chairman
ATTEST: ______Chris Treaster, Mitchell County Clerk