Lamar Lighthouse Camp
2005 Staff Application
Most of our staff are volunteers, while some are paid, experienced campers. All are required to go through our staff training and to have a letter of recommendation written by their pastor and a reference by one other individual. Our staff is comprised of people like YOU; parents, grandparents, college students, pastors, lay people… but they all have one thing in common: They love God and they love young people! Those ages 18 or older, who have an authentic and growing relationship with the Lord, and who enjoy working with children and teens are welcome to apply.
Counselor responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
§ Modeling a mature, Christian faith
§ Sharing the Gospel
§ Being the responsible adult for approximately 8 young people
§ Attending counselor training
§ Facilitate Bible study and discussion with campers
§ Attending morning staff circle
§ Being a cheerleader
You will have opportunities to share special skills or talents with the campers if you wish throughout the week.
We appreciate the time you take to fill out this application! If you need more space than provided please feel free to attach additional sheets.
When completed please send to:
Lamar Lighthouse Camp
Sara Hackman
2314 West Gatesburg Road
Warriors Mark, PA 16877
First Name______Last Name ______
Home Phone (______)______Work Phone (______)______
Cell Phone (______)______Email______
Birth date ______Age ______
Home Church______
Pastor______Pastor’s Phone Number (______)______
Other reference’s name ______Phone Number (_____)______
Relation to applicant______
Is there anything in your life that would prevent you from being a good role model for teens? Yes____ No___
(If yes please explain)______
Have you ever been convicted or accused of (or pleaded guilty to) child abuse or a crime involving actual or
attempted sexual molestation of a minor? Yes___ No ___. If yes, explain______
Do you have current criminal background check and child abuse clearance documents? Yes No
If no, would you be willing and/or able to get these? Yes No
List any camp experience you have had--location and years as a camper or staff member, as well as staff duties and experience working with children.
I’m interested in helping in the following ways (please rank, 1 being most desired):
_____ Counselor _____ Kitchen _____ Maintenance ______Program
_____ other ______
Please write an H for activities you’d be able to help with and L for activities you’d be able to lead.
___Archery ___Hiking ___Drama
___Soccer ___Singing ___Worship Leading
___Basketball ___Guitar ___Teaching
___Volleyball ___Sign Language ___Bible study
___ Group games ___Challenge Course ___ Campfire Programs
____Other(s): ______
List your experience or qualifications for the activities that you are willing to lead from the above
Check any current certifications held:
___Lifeguard ___First Aid ___CPR ___EMT ___CDL ___RN
Briefly share your relationship with Jesus and how that began
How would you explain the plan of salvation to a camper?
Camp Lamar Lighthouse Camp
2005 Staff Application
Pastor Reference
Applicant’s Name______
We at Camp Lamar Lighthouse Camp are committed to providing Christ-centered camp of the highest quality and the applicant has offered his/her time and energies to serve as a Counselor (or another area of staff). Please be honest in your evaluation of this staff applicant. This application is completely confidential and will only been seen by the appropriate staff members at Camp Lamar. Please feel free to attach additional sheets as necessary. We appreciate the time you take to fill this out.
Those ages 18 or older, who have an authentic and growing relationship with the Lord, and who enjoy working with children and teens are welcome to apply as counselors at Camp Lamar.
Counselor responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
· Modeling a mature, Christian faith
· Sharing the Gospel
· Being the responsible adult for approximately 8 young people
· Attending counselor training
· Facilitate Bible study and discussion with campers
· Attending morning staff circle
· Being a cheerleader
When completed please send to:
Lamar Lighthouse Camp
Sara Hackman
2314 West Gatesburg Road
Warriors Mark, PA 16877
Name of person completing this form______
Position ______Church ______
How long have you known the applicant? ______
Please list the applicant’s strengths
Please list the applicant’s weaknesses
Please list qualities you see in this applicant that would help him/her as a counselor
Please rate the following:
A for Excellent
B for Above Average
C for Average
D for Questionable
O for no opportunity to observe
Rank / CommentsSpiritual Maturity
Involvement in Christian service
Consistency of testimony
Effectiveness in witnessing
Leadership ability
Outlook on life
Interactions with youth
Working on as a team
Decision making / judgment
Any other comments or insights regarding this applicant that we should consider
Do you recommend this applicant to be a counselor at Camp Lamar Lighthouse Camp? Please circle
Yes, I do enthusiastically Yes, I do. Yes, but with some reservations.
No, I do not recommend this person at this time.
Camp Lamar Lighthouse Camp
2005 Staff Application
Applicant’s Name______
We at Camp Lamar Lighthouse Camp are committed to providing Christ-centered camp of the highest quality and the applicant has offered his/her time and energies to serve as a Counselor (or other staff position). Please be honest in your evaluation of this staff applicant. This application is completely confidential and will only been seen by the appropriate staff members at Camp Lamar. Please feel free to attach additional sheets as necessary. We appreciate the time you take to fill this out.
Those ages 18 or older, who have an authentic and growing relationship with the Lord, and who enjoy working with children and teens are welcome to apply as counselors at Camp Lamar.
Counselor responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
· Modeling a mature, Christian faith
· Sharing the Gospel
· Being the responsible adult for approximately 8 young people
· Attending counselor training
· Facilitate Bible study and discussion with campers
· Attending morning staff circle
· Being a cheerleader
When completed please send to:
Lamar Lighthouse Camp
Sara Hackman
2314 West Gatesburg Road
Warriors Mark, PA 16877
Name of person completing this form______
Relation to applicant ______
How long have you known the applicant? ______
Please list the applicant’s strengths
Please list the applicant’s weaknesses
Please list qualities you see in this applicant that would help him/her as a counselor
Please rate the following:
A for Excellent
B for Above Average
C for Average
D for Questionable
O for no opportunity to observe
Rank / CommentsSpiritual Maturity
Involvement in Christian service
Consistency of testimony
Effectiveness in witnessing
Leadership ability
Outlook on life
Interactions with youth
Working on as a team
Decision making / judgment
Any other comments or insights regarding this applicant that we should consider
Do you recommend this applicant to be a counselor at Camp Lamar Lighthouse Camp? Please circle
Yes, I do enthusiastically Yes, I do. Yes, but with some reservations.
No, I do not recommend this person at this time.