General: Sponsorship Proposal

For the first time in their history, SAGA, GSSA and GASA will hold a conference in collaboration with ILP and Inkaba yeAfrica to present an integrated earth science event in South Africa.

GeoSynthesis 2011 is an exciting new information exchange forum which will enable improved understanding between the earth science disciplines and between industry, research and policy makers. It will offer exhibitors and sponsors a unique opportunity to meet many influential people in a single venue in South Africa.

This collaborative conference will attract local and international participation, enhanced by the addition of the International Lithosphere Program and Inkaba yeAfrica. Over 500 delegates are expected to attend.

GeoSynthesis 2011 will incorporate a 3-day multi-track conference programme and pre- and post- conference workshops and field trips, an exhibition, a cocktail party and a dinner providing an ideal opportunity to encourage and enhance mutual interaction between delegates, speakers, exhibitors and sponsors.

A next generation combined SAGA-GSSA-GASA-ILP-Inkaba conference promoting a collaborative approach to geology, geophysics and geostatistics in Africa.

This conference offers an opportunity to contribute to an exciting new forum where the main aim is to encourage greater integration between earth science disciplines. With this objective in mind you are invited to participate and gain exposure to the influential speakers and delegates at GeoSythesis 2011.


Geoscientists and companies involved in:

• exploration and exploitation of mineral and hydrocarbon resources

• engineering and the environment

• research and development

Policy makers from across Africa

Suppliers of equipment, products and services wishing to gain a better understanding of the future needs of industry


Undergraduate and postgraduate students

THEME: Integrating the Earth Sciences

Africa’s Crust and Mantle

• igneous and metamorphic petrology

• basin analysis, sedimentology, palaeontology and stratigraphy

• geochemistry and geochronology

• plate tectonics and geodynamics

• geophysics

• lithosphere and asthenosphere

• magnetosphere

Africa’s Energy

• future energy resources

• uranium and thorium

• coal bed methane

• geothermal

• petroleum

• shale gas

Africa’s Mineral & Hydrocarbon Resources

• satellite remote sensing

• electromagnetics

• potential field methods (gravity & magnetics)

• seismic methods

• other geophysical techniques

• geology and modelling of deposits

• drilling techniques, borehole geophysics and core logging

• sampling

• statistical and spatial analysis and multivariate statistics

• geostatistical estimation and simulation

• mineral resource classification

• case studies of integrating earth sciences

• risk management

Africa’s Geoheritage and Africa’s Geofuture

• geoarchaeology and palaeoanthropology

• palaeoclimatology and global climate change

• geotourism, geoeducation and capacity building

• hydrogeology

• environmental geology, engineering geology and geohazards

• legislation, scientific registration and governance


Various types of commercially viable sponsorship opportunities are available to sponsors for GeoSynthesis 2011

1. Gold, Silver and Bronze sponsorship.

2 Name branding of functions.

3 Sponsorship of a variety of specific items.

The following sponsorship packages provide a high degree of flexibility, combining a number of traditional branding elements with added-value opportunities for addressing the conference attendees and communicating a corporate message. Naturally P.R. releases and press coverage around the conference will add further to the value of the package. It is difficult to put a monetary value to such coverage in advance but in the past the event has always been popular with the journals and specialized press.

1. GOLD R100,000 plus vat SILVER R60,000 plus vat BRONZE R35,000 plus vat

As a Gold, Silver or Bronze Sponsor of the GeoSynthesis 2011, GENERAL will be clearly identified as one of most important contributors through visual branding and clear identification in conference promotional material and documentation. The GENERAL logo will be significantly prominent at the event.

As a gold, silver or bronze sponsor GENERAL will receive:

Gold / Silver / Bronze
The opportunity to address the delegates and/or show a promotional video (gold 5 minutes – silver 3 minutes) / Yes / Yes / No
The GENERAL logo, in colour, on the front of the main brochure and all promotional brochures where possible / Yes / Yes / Yes
The GENERAL logo, in colour, on the conference signage / Yes / Yes / Yes
The GENERAL logo, on directional signage / Yes / Yes / Yes
The GENERAL logo on the front cover of the speakers’ notes / Yes / Yes / Yes
GENERAL banner may be placed in the conference venues / Yes / Yes / Yes
GENERAL banner may be placed on the main room stage / Yes / No / No
GENERAL advertisement in the speakers’ notes / A4 x 2 / A4 x 1 / A5 x 1
Hot link from the conference web site to your own company web site / Yes / Yes / Yes

In addition GENERAL will also receive:

Free tickets for non delegates to the cocktail party
and gala dinner / 10 / 6 / 4
Free exhibition space in the hall where catering takes place
(gold 18 square meters – silver 9 square meters – bronze 4 meter poster
Display space valued at: / R33,000 / R16,500 / R7,300

The gold, silver or bronze sponsorship gives GENERAL substantial direct tangible benefits in terms of free tickets to the social events, free display space and all the added prestige and exposure of being recognized as a major sponsor, plus, the opportunity to further enhance your sponsorship by the distribution of appropriate promotional items to the delegates.

As a gold, silver or bronze sponsor, GENERAL can gain increased exposure by providing or sponsoring any of the sponsorship items listed under sections 2 and 3 below.


Welcome cocktail party R100,000 (can be jointly sponsored)

Including option to address the delegates

Gala Dinner R250,000 (can be jointly sponsored)

Including option to address the delegates

Wines for social functions R25,000

Draft Beer for social functions R25,000

Lunches per day (three days available) R35,000

Refreshments per day (three days available) R 10,500

Branded Water Coolers for the 3 days R25,000

Daily News Flysheet issued 2nd & 3rd days R25,000

Field Trips per trip per day R10,000


The following items or any other appropriately useful items may be provided or sponsored. (Estimated requirement 500)

Conference bags – with company logo est. R120 each R 60,000

Memory sticks with proceedings & company logo est. R150 R75,000

Conference Notes Printing – Estimated costs R50 each R 25,000

Name Badges including company logo R30,000

Pens – Estimated cost R20 each including company logo R 10,000

Pads – costs R20 each including company logo R 10,000

Prizes - for best paper awards R 10,000

Students – sponsored attendance, travel & accommodation R 5,000

Adverts – A4 single sided in printed notes R 5000


We are most willing to discuss implementation of the above or any other ideas GENERAL may have for GENERAL participation in adding value for the delegates and exposure for your organization.

We hope to conclude most of the major sponsorship agreements before the end of December 2010 so we can include the names of the major sponsors in the main wave of advertising.

We look forward to welcoming you on board as a sponsor of GeoSynthesis 2011 and to working with you to make it a valuable and rewarding event for all participants.

Note we are also looking for interesting and valuable topics and speakers.

George Smith Peter Aspinall Tel: +2721 914 2888

Chairman Managing Director Cell: +2783 250 5083

GeoSynthesis 2011 SBS Conferences Fax: +2721 914 2890
