25th June 2013

Present: Cllrs Sweet, Cox, Elvidge, Pearson, Pinder, Thorley and Whitfield

In attendance: Helen Watson (Town Clerk)

Paul Beercroft (Humberside Police), Sylvia Hood (Sport for Everyone), Eddie Cunningham and Alfred Mclean (Beverley Barge Society), Ali Crompton and Liam Van Ryn (Beverley Open Doors Community Project), Andy Cawley (Hull Thursday Road Club), RCS Rance and T Jackson (Beverley Scouts). Ian Christie (Beverley Male Voice Choir), Stephen Hartley and Eileen Brown (Beverley Blues Festival)

81 To receive apologies for absence

Apologies were received from Cllr Aird.

82 (a) To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared.

(b) To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below.

No dispensations or declarations were received

83 To elect a Chair and Vice Chair for the current year

Cllr Sweet was elected as Chairman and Cllr Elvidge was elected as Vice Chairman for the current year.

Resolved - Cllr Sweet is elected as Chairman and Cllr Elvidge is elected as the Vice Chairman for the current year.

84 Cllr Sweet welcomed the applicants and explained the format of the meeting. Cllr Sweet also explained that the Civic Society and the Beverley Arts Trust application had been withdrawn.

85 To consider the following Grant Applications:

i)  Beverley & District Civic Society – Blue Plaque Project - £1240

To renovate existing plaques on buildings throughout the town.

This application was withdrawn

ii)  Beverley Blues Festival Committee - The Beverley Blues Festival - £1000

Power: S145 Local Government Act 1972

To sponsor the Beverley Blues Festival.

Members discussed the above application. Organisers explained that the event was to take place at 3 venues in the town to include the Sun, Armstrongs Club and Hodgsons, over the weekend event. It was noted that many of the events are free to attend. Organisers informed members that two international blues artists are booked for the event and tickets will be sold for £12.50. Members recommended supporting the application and awarding the full application grant of £1000.00.

Recommended – The sum of £1000.00 be awarded to the Beverley Blues Festival.

iii)  Hull Thursday Road Club - £750

Power: S137 Local Government Act 1972

To sponsor the First prize in the Elite Riders Circuit Race and to assist with the overall promotion of the East Yorkshire Classic Cycle race in Beverley on 19th July 2013.

Members sought clarification on publicity for Beverley Town Council in the race programme. The organiser stated that Beverley Town Council publicity will be in the race programme as in previous years. Members recommended supporting the application and awarding the full application grant of £750.00.

Recommended – The sum of £750.00 be awarded to Hull Thursday Road Club.

iv)  Beverley Arts Trust – Puppet Festival - £3000

To provide cross curricular creative projects for local schools in conjunction with the Puppet Festival.

This application was withdrawn

v)  Beverley Male Voice Choir - £500

Power: S145 Local Government Act 1972

To purchase uniforms and sheet music for the Male Voice Choir.

Members briefly discussed the good work of the Beverley Male Voice Choir. Members recommended supporting the application and awarding the full application grant of £500.00.

Recommended - The sum of £500.00 be awarded to Beverley Male Voice Choir.

vi)  Beverley Chamber Choir - £2000

Power: S145 Local Government Act 1972

To sponsor the Beverley Bach Festival, 21st -23rd November 2013

Members asked questions regarding the Bach Festival which were answered by the representative from the Beverley Chamber Choir. It was explained that this is a first time event, which may be repeated if it is popular. Members discussed the issues with paying musicians as part of the project and whether this would be accounted as staff wages or as a professional fee. Members recommended supporting the application and awarding a grant of £1000.00.

Recommended – The Sum of £1000.00 be awarded to the Beverley Bach Festival.

vii)  5th Wesley Scout Group - £3000

Power: Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976,s19

To purchase a storage container and camping equipment

Members asked discussed this application. Representatives were asked how many members the Scout group had. Representatives explained that at present it was a mixed group of 80 members and they expect this to increase to over 100. Further discussion took place on the estimated costs and siting of storage container. Representatives informed members that planning permission and siting were not yet confirmed. Members recommended supporting the application and awarding a grant of £1500.00 to be used for the purchase of tents.

Recommended - The sum of £1500.00 be awarded to purchase tents for the 5th Wesley Scout Group.

viii)  Sport for Everyone – £2138.09

Power: Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976,s19

To purchase new sporting equipment and provide finance for booking facilities for sport use.

Members received further information from the group representative. Members discussed the membership of the group and the locations of where the activities took place. It was noted that some of the activities were not in Beverley. Members recommended supporting the application and awarding the value of £1440.00 to be used for the Beverley Leisure Centre venue costs. This is to be invoiced to Beverley Town Council and will be paid directly.

Recommended - The value of £1440.00 be awarded to Sport for Everyone for the costs associated with the hire of Beverley Leisure Centre venue. This is to be invoiced to Beverley Town Council and will be paid directly.

ix)  Beverley Barge Preservation Society - £2000

Power: Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976,s19

To provide kitchen and shower facilities on trip boat Sun and life preserving equipment on the trip boat Mermaid.

Representatives from the Beverley Barge Society gave further information on the wet room toilet and shower facilities planned to enable the boat to facilitate mobility access for disabled users. Members asked further questions regarding the mobility requirements needed on the boat. Members recommended supporting the application and awarding the sum of £1150.00 to be used for the purchase of a wet base shower system and marine toilet.

Recommended – The sum of £1150.00 be awarded to the Beverley Barge society to purchase a wet base shower system and marine toilet for the Sun trip boat.

x)  Beverley Open doors Community Project - £2950

Power: Section 145 Local Government Act 1972

To provide staffing and technical equipment costs to stage Battle of the Bands event.

Representatives gave further information on the Battle of the Bands event. Members discussed that it was a positive event for the town, as some of them had attended the event last year. Members recommended supporting the application and awarding the sum of £2100.00 to be used pay for the PA and lighting equipment required at the event.

Recommended - The sum of £2100.00 be awarded to pay for the PA and lighting equipment required at the event.

xi)  Humberside Police - £200

Power: Local Government and Rating Act 1997 s26

To provide leaflets and equipment needed for a crime reduction cycle project.

Members received further information regarding the theft of new bile’s in the area. Members noted that the organisation was also seeking funding from other neighbouring Parish Councils. Members recommended supporting the application and awarding the full application grant of £200.00.

Recommended - The sum of £200 be awarded to purchase equipment and produce leaflets for the cycle crime reduction campaign.