Document must be read in a British accent

Chlovis Escobar

Honors English III


October 24, 2012

Recently, I pushed my baby bird paper out of the nest so it would learn to fly on its own. Now, my paper has gone off to discover the world as a young adolescent. It hasn’t quite reached adulthood yet, but with a few minor tweaks I do believe that she could finally reach her full potential. When I first birthed my precious offspring, it was a laborious task. I had absolutely no evidence to back my claims; my claims about how our government should better regulate welfare. For the rough draft I really just spit out claims and warrants…it was a very ROUGH draft.

A few days later as the due date approached, my child was entering her teenage years. All that angst and teen spirit started to rear its ugly head, and revising the paper seemed nearly impossible. As I searched for what it needed, I had an epiphany! What I was missing was several accounts of evidence to piece together my writing. Realizing this, I went back and obtained truckloads of research. After several hours of dumping that load into my paper, I came out with what I refer to as my final draft aka my young adult.

Overall, I am quite content with what I have formulated. I believe that I was strong in sticking to the proper pattern of claim, evidence, and warrant. It appears as though I was very coherent in my train of thought, and as a reader I believe it to be quite a convincing paper. The only thing I think that could be added is perhaps more accounts of evidence to better support my claims. I also think that I should show more opposing viewpoints. I hope that one day I can complete the raising of my baby bird. Maybe she will come back eventually with an offspring of her own, and we can all fly together like birds of a feather.