SEPTEMBER Good News newsletter 2016
You are cordially invited to
Chestnut Hill United Methodist Church
Anniversary/Homecoming Celebration
On Sunday, September 18, 2016
Join us for “Social Time” @ 9:30 a.m.
Worship Service @ 10:30 a.m.
Guest Speaker: Rev. David Burch
Catered Lunch ~ Historical Displays
RSVP by September 1st
Call the church office at 434-239-8423
From Pastor Liz
Dear Friends,
The month of September finds us starting our Fall activities. Sunday School classes start back up with our exciting new emphasis on outreach and growth. New Bible study opportunities are being offered, as well as, our vital weekly church services.
A church is not merely a physical building - a church is a family composed of its many members. When some of our family is missing, we are not as strong a body. We do what we want to do! That’s the bottom line when it comes to human behavior. If you want to go hunting, you’ll go hunting. If you want to play golf, you’ll play golf. If you want to go shopping, you’ll go shopping. And if you want to go to church, you’ll go to church. It’s just that simple.
Justo González writes in his book, “When Christ Lives in Us”, that we need to restore the idea of fasting, both in the literal sense and in the figurative. By figurative fasting he means going to church instead of going to the mall, or taking that trip to the beach. Why? In order to remind ourselves that we must seek God’s will above all and to spend time in prayer and worship.
I want to see you in church this Sunday and every Sunday, but I definitely want to see you at “Homecoming” on September 18. I challenge you to clear your calendar and join us, but obviously only if you want to. I hope this once you will want to - because I want all of us to experience what it is like when every one of us decides to worship God on the same Sunday.
~Blessings, Grace, and Peace, Liz
Fall Class Starting
A daytime study of the Gospel of Luke will be taught by the Pastor every Wednesday beginning September 14th from 10:30 -12:00 in the Conference Room. The study will last eight weeks. We will look at the Gospel in it’s context and try to discover what it says for our lives. You are encouraged to attend this important Study. Contact Rev. Liz or the church office if you plan on attending.
“Time for Us All to Go “Back to School”
Just as students are opening their minds to new ideas this fall, we, too, should go “back to school.” Here are a few ideas to inspire lifetime learning: Read, read, read. Challenge yourself to read a new book every month. Find organizations and associations to help you stay up on new things in your profession. Attend church services weekly and participate in a Bible study to learn more about your faith. Spend time with a young person and experience the wonder of seeing the world through a child’s eyes. Finish a crossword puzzle, play a card game or complete a jigsaw puzzle. Brain research shows that puzzles and games keep your mind sharp. Use your life to teach others. What have you experienced that you could share with other people? Find your inner artist. Learn to paint, create pottery, play an instrument or write poetry. Take a course at your local university or community college.
Stretch your muscles. Learn a new sport or challenge yourself to a new exercise schedule. Listen to, remember and share the stories of your elders; they contain important history and great messages.
Chestnut Hill United Methodist Church extends Christian love and sympathy to the family of Lester Evans Fainter and especially to his wife, Adna. Mr. Fainter passed away on August 6, 2016.
The Merry Marthas Circle will meet on Wednesday, September 14th at the Legacy Oaks Clubhouse off Old Forest Rd., hosted by Neta Pearson and Marsha Burks. We will have a short program/Pledge Service and a business meeting. Our picnic will be at the Glass Farm on Wednesday, Sept. 28 at 6:00 p.m.
United Methodist Women
Annual Meeting
September 25,2016
Heritage UMC @ 3:00 PM
Gifts & Memorials
In Memory Of:
Lester E. Fainter
Given by: Gene & Neta Pearson,
Robbie Perrow, Frances Unruh, Georgia Mason
In Honor Of:
50th Wedding Anniversary~Hylton & Sylvia Glass
Given by: Dan & Judy Robertson
September Birthdays
1Georgia Mason2Carl Hardwick
3Rose Morris
4Jimmy Blunt
Adna Fainter
5Shirley Johnson
6Brian Anders
8Monica Campbell
10Carolyn Inman
11Robert Hicks
12Clarissa Clarke
14Robert Elium, Jr.
Joel Weaver
15Elizabeth Daugherty
Jody Underwood
16John Forster
17Jerry Lease
18Robert Bennett
Sarah Stables / 19Thomas Evans
Linda Stinnett
20Doris Wilkerson
21Naomi Levin
Beryl Martin
22Eleanor Maxham
23Blair Gunter
24Brianna Abbott
Brandi Tinsley
Betty Williams
26Sharon Mayhew
28Kendall Gunter
Janice Harden
Sandra Tilley
29Beverly Franklin
Vanessa Norman
Children’s Ministry
The children are now participating in the church’s reading program. Beryl Martin will give us a book each month for them to take home to read. Thank you, Beryl, for enriching our children’s ministry.
Thank you for all of your donations toward our children’s ministry in selling jewelry that will help us get to the Washington Zoo. There will be another fundraiser in September. We are planning our trip to the Zoo in October and all of you are invited.
Kingdom Kids will start on Sunday, September 11th, and will go through Sunday, October 23rd. We start at 4:00 p.m. and end at 6:15 p.m. We are asking for volunteers to help prepare dinner on Sunday, September 25th, and on Sunday, October 16th. We need you to prepare and serve food. I will purchase the food and have it at Fort Hill.
Please continue to pray for the children and this ministry. God has truly blessed us with all of you!
~Jody Underwood, Lay Children’s Ministry Coordinator
Top of the Hillwill resume on Monday, September 26, 2016, at 11:00 a.m. Bring a sandwich. Drinks and dessert will be provided.
Please send your reports of visits and phone calls each month to Scottie Nuckols, 1250 Jefferson Oaks Court, # 44, Forest, VA 24551. Or e-mail to . On your report please note the month and year, names of those visited (or called) and the number of times visited or called that month and any comments of our pastor. Please try to get this information to Scottie by the 5th of the month. We express our appreciation to all the volunteers who participate in this ministry of compassion.
A total of 23 visits and 51 phone calls were made in JULY.
Mission News
The food cart for July was full as usual. We collected 14 pks. of toilet paper for a total of 138 rolls; 2pks of diapers for a total of 100 diapers. All toilet paperand diapers are needed at Park View Mission. We also collected 17 jars of peanut butter, 11 cans of fruit, and 5 cans of meat products that totaled 38lbs. of food. Thank -you for your generous support of the Park View Mission. In September they are asking for peanut butter, diapers sizes 5 & 6, and of course toilet paper.
~Thank-you from Linda Jessen & the Mission Committee
In SEPTEMBER we will be collecting ““Peanut Butter, Toilet Paper, Diapers (sizes 5 & 6)”.
This will assist people through Park View Community Mission.
Please place in the food cart, located in the Commons. Help those in need.
Those Who Serve ~ SEPTEMBER
USHERS: Fred Norvelle, Head Usher
September 4 ~Jody Underwood, Jane White
September 11 ~Ann Ruhland, Linda Wright
September 18 ~Linda Jessen, Robbie Hodges
September 25 ~Lisa Redford, Pat Moore
September 4 ~Elizabeth Ashworth
September 11 ~Linda Wright
September 18 ~Jane White
September 25 ~Scottie Nuckols
September 4 ~Stay in service.
September 11 ~Children’s Church
September 18 ~Stay in service.
September 25 ~Children’s Church
Hylton Glass, Sylvia Glass, Maggie Musgrove
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GOOD NEWSis published monthly for members and friends of Chestnut Hill United Methodist Church. Send articles to the church office by the 15th of the month.
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Our Attendance
Sunday School Worship
7/24 43 76
7/31 35 61
8/7 42 59
8/14 44 68
8/21 48 76 / Our Church Financial Picture
Through the end of July 2016
General Operating Funds:
Needed to meet our 2016 Budget $ 240,042
Needed to meet our budget to date $ 140,024
Actual receipts to date $ 127,351
Shortfall to meet budget to date $ 12,673
Actual expenditures to date $ 109,131
Overage meet expenses to date $ 18,220
Joy In Missions Funds:
Our Giving Goal for 2016 $ 11,600
Needed to meet our goal to date $ 6,767
Actual receipts to date $ 7,036
Special Offerings* (not budgeted):
Received to date $ 5,597
Dispersed to date $ 4,443
*Christmas, Easter, Annual Conference,
World Communion, etc.
2016 Joy In Mission Donations
To date, the following amounts have
been paid to the missions indicated.
Missionary Covenant Relationship $ 1,250
UMCOR(One Great Hour of Sharing) $ 0.00
Free Clinic $ 250
Heart Havens $ 451
Missions~Food for Families $ 910
Interfaith Outreach $ 500
Meals on Wheels (Souper Bowl) $ 1,024
Habitat for Humanity $ 250
Churches for Urban Ministry $ 250
Adult Care Center $ 250
Daily Bread $ 250
Camp Timothy $ 500
Society of St. Andrew $ 560
Good Neighbor $ 0.00
Heifer $ 0.00
UMCOR-Non-Administrative $ 0.00
Blue Ridge Area Food Bank $ 250
Undesignated $ 0.00
Thank You for Your Generosity
Read Ahead
Each Sunday the lectionary provides us with readings from the Gospel, the Epistles (Letters), the Old Testament, and the Psalms. The lectionary follows a three year cycle, which when finished will have covered the majority of the Bible. Pastor Liz believes that reading ahead will increase your understanding and enjoyment of the service.
For September 4, 2016, the Scriptures are Jeremiah 18:1-11, Philemon 1-21& Psalm 139. The sermon text is Luke 14:25-33 and the message is “No Price Too High”.
For September 11, 2016, the Scriptures are Jeremiah 4:11-12, 22-28, 1 Timothy 1:12-17 & Psalm 14 The sermon text is Luke 15:1-10 and the message is “God Never Gives Up”.
For September 18, 2016, the Scriptures are Jeremiah 8:18-9:1, 1 Timothy 2:1-7 & Psalm 4. We are blest to have the Reverend David Burch bringing our message.
For September 25, 2016, the Scriptures are Jeremiah 32:1-3a, 6-15, Luke 16:19-31 & Psalm 91. The sermon text is 1 Timothy 6:6-19 and the message is “Fight Fiercely For Faith”.
Cleaning Day
On Wednesday, September 7th, starting at9:00 a.m., or whenever you can get there! We want our church to beneat and clean for Homecoming Sunday! Come with cleaning supplies and"sharp eyes" to see things that need to be moved or thrown out.
Helpwill be needed on Homecoming Sunday! We will need extra greeters, help serving the lunch, and clean-up afterwards.
Watch for sign-up sheets.
Homecoming/65th Anniversary
If you have been saving a dollar a week since April 1, 2015 as suggested by the Homecoming Committee, you should have $76.00/person to give to our church. Of course, any amount will be gratefully accepted. We will begin accepting these donations on Sunday, Sept. 4. Please mark checks for “HOMECOMING”, or place cash in a pew envelope marked the same and place in the offering plate.
5 Talent Academy
October 4, 2016
Registration is now open for the 5 Talent Academy, Equipping People for Ministry Outside the Walls of the Church event to be held 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 4. This event will be live streamed in Lynchburg. Featured speaker is Andy Crouch, executive editor of Christianity Today and author of several books, including “Strong and Weak: Embracing a Life of Love, Risk and True Flourishing”, “Playing God: Redeeming the Gift of Power” and “Culture Making: Recovering Our Creative Calling”. Pastor Liz is hoping to get a team of five to attend. Please let Pastor Liz or Monica know if you wish to attend.
Thank youto all those who helped cook and serve the Park View Mission Dinner on August 17th, and to Pastor Liz for doing the devotion. We are scheduled to do it again on November 2nd. Please volunteer to help if you are able!
~Judy Robertson
Welcome Our New DS
On September 11 - District Welcome and Service for our new DS and pastors at Mountain View UMC, 3:00 p.m., service with reception to follow. Our new District Superintendent, Scott Davis, served as a pastor here 29 years ago at Emmaus UMC in Moneta. He and his wife, Laurie, are enjoying living in Central Virginia and being near the mountains. Laurie teaches art at Nelson Middle School and enjoys cooking, entertaining, swimming, dancing, and creating art. They have two young adult children, Sarah and Jordan, who both live in Charlottesville. Rev. Davis enjoys spending time outdoors, especially running and hiking, and am also often looking for the nearest coffee house.
Welcome Our New Bishop!
Welcoming service for Bishop Sharma Lewis isto be on Saturday, Sept. 17th, at Reveille UMC, Richmond. Bishop Sharma D. Lewis, the first African-American woman elected a bishop in the Southeastern Jurisdiction, has been assigned to lead the Virginia Conference for the next four years. She will begin her term of office on Sept. 1. A welcoming service of worship for Bishop Lewis will be held at Reveille UMC, 4200 Cary Street Road, Richmond, 10:30 a.m. to 12 noon Saturday, Sept. 17.
Chestnut Hill United
Methodist Church
4660 Fort Avenue, Lynchburg, VA 24502
Phone Number: 434-239-8423: FAX: 434-239-7209
On the web:
Church Office Hours
9:00 am—3:30 pm
9:00 am-1:00 pm
Young Jin Cho / Richmond Area Resident BishopScott Davis / Lynchburg District Superintendent
Liz Ecklund / Minister
Vernie Barrow / Minister Emeritus
Monica C. Campbell / Administrative Assistant
William Sperrazza / Director of Music Ministry
Judy Martin / Bookkeeper
Elaine Clarke / Lay Leader
Jody Underwood / Lay Children’s Ministry Coordinator
Chris Glass / Lay Youth Ministry Coordinator