Instructions for CSU AO Identification of a Course as Comparable to a C-ID Descriptor
When a course is identified by a CSU campus as comparable to C-ID descriptor, the CSU course indicated will articulate with approved California Community College courses with that C-ID designation. Comparable identification does not imply CSU-to-CSU articulation, nor does it imply reverse articulation of CSU-to-CCC courses.
1. Go to and log-in using your institution’s name and password.
2. If you do not have a log-in and password, please e-mail (hasn’t this changed?) for log-in permission.
You can personalize your password with the following steps:
The first page you come to after you log on contains an “Edit your profile” link in the bottom right corner. Click on this link and you will be presented with another spot to click on to change your password.
- Click on the “Course Review” tab at the top.
- Click on submit courses.
- Choose the discipline of the courses you want to submit.
- Choose the C-ID course descriptor from the drop down filter and press “GO”
- “Add Descriptor” only applies if two or more descriptors are required for the articulation.
- Enter in your CSU course by choosing your prefix designation & press add.
- Now enter your CSU number by choosing it from your list of numbers & press add.
- Enter the approval date (that your campus approved the articulation) as F for Fall or S for Spring and the year.
- Comments only need to be included as needed – these comments will populate in ASSIST but will not populate on the C-ID website.
- Press “save”.
- You will see a message stating that the changes were successfully saved and a link to take you back to the submit page if you want to enter another course for C-ID articulation.
- For multiple course submissions:
When entering two courses to articulate with one C-ID descriptor, stay on the screen after saving the first course, enter the second course and then “save” again. It will appear with a conjunction on the “View” page.
When entering two separate courses (course A OR course B) to articulate
with a C-ID descriptor, each course must be submitted and saved on separate submission pages.
From the entrance to “Course Review” page, you can go to the “view your submitted courses” page. Here you can edit or delete any courses you just entered or were already in the C-ID system (from earlier submissions to Pam), and you may also download a spreadsheet of all of your courses.