Rules - LSC Fast Cruise Frostbite Series 2010 / 2011


CoordinatorGraham 07778 362722

CoursesDon Shackley 07973 529032

HandicapsJohn Clarkson 07793 143738

  1. Boat Details:Please supply your boat details: Name, Make, Model and LOA to Graham d ratings will be obtained for you by John Clarkson.
  1. Entry: Entry fee is £2 per person per Fast Cruise and this will be collected from each boat on the pontoon after each Fast Cruise. Prizes to be awarded for 1st, 2nd & 3rd place on the prize giving evening of 15th March 2008 (final Fast Cruise). A LSC Trophy to be awarded on Trophy Night/Laying up Supper November 2009.
  1. Ratings: see separate handicap report to follow. Spinnakers, Cruising Chutes, Code Zero & Stay Sails will be allowed for all.The Fast Cruise is based on your personal elapsed time; hence no controlled start is required. For fun we all try and go over the line at roughly the same time. Engines off 5 minutes before and a nominated boat will sound a horn 1 minute prior to the start time on VHF CH 77. Each boat must record their own times when they cross the start line.
  2. Reporting Finishing Time:Immediately after crossing the finish line please supply your elasped time to John Clarkson on 07793143738, who will collate the information and calculate your corrected time, Fast Cruise results, and amended CN (Club Number) for the following Fast Cruise. The results for each Fast Cruise will be circulated and posted on the club website during the week following the Fast Cruise. Final positions will be calculated on the day of the Prize Giving Evening.
  1. When Boats Meet:International Regulations for the Prevention of Collisions at Sea will apply when Fast Cruising. The Racing Rules of Sailing are not applicable.
  1. Scoring:The 3 best results to count. In the event of a tie then the best 4 results to count, then the best 5 results and then all races to count. Points awards as follows 1st = 1 point, 2nd = 2 points, and 3rd = 3 points etc. Boats that do not finish will score = the number of boats that start plus 1 point.
  1. Start Line:It is planned to publish the location of the Start line and the course on the Club website (on the Fast Cruise page) before the Friday prior to the Fast Cruise. A text message will be sent out between noon on Friday and 08:00hrs on Saturday to confirm this but course changes may also occur on the day. Please keep your phone on! Start time will be normally be at 11:00hrs. Any change to this will be published on the Fast Cruise Flyer & Booking Form and on the website. Please log your exact time of reaching the Start Line – this is when your bow is in line with the Start. No boat can cross the start line prior to the official start, however elapsed time must commence from 10 minutes after the official start time even if the boat crosses the start line later. Please set your watch to the time stated on your GPS.
  2. Course to Sail: Course will be confirmed on Saturday on the morning of the fast cruise at 08:00 via MOBILE PHONE (text), it will be subject to weather conditions. Notifications re: shortening of course or abandonment will be communicated via text, please ensure that mobiles are switched on. Also listen in on VHF CH 77.
  1. Sailing the course:It is planned to publish the course on the Club website (on the Fast Cruise Function page) and will be confirmed between Friday noon and 08:00hrs on the Saturday morning of the Fast Cruise. The full course will only be texted if there amendments. Otherwise the message will confirm the course is as per the website. Weather conditions may necessitate a change to the course on Saturday morning; again this will be made by text message and if possible on VHF CH 77. The course must be sailed correctly, if you make an error you must return and go around the buoy the correct way.
  2. Finish: please log your exact time of reaching the Finish Position - this is when your bow is in line with the Finish and make sure you cross the line inside the distance specified in the course.. If it is not stated in the course it will be 1 cable (200metres). Please ensure that the same watch is used for the Start and Finish times.
  1. Other:Please ensure that the skipper’s mobile number has been provided to Graham Broadway in advance.Enjoy your day, and we’ll see you on the pontoon!