APHG Name:

Unit 2 Period:


Activity 2.2 Due: Friday, Aug. 25 (with 2.1, 2.3, 2.4)

Population: Demographic Transition Models

Part I: Sweden & Mexico

In order to complete the following items for part I, you must refer to the blog for figures and models that will assist you.

Using the data provided, observe the two Demographic Transition Models for Sweden and Mexico.

Carefully examine the 2 graphs in order to help answer the following questions. Notice

that there is a significant difference in the dates along the horizontal axes. You must

print both DTMs and turn in with answers to the following questions.

1) a) In both Sweden and Mexico which seems to decline first – birth or death rates? (This is the same for all countries, just observe which one declines first on the DTM in Stage 2)

b) Suggest some reasons for this.

c) Did the death rate decline in Sweden or Mexico first? Why do you believe this was the case?

2) What happened to the rate of natural increase as the death rates began to drop?

3) a) When did the birth rates seem to start going down on a fairly regular basis in each


b) What effect has the declining birth rates had on the rate of natural increase?

c) Why has Mexico’s birth rate decline started much more recently than Sweden’s? (Consider when the two countries went through Stage 3)

d) Once Mexico’s birth rate did start to decline, it was a very slow decline, even into the late 1900s. Why?

4) a) Using the DTMs provided, draw lines indicating where you believe the various

stages of the demographic transition model start and end.

b) Have both countries gone through all 4 stages? Explain.

5) What do you notice about the length of time (number of years) between the start of the

2nd stage and the end of the 3rd stage for Sweden? Estimate how long this period will be

for Mexico. Explain the difference.

6) a) What is similar about Stage 1 and Stage 4 of the Demographic Transition Model?

b) What is very different about these two stages?

c) What conclusion can you draw about low rates of natural increase?

Part II: Identifying the Stages of Demographic Transition

Complete the following chart using the provided codes that follow. Record the letter codes that typify a stage of the demographic transition in the middle column.

Stage of Demographic Transition / Major Events
(Write letter codes here) / Examples of Countries in Stage
1 / · 
2 / · 
3 / · 
4 / · 
5 / · 

Letter Code Demographic Transition Events/Characteristics

A Zero Population Growth (ZPG)

B Substantial Decline in CDR

C Decline in CBR

D Longest time span in human history

E Highest Rates of Natural Increase (NIR)

F Onset of Agricultural Revolution

G Onset of Industrial Revolution

H Hunter-Gatherer Society

I Medical Revolution

J Vast fluctuations in CBR, CDR and NIR

K Precipitous (sharp) decline in NIR

L Lowest CBRs

M Highest CDRs

N Enclosure Movement in England

O Increased Urbanization

P Social change (women’s rights movement)

Q Highest Life Expectancies

R Death rate exceeds birth rate leads to eventual negative

Population growth

S Sub-replacement fertility (TFR below 2.1)

T Rise in individualism

U Greatest financial independence for women

V Increase in non-traditional lifestyles

W Far less women having babies

X Fewer resources for future generations